I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 234 Master Mecha Master!

"It was so dangerous, you almost died."

Fang Bai took back his dragon energy and said with a smile.

At this moment, Ma Wang looked at Fang Bai in horror and ran away.

He had never panicked before, whether he was caught by Fang Bai, Little Rhino, or Zhang Zhong.

Because it knows that although it can't defeat it, it won't die.

In this regard its perception is very acute.

This is the fundamental reason why it dares to be so naughty.

Because King Ma found that as long as he was honest in his job and cooperated well, he would be a little naughty and jumpy at other times, and there would be no problem in escaping or making a sneak attack.

This is called feeling confident in being favored.

But at this moment, the horse king was really panicked. The horse reflected in Fang Bai's eyes just now seemed to be a dead horse.

Some of the information revealed at that moment gave Ma Wang a huge impact.

Now no matter how Fang Bai called Ma Wang, he didn't dare to come over. Fang Bai withdrew his dragon energy and once again sank his mind into the fantasy space.

However, this time Fang Bai did not use King Ma as an experimental material, but directly came into contact with this wisp of dragon energy himself.

The moment the dragon energy entered his body, a dragon roar sounded in Fang Bai's mind.


In the dragon's roar, the dragon energy transformed into thousands and penetrated into every corner and every cell of the body.

The surging energy burst out from the inside of the body and directly impacted the most essential thing in Fang Bai's body, directly impacting Fang Bai's origin.


There seemed to be a concrete sound ringing in my ears, as if the Qiantang tide was slamming hard on the embankment.

Terrifying energy filled his body, and Fang Bai felt stronger than ever before.

Muscle fibers become stronger, bones become thicker, everything is strengthening, everything is changing.

The moment when this energy rushes into the energy in the body and merges with it


Fang Bai slowly levitated.

The power of energy and body seemed to directly form a miniature field.

Using this field to fly seems to have become Fang Bai's instinct.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The strong heart is like the beating of a giant drum, and the thick figure echoes in the fantasy space.

Feeling this unprecedented power, Fang Bai had only one thought in his mind.


Grandmaster! An absolute master!

Fang Bai could feel that his current strength could easily crush his previous self to death.

The elemental metal level body fully blooms, and the body and energy are simultaneously sublimated.

This is extremely terrifying power!

Fang Bai even felt that his mass had doubled at this moment, and the density of his body had increased countless times.

The powerful force impacted Fang Bai's mind!

A ray of dragon energy actually made him go straight to the master!

Fang Bai began to believe that this was dragon energy, which was too scary.

Fang Bai dared to believe that the masters he had met before would fight again without the need for anything, no need for clouds of blood, no need for cloud suppression, and they would be able to fight in single combat or group fights in their own state of complete victory. He only needed one punch. .

No matter how many there are, he only needs one punch!

And the attacks of these masters can't even break through his defense!

He believed that as long as he showed this kind of strength before the aborigines, there would be nothing to worry about.

There is no need for the nobles in Red Maple City to worry. As long as they are willing to accept it, they will become the largest nobles in Red Maple City!

Red Maple City will be yours in an instant.

Because strength is the greatest capital and the source of all nobility.

No nobility recognized by anyone is more noble than direct power!

Needless to say among the players, in the game reality, he will instantly jump up and reach the sky in one step!

Exit the fantasy space and really integrate into the dragon spirit now

Fang Bai was stunned as soon as this idea appeared in his mind, and fell silent in the fantasy space.


"When did I become so reckless?"

"Why should I go to fuse now? It's just an experiment.

The Dragon Qi can't escape, and even if it escapes, so what, the Dragon Balls are all in my hands.

Why am I in such a hurry? Even if you really decide to fuse, wouldn't it be good to wait until all the experiments are clear and you have a clear understanding before making a decision?


As soon as Fang Bai thought, a mirror condensed in front of him.

In the mirror, the cuticles on Fang Bai's face slowly bulged and hardened, and the pupils of his eyes gradually became narrower and longer.

Raising his hands, the nails on both hands gradually extended and became sharper. When he raised his head to look at the mirror again and looked into the pair of narrow pupils, Fang Bai shuddered.

Wake up instantly.

After waking up, I felt it instantly.

The energy of the Dragon Qi is still continuously impacting and infiltrating his origin. Although his origin is strong and tough and cannot be eroded instantly like King Ma, it is also being infiltrated bit by bit, bit by bit. Points changed Fang Bai's body structure and appearance.

Going up, it is directly imbued with spiritual power, continuously impacting Fang Bai's consciousness.

However, compared to the origin of his body, Fang Bai's consciousness remained motionless under the suppression of the fantasy space.

This awakening is not a coincidence, but an inevitable result of a strong and stable consciousness.

However, Fang Bai was really shocked and broke into a cold sweat. At this moment, he really felt the benefits of having a fantasy space to suppress his consciousness.

Otherwise, if consciousness is silently affected, what will happen no matter how strong the power is?

Are you still you?

Fang Bai took a deep breath to calm down, while using his powerful consciousness to suppress and control the energy in his body.

These energies eventually returned to Fang Bai, and slowly calmed down under suppression and control.

Fang Bai's narrow pupils recovered, the dragon scales degenerated and disappeared and turned into skin, and the sharp nails on his hands slowly retracted.

But Fang Bai could sense that this was just a stop-gap measure. The power of dragon energy was still continuously impacting consciousness and infecting the source.

This is unstoppable, and before long, after reaching a certain level, this will become irreversible!

After calming down, Fang Bai thought about it.

"Is there any dragon consciousness control left in the dragon energy?"

Fang Bai came up with this idea immediately. Fang Bai, who had read a lot of novels, understood that this was no joke.

If there is really hidden consciousness, then everything is over.

After thinking about it carefully, Fang Bai shook his head.

"There is no consciousness, it is just pure energy. If it can touch consciousness, it is just because the essence of these dragon energy is too high.

It is so high that it has the characteristics of both energy and spirit fields at the same time, and it is strong enough to span both fields, affecting both fields.

This behavior of infecting the origin and consciousness is just a characteristic of dragon energy.

Maybe it's the universality of this level of energy.

This is like when paint is dropped into water, it will naturally spread to surrounding areas with low pigment concentration. "

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