I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 363 Inner Space

"This fantasy space"

Fang Bai frowned in surprise.

In the brain, about the center of the eyebrows, an invisible white dot floats in it, in contact with the body but independent of it, as if it is not in the same dimension.

The mental power spread into the white spot, and a ten-meter-square space appeared in front of Fang Bai.

In the space, Fang Bai felt like he was in control and omnipotent.

"No, it's not an illusion."

Fang Bai said softly.

The space is indeed under his control, and his ray of spiritual power is also blessed by the entire space.

Fang Bai even felt that he could create things out of thin air and follow his words, but he felt that the loss was too great and he could not achieve it.

Fang Bai felt this space and traced its origins, becoming more and more illusory and unreal, and finally appeared in the fantasy space.

“In the beginning, the fantasy space only existed entirely in my fantasy.

Fantasy space, as its name suggests, is not much different from ordinary people's fantasies.

Later, for more convenient experiments and to preserve knowledge, I semi-fixed the fantasy space through a method of permanent thought.

Then, more and more knowledge is turned into books and stored on the bookshelf.

Filled bookshelves line up one after another, giving weight to the originally illusory fantasy space.

Knowledge has weight, and the fantasy space where knowledge is stored naturally also has weight.

And now”

Fang Bai felt his own state.

Body and soul are united, and the body directly carries the will.

The power of the solid field gathered together, finally surrounding the will as the core, and came into contact with the fantasy space.

Everything happened very naturally. Recalling the changes in the fantasy space, Fang Bai couldn't help but feel like he was in a dream.

"I didn't expect that my talent, which could only be used for fantasy, can now be transformed into an inner space that is completely under my control."

Fang Bai said softly.

He can clearly feel that this space is completely under his control, and its origin is completely consistent!

The inner space can be regarded as a part of Fang Bai's body. The growth of his origin will drive the growth of the inner space.

Similarly, the growth in the inner space will also push back Fang Bai's original growth.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Fang Bai's heart beat loudly, his body moved slightly, and a large piece of the rock beneath him shattered.

The extremely hard rock is as crisp as a biscuit under Fang Bai's hands, and breaks into pieces with a slight pressure.

Standing up, the ground shattered, and he looked at Kai Ming in front of him. As soon as Fang Bai raised his hand to say something, he jumped out dozens of meters with a look of shock on his face.


Fang Bai shook his head helplessly, bit by bit controlling his weight and strength which had increased countless times.

At the same time, the mental power is trying to use the inner space bit by bit.

The physical power soon returned to control, and the soul and body merged to create the realm.

The spiritual power originating from the soul naturally carries the power of a solid field, and its intensity rises sharply.

This also allowed Fang Bai to create smaller spiritual tentacles, so that they would not collapse due to being too small and unable to control them.

The control of mental power that originally touches the microscopic realm becomes more and more subtle. Fang Bai's power can even be divided into tens of thousands, and each force can be transformed into thousands.

Convenience even began to try to use force to accurately attack cells and even microscopic areas.

Countless tiny forces turned into tentacles scattered within a radius of several hundred meters, carrying Fang Bai's increasingly outrageous weight.

And Fang Bai in the inner space gradually mastered some usages.

During the mental activity, a force of space adheres to it.

The mental power passed by silently, a piece of air disappeared, and the surrounding air immediately gathered away.

Fang Bai looked at the air appearing in the inner space and couldn't help but smile.

As soon as he thought, the long bow, fantasy lotus, lotus root, dragon blood fruit, vines, dog skeleton, and remaining elemental metals floating behind him all disappeared, and instead appeared in the inner space.

"Space equipment, so big?!"

Kaiming's eyes widened when he saw the items that suddenly disappeared.

"Well, I picked it up on the road. I'm using it for the first time. Why, does it look good?"

Fang Bai said casually, this is the ruins of an ancient battlefield, and it makes sense to pick up a useful space equipment.


If it's unreasonable, just pick one up.

“These things can be put in, not just that!

Why did not I see! "

Kaiming's eyes widened when he heard this, and his mouth suddenly turned sour.

“I used to think that all the good things in the ancient battlefield had been eroded by the death energy.

There is actually something left, and the level is so high!

That's right, that's right, only something of such a high level can resist the erosion of death energy and remain.

By the way, I passed by there before and saw a large ruins, but I didn’t go in to see it. Yes, I’ll go and see it again!

Fang Bai, do you want to come together? "

Kai Ming asked aloud. When Fang Bai refused, he immediately ran away impatiently.

When Fang Bai saw that Kaiming had helped him compile the logic behind picking up the space equipment, he immediately shrugged slightly.

"There is still more than a day left to leave the trial space. Remember to leave the ancient battlefield and teleport out of the trial space.

Don’t get stuck in the ancient battlefield! "

"Okay, got it!"

Kai Ming left, and Fang Bai had a great time picking up and putting things away.

However, Fang Bai soon discovered the limitations of this space power.

"It can only extend to ten meters. Is this limited by the size of the inner space?"

Fang Bai muttered, he was very satisfied, although it was only ten meters, but it still had a very controllable space.

A ten-meter radius space completely under his control.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

Fang Bai's heart was moved, and he was ready to leave immediately, but at this moment, his mental power suddenly discovered something.


Fang Bai was in a huge cave at the moment, and he was curiously looking at a corner of the cave wall.

Just now, during his practice, the cave wall was shaken open by a crack. During the normal walking process, extremely subtle power continued to pour on it, shaking off some gravel and dust.

A corner of the colorful mural was exposed, and Fang Bai's spirit was slightly shaken when he saw this corner of the mural.

At this moment, Fang Bai knew that he had encountered a good thing by chance.

The level of this relic is definitely not low, and it is definitely worth it.

For some reason, Fang Bai turned his head to look in the direction where Kaiming left, and when he thought that he was looking for the relic, he immediately pondered slightly.


He shook his head, came back to his senses, and used his mental power to penetrate into the rock wall, but he could not sense anything, as if it was just an ordinary rock layer, without any abnormality.

But looking at that corner, it really existed, but after another look, Fang Bai found that the colorful mural in this corner was rapidly peeling off.


Fang Bai quickly used his mental power to empty all the surrounding gas, and even blocked the light.

The speed of the color peeling slowed down.

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