I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 233 Dragon Ball Dragon Qi


As soon as this ray of energy appeared, King Ma immediately turned his head and looked over.


The horse king who was training suddenly rushed to Fang Bai and gnawed directly at the stone bead in Fang Bai's hand.


Fang Bai didn't even raise his head, and slapped Ma Wang away.

The thick-skinned Ma Wang fell to the ground and came back in a flash. His eyes never left the stone bead in Fang Bai's hand, nor the ray of energy flowing out, and he breathed heavily.

But it was probably because of the slap just now that it woke up and regained some of its sanity.

Seeing Ma Wang's crazy look and feeling the aura emanating from this ray of energy, Fang Bai instantly remembered the Dragon Scale Fruit.

"Is it something similar?"

Fang Bai looked at this ray of energy, which was blood red, like mist, and looked insubstantial.

Just a wisp, as if it would be blown away by the wind at any time.

But Fang Bai's perception of mental power was extremely heavy and condensed.

It seems to be condensed with endless energy.

And it seemed to be true, Fang Bai felt an unimaginable energy density in it.

The power of ordinary elements in front of this wisp of blood-red mist is like the ratio of stars to the bright moon.

Fang Bai casually patted away the horse's head that came towards it unconsciously, and tried to sweep it away.

When I discovered that the same wisp of blood-red mist appeared in the fantasy space, I was relieved, and felt a little happy in my heart.

“Fortunately, fortunately, this one is not as unscannable as the stone beads.

Otherwise, I really don’t know what to do. "

Fang Bai didn't hesitate and handed the blood-red mist directly to Ma Wang.

"Don't you want to eat? Eat quickly."

But not in reality, but in fantasy space.

The horse king in the fantasy space has no reaction and his eyes are dull. He is a real plant horse.

Fang Bai's mental power was closely accompanied by the blood-red mist, and the moment this wisp of mist touched Ma Wang's body.


A dragon roar exploded in Fang Bai's mind, and Fang Bai's head jerked, feeling like a bomb had exploded inside his head.

The mental space was in a mess, and even the spell slots were a bit shaken.

Fortunately, it's just a fantasy body.

The fantasy space is based on the level of consciousness. Theoretically speaking, no amount of damage can cause harm to the material level.

Not to mention the physical level, it is impossible with spiritual power.

So Fang Bai canceled this fantasy body, condensed it again and completely recovered.

But I was still shocked when I saw the horse king.


Although I could guess that King Ma would be miserable, I didn't expect it to be so miserable.

The sky was filled with flesh and blood, not even a piece the size of a fingernail could be found.

“It exploded too fast, and I didn’t see any details.

Just now, that dragon roar just now."

"It should be something contained in this blood-red mist.

Bloodline? Dragon blood? "

Fang Bai couldn't help but have this idea pop up in his mind.

"If this is dragon blood, then what exactly is this stone bead?

Dragon blood crystal? "

One idea after another popped up in Fang Bai's mind, and one after another was rejected. Finally, the most unbelievable idea emerged in Fang Bai's mind.

"Damn it, is this stone really a dragon ball?!"

Fang Bai couldn't help but curse. He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect that this was the most likely one.

But if that's the case.

“It’s also sad that Fantasy Space can no longer be scanned, and that’s understandable.

The suppressed position of the mage tower must be the most central position, and it is reasonable to take the dragon ball flying when it rises, but..."

Outside the fantasy space, Fang Bai looked at the stone bead with complicated eyes.

He had been thinking about it for so long. The stone beads that had smashed walnuts and dripped blood could actually be dragon beads?

This this.

But seeing the crystal clear red color emerging from the gap, Fang Bai suddenly believed it again.

"Let's just think of it as a dragon ball."

"Stone beads, oh no, the blood-red mist coming out of the dragon beads.

Dragon blood, dragon energy? "

For some reason, Fang Bai couldn't help but think of the word dragon energy.

"Then let's call it Dragon Qi."

Fang Bai made up his mind and pushed the dragon's energy towards the horse king again, but this time he did not use his mental power to sense the state of the dragon's energy in real time.

According to Fang Bai's speculation, the reason why he was injured just now was entirely due to his mental power's real-time perception.

That dragon roar should be similar to a spiritual attack, similar to dragon power.

Sure enough, when Fang Bai didn't use his mental energy to pay attention, only the faint sound of dragon roars and the sound of dragons could be heard in his ears.


The horse king exploded into a ball of rotten meat, exactly the same as before, without any difference.

Fang Bai immediately regrouped Ma Wang and pushed the dragon energy over again. This time, the mental power directly enveloped Ma Wang's body inside and outside.


The dragon's roar was a little clearer, but it didn't reach the level of causing damage.

And King Ma's sudden change also left a fragment in Fang Bai's mind, and then boom!

Again and again, again and again.

Snippet after snippet, careful observation bit by bit, finally, Fang Bai half-watched and half-guessed the changes that occurred when Ma Wang came into contact with the dragon's energy.

The moment the dragon energy touched the horse king, it merged into it. In less than a thousandth of a second, it had spread to every corner of the dragon horse's body, inside and outside.

Muscles, bones, spine, heart, brain, bone marrow, and dragon scales!

The dragon scales spread quickly the moment they came into contact, covering the whole body in an instant, and were replaced by a new layer of thicker and denser scales in an instant, layer after layer.

At the same time, the body becomes majestic, the horse's hooves gradually extend into five claws, the teeth gradually become sharper, the two bulges on the head expand rapidly, the dragon's horns break through the flesh, and the horse's face deforms into a dragon's face.

In just a moment, the Horse King seemed to turn into a dragon horse, and the aura it exuded made Fang Bai tremble with fear.

Then again less than a thousandth of a second.


The horse king was blown to pieces.

The moment the horse king exploded, Fang Bai could still notice that the power of the dragon's energy had not been released at all.

Not to mention a horse king, another horse king will be blown to pieces.

This dragon energy seemed illusory, but in fact Fang Bai couldn't separate it at all.

Pushing the dragon energy to the horse king again and again, recording the details again and again, Fang Bai wanted to continue to pry into the secret of this dragon energy.

A moment passed outside the outside world, and a long time passed in the fantasy space.

Finally, after King Ma died countless times, Fang Bai opened his eyes.

Seeing the familiar Ma Wang who was close at hand, Fang Bai subconsciously pushed the dragon spirit over.

King Ma was ecstatic when he saw this, but when he saw Fang Bai's eyes, he suddenly came to his senses with a shiver and subconsciously took two steps back.

Its eyes seemed to reflect its countless death features!

Horse King:? ? ?

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