I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 364 The demon beast in the mural!

"Before the stone wall fell off, it could not be sensed by the spirit, and it was no different from ordinary rocks.

After it was exposed, the spirit could feel the shock, and the spirit would be disturbed.

But the color of the mural would immediately fall off when it came into contact with the outside world."

Fang Bai became more and more curious about the mural. He maintained an attitude of isolating himself from the outside world, stepped down, and fine power burst on the wall.


A piece of rubble fell, and a mural appeared in front of Fang Bai.

The murals, which looked like blood, were rough and extremely real to Fang Bai.

In the first mural, the sun shines on the earth, and a city floats higher than the sun, with a person standing on it.

On the earth, all kinds of strange creatures live, fight, and reproduce.

When Fang Bai saw this painting, his first thought was the farm.

The owner of the farm is on the floating city.

"The floating city is most likely an ancient wizard civilization."

Fang Bai turned his head to look at the second mural.

In the second mural, a figure that occupies half of the mural stands in front of a platform.

On the platform are bound the limbs of strange beasts.

The tiger is given dragon wings, the falcon is replaced with a lion's body, the sheep is replaced with a lion's head and a snake's tail, the giant is replaced with an eagle's head and eagle's claws, and the dog grows three heads

Various creatures with strange postures appear on the platform, and finally these creatures are put on the ground again.

"Biological transformation, biological experiment, probably all powerful monsters."

Fang Bai said softly, looking at the next mural again, and his heart jumped when he saw it clearly.

Lion-headed sheep-body snake-tailed, eagle-headed eagle-clawed giants and other strange creatures are tied with chains, and patterns of trees, rivers, suns, mountains and so on are placed in their bodies.

Looking at their bodies that have become as tall as the sun in the mural, Fang Bai suddenly understood the metaphor of the painter.

"This is... powerful!"

Fang Bai looked at the sun, trees, mountains and rivers contained in their bodies again, and one guess after another emerged in his mind.

"A symbol of rules? Or..."


Fang Bai's heart was pounding, and he couldn't wait to look at the next mural.

In the fourth mural, these tall creatures were unchained, put on armor, and climbed onto the floating city with warships in hand.

And on the objects held by the figures in the floating city, chains gradually faded.

"Controlled war weapons."

Fang Bai quickly looked at the next mural, and his mood became more and more agitated as he looked at the murals one after another.

The sudden fall of the floating city, the loss of control of various creatures, the counterattack seal of the remaining mages, the continuation of the war, the reproduction of various creatures, and in the last mural, countless people knelt in front of an altar, with cattle, sheep, slaves, gold and silver jewelry, elixirs, and magic beasts as sacrifices.

The space twisted and torn, and a claw that covered the sky and the sun fell, and the entire city completely sank into the ground under the claw!

The moment Fang Bai saw the claw, his pupils shrank sharply, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

Only then did he react and stand firm.

The claws that just covered the sky and the sun seemed to break through the space and the murals and grabbed him.

Fang Bai was sweating coldly, and his violently beating heart calmed down after a while.

Looking at these murals, history flowed in front of him like a river.

The hugeness of the ancient wizard civilization was also revealed in front of him.

Perhaps the disappearance of the ancient wizard civilization has also been revealed.

However, Fang Bai did not believe that a group of test subjects and a group of biological machines could cause the disappearance of this glorious civilization.

This is at most a part.

It may not even be a part, but only a small mess derived from an accident.

Immersed in this glorious civilization, Fang Bai carefully peeled off the murals and the cave walls, stacked them all together and included them in the inner space.

Fang Bai's mental power continued to go deep into the cave wall, looking for other abnormalities.

The mental power did not perceive anything, Fang Bai did not hesitate, stepped lightly with his feet, and a layer of the cave wall peeled off.

Another move, the cave wall peeled off.

The cave wall peeled off layer by layer, and Fang Bai continued to go deeper and deeper.

However, no abnormalities emerged, and no changes occurred.

After Fang Bai dug a huge hole, he did not continue to go deeper in this direction, but estimated the direction of the murals and began to go deeper in the direction from the first mural to the last mural.

There was still nothing under the perception of mental power, so he had to peel off the rock layer layer by layer.

Once, once, once.

After advancing about fifty meters, a small hole suddenly appeared in front of Fang Bai, but the mental power just sensed it was still a solid rock layer!

The hole that did not exist in the mental power!

Just like the mural just now, it could not be sensed in advance, but when it was exposed, the mental power could directly sense it.

"Got it."

Fang Bai was delighted, and immediately peeled off the rock layer, exposing the entire hole.

This was a space of only a few meters square, and facing Fang Bai was a rough altar that looked like it was cut by a knife and an axe.

The altar was only two or three meters high, and the rock structure was extremely rugged. But when Fang Bai looked over, he immediately felt a wild atmosphere coming towards him. Under his mental perception, it was like a mountain that stood tall and straight. He couldn't help but look down!

"Huff, huff!"

Fang Bai panted heavily, and it took him a while to break free. He looked at the altar and was slightly afraid.

Looking again with vigilance, Fang Bai was not involved in the artistic conception this time, and Fang Bai was able to see clearly the items on the altar.

The object was very familiar. The moment he saw it clearly, Fang Bai's heart suddenly beat violently.

It was a black iron token, palm long, with the word "war" written in small seal script on one side.

There is a series of numbers written on one side.

"Seven three two nine!"

Fang Bai's heart was beating fast. He was very familiar with this token style. He had just seen it twice, or in other words, he had seen it twice in the murals.

One time was in the hands of the mage at the top of the floating city. At that time, the token was still connected to a thick chain that was gradually disappearing.

And these chains were bound to those creatures before!

The second time was on the last mural, at the top of the altar!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Fang Bai's heart beat violently, almost jumping into his throat.

God of Warcraft.

Fang Bai suddenly remembered a word he saw in a folklore book.

"Is it a legendary demon beast?"

Fang Bai looked at the token on the altar again, his heart wavering for a long time and unable to calm down.

"Can I summon the token token of the demon beast?"

I couldn't help but look at the token on top of the altar again. I thought about it, but my mental power could not shake it at all.

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