I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 222 The stone beads move strangely



Punch after punch, the power penetrated through the arm, the power was dispersed, and the boulder in front of him was directly turned into powder.

A full strike!

Behind him, players one after another were exercising, using various ways to experience the feeling of strength.

Feel every bit of power in your body, feel each muscle group, each muscle, and try to take back control bit by bit.

The control of every human muscle is in the hands of the brain and is controlled by the subconscious mind.

Almost all permissions of human beings, this huge and sophisticated flesh and blood machine, are controlled by default programs.

Heart beating, lung expansion, muscle contraction, etc., these are all passive skills.

Only when these active skills are gathered one after another and turned into actions such as hands-on, lifting feet, deep breathing, running, jumping, etc. will they be transformed into active skills and be controlled by shallow consciousness.

This is not a physical authority being usurped, but simply an insurance for human beings to survive.

If all these details were controlled by shallow consciousness, then all human beings would die suddenly in an instant.

This is protection, not restraint.

But when you are strong enough, the protection will gradually fade away, and you can gain your own permissions.

Little by little, take back the authority of your body.

Use it by yourself when you need it, and hand it over to your body for idle operation when you don't need it.

Fang Bai punched out fiercely.


All the air within several square meters in front of him exploded.

Within his body, Fang Bai mobilized his Qi and blood bit by bit.

I haven't moved it for a long time, so it's a bit unfamiliar to operate.

At the same time, mental power moves with the heart, dancing with Qi and blood.

Suddenly, Fang Bai suddenly felt something was wrong, and his mental energy was concentrated directly in a pocket of his clothes.

Under Fang Bai's gaze, wisps of qi and blood escaping from his pocket sank into a round stone bead when it touched it.

Qi and blood are essentially the energy generated by muscle activity. When this energy is gathered to a certain extent, it becomes extraordinary and can be freely mobilized and controlled.

This kind of power can be condensed in the body, but it can also escape due to muscle activity.

This is like the natural dissipation of heat, which is a loss caused by human activities.

If you work hard on fine control, you can control it from overflowing and form a leak-free body.

Thereby reducing body power consumption and increasing body endurance.

In reality, in order to accumulate hard-won Qi and blood, Fang Bai would go to great lengths to control Qi and blood bit by bit.

But in the game, there are elemental powers, various high-energy foods, and quick and easy replenishment of Qi and blood, so Fang Bai won't have such trouble.

But at this moment, I didn't expect that Qi and blood could actually enter this stone bead.

This stone bead was originally obtained by Fang Bai from the original Mage Tower, which is now the Dragon Bone, together with the Mage Tower.

It is also the only item that Fang Bai cannot scan using fantasy space so far.

There is nothing the Mage Tower can do. Fang Bai always carries this stone bead with him and plays with it from time to time.

Before this, Bai had tried all kinds of energy methods, including qi and blood, but Shizhu just didn't react at all, and didn't absorb any of it.

Not to mention qi and blood, I have tried it all with blood.

There are even people who bring stone beads to fight, kill monsters, kill people and so on.

Even when the master died, it didn't react at all.

Fang Bai almost thought that this stone bead would be silent for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that it would react again now.

Fang Bai suddenly looked deep into the Longwei area.


"Long's power is the key!"

"But why didn't I get any reaction the last few times I came here?"

Fang Bai recalled when he came here to practice a month ago.

For such a long time, Fang Bai had not completely controlled his Qi and blood, and Qi and blood were leaking freely.

Shizhu was also on him at that time.

Moreover, Fang Bai's mental power always covers himself and the warning area, so there is no chance of him not paying attention.

"The stone beads are changing now. Is this because the time spent in the Longwei area has finally been enough?"

There was a slight movement in Fang Bai's mind. He looked at the stone bead that was slowly absorbing the leaked energy and blood. With a thought, the leaked energy and blood actively flowed towards the stone beads.

The absorption speed of the stone beads instantly increased and doubled.

"Huh? Why did you stop?"

Fang Bai was stunned and found that no matter how much energy and blood he sent in, the absorption speed of the stone beads was only about 1.8 times of the original, and then it reached the limit.

"It's only one point eight times. I can't absorb all the energy and blood leaked every moment.

When can you suck me dry? "

Fang Bai couldn't help but complain and pondered for a moment.

"If the change occurred because of the Longwei area, then if I continue to go deeper into the Longwei area, will the stone beads absorb energy and blood faster and faster?"

Fang Bai's thoughts were settled, and he glanced at the players who were training in various ways. Without hesitation, he immediately went deep inside.

It's just that Fang Bai thinks the depth is suitable for them, not the depth suitable for himself.

After getting rid of them, Fang Bai moved forward quickly.

With each step forward, Long's power will increase further.

However, Long Wei is suppressed on the consciousness and has basically nothing to do with strength.

Therefore, although Fang Bai was powerful, had strong defense, and had extremely high physical strength, he still had to face Long Wei as if he was facing a real injury.

Family members, who knows, after so much effort in raising your defenses so high, you actually have to face real injuries again.

Simply thanks to the fantasy space, Fang Bai's consciousness intensity was not bad, and he shuttled and moved forward quickly.

It hit the ground step by step, but it didn't leave any traces or make any sound, but it could burst forward at extremely fast speeds again and again.

As he went deeper, Fang Bai found that the stone beads absorbed energy and blood a little faster every time he walked a certain distance.

Zero point doubled, zero point doubled.

"It's really because of Long Wei."

Fang Bai looked at the stone bead.

"This can't be a dragon ball, right?"

Fang Bai couldn't help but murmured, but carefully thought about the power of Dragon Bone after it lost the suppression of the mage tower, and the terrifying scope of Dragon Power now.

"It's impossible, Dragon Bone has such a strong pressure, it almost killed me when I lost the suppression.

If it's really a Dragon Ball, it must be at least stronger than Dragon Bone, right?

How could it still be normal and not respond at all? "

Fang Bai pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

“Forget it, whatever it is, as long as it’s a good thing.

It will absorb qi and blood, so I will supply qi and blood, and you will always be able to show something strange in the future. "

Regarding the unknown stone beads, Fang Bai had no fear at all, only expectations.

Whether it's good or bad, it's a good result for Fang Bai.

After all, the worst that can happen is death.


Continuing to go deeper, the stone beads silently swallowed up the scattered energy and blood all over Fang Bai's body.

I worked overtime until past twelve o'clock yesterday. I didn't have time to type. I also forgot about the leave request. I'm sorry.

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