I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 377: Forced Purchase and Sale

"Ka, Ka!"

The fat man's teeth were clacking and his fists were clenched involuntarily.

Fang Bai's words were like knives stabbing into his heart, and the fat man could only grit his teeth and say.

"Yeah, I don't like heavenly baptisms!"

"Oh, no wonder, it's a good thing you ran fast, a few seconds later you would have been tainted by the raindrops of heavenly baptisms.

You ran directly from the ancient battlefield at that time, the price must have been very high, right?"

The fat man couldn't help but recall that sword energy, and his heart suddenly hurt.

Spending a huge price to avoid an opportunity.

The pain was super doubled!

At the moment of heartache, Fang Bai kicked his feet hard, the earth shook, and Fang Bai instantly turned into a phantom and rushed towards the fat man.

At the same time, the terrifying force rushed directly along the earth towards the fat man, and exploded under the fat man's feet.

From all directions, a steady stream of gold elements gathered, cages, chains, at this moment it was like a net of heaven and earth.

At the same time, countless gold elements diffused out.

Although the fat man looked heartbroken, his movements were not slow at all. Light flashed on his body, and the whole person retreated like a fallen leaf. No matter how Fang Bai chased him, he was always a little short.

Fang Bai's face was ugly. He was just like this.

Otherwise, how could he have kept talking nonsense with him for so long, and even tried every means to divert attention and create opportunities for sneak attacks.

He felt that this fat man looked like he was laughing, but in fact he was much more difficult to deal with than that Odysseus.

"Brother Fang Bai, I was just joking just now. Don't be so excited. I won't make such jokes next time.

Let's make a deal. I'll use these two gold coins to exchange for a legendary dragon blood fruit."

Fang Bai saw the fat man throw two ancient gold coins over, and subconsciously prepared to take out the dragon blood fruit, but as soon as his hand moved, the inner space shook slightly, and his hand stopped.

His mind was running fast, recalling what the fat man had just said, and grabbed the two ancient gold coins.

"Not enough, add more money."

The fat man was delighted when he saw Fang Bai catch the ancient gold coin. He frowned after hearing the voice, but still took out two ancient gold coins.

"Add two more, and a legendary equipment will be about the same price."

Fang Bai felt that some force wanted to affect his consciousness, but was stopped by the inner space and the fantasy space. The inner space and the fantasy space suppressed his consciousness, like two ancient sacred mountains, standing still.

After Fang Bai caught the two ancient gold coins, a trace of hesitation, a trace of struggle, and a trace of greed immediately appeared on his face, but he still restrained himself.

"No, five!"

At this moment, the fat man was immediately alert and looked at Fang Bai vigilantly, with thousands of thoughts flashing through his mind.

"Cheat me? No, it's impossible. How can you stop it if you are not a legendary.

And this gold coin does have this value. Equivalent exchange and fair trade are impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Okay, five, one hand for money and the other for goods, the deal is done!"

The fat man threw out another ancient gold coin, and the moment the voice fell, a force spread.

Fang Bai recalled the alertness of the fat man just now, and sensed the power that suddenly appeared around him, which was the same as the power of the gold coins, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this sneer, the fat man had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The next moment, Fang Bai threw out five ancient gold coins.

"I will buy your bricks with five gold coins. One hand pays the money and the other hand delivers the goods. The deal is done."

The fat man's eyes widened instantly, and his eyes were about to burst, but his hand had already caught the five gold coins, and the other hand had already thrown the bricks out.

Under the auspices of the power in the void, the deal was done!

Fang Bai caught the brick with a sneer, and at the same time, the magic circle arranged by Jin Su in the sky took shape silently, and a repressive force restrained the fat man.

The fat man's body movement was slightly delayed, and in just one tenth of a second, the golden brick in Fang Bai's hand fell on the back of his head.


The moment before the fat man lost consciousness, he only heard Fang Bai's voice behind his head.

"Good job!"

"Just a greeting, hope you don't mind."

The fat man fell to the ground with a bang, and the five ancient gold coins in his hand fell. At the same time, the fat man's clothes, necklace, lining, belt, shoes, and watch were all covered with magic.

Countless magic lights flashed, there were five or six shields alone, awakening spells and healing spells were everywhere, but the fat man didn't wake up.

Fang Bai looked down at the brick in his hand, quite surprised.

"Good stuff."

In just a moment, Fang Bai found that the fat man had a spatial force overflowing, and immediately used his mental power to integrate the inner space force to interfere and block it.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The fat man flashed twice and appeared in the same place again, and Fang Bai was immediately happy.

First, he picked up the five ancient gold coins on the ground, and then set his eyes on the fat man.

The fat man had a lot of shields on his body, and the level was very high. Fang Bai even felt that a shield formed a power similar to a field.

Legendary trigger shield!

After trying to hammer a few times, he was pleasantly surprised.

"Hey, it works?"

Fang Bai's eyes lit up instantly, and he swung his fist down.




The hard shield kept shaking, as if it was connected to the land, and all the forces it received would be dispersed into the land.

Unless the land was shattered together, no one could shake the shield.

"Is this the legendary level? It can connect to the earth at any time. The shield will not break unless the earth is broken, but..."

Fang Bai smiled.

"As long as I smash the earth together, it will be enough."

Fang Bai half-stood, twisted his waist and sent a straight punch. The simplest and inferior trick can only exert a little more strength of the body.

But in Fang Bai's hands, a simple straight punch is like a roaring cannonball, unstoppable


The earth trembled.

Fang Bai moved his body and felt very happy.


When you are strong, you always want to smash something, it can be a wooden door, an iron door, an anti-theft door, a small trick, a big tree, a stone wall.

This is just like the grappling you just learned. You want to do it twice when you encounter anything.

I was waiting for a gangster all the way home.

Fang Bai felt that he had waited.


A circle of cannonballs smashed down, the shield trembled at high speed, intact, but the surrounding earth collapsed instantly, and gravel and wood chips flew.




Fang Bai felt more and more excited as he hammered. All his strength was twisted into a stream, pouring out onto the shield in front of him like a cannonball.

The surrounding land was shattered inch by inch, dust and smoke were everywhere, and the flowers, plants and trees were completely shattered as if they were bombed by a cannonball.

Fang Bai turned into a pile driver, punching one after another.






Inside the shield, under the continuous effect of the spell, the dazed and confused fat man gradually woke up. The moment he opened his eyes, he found that the fist like a cannonball smashed the shield and quickly enlarged in front of him.

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