I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 378 Never Hold a Grudge


Fang Bai grabbed the fat man's neck and slammed it to the ground. The ground that had reached the limit shattered together with the shield, and Fang Bai and the fat man fell into the pit together.


Fang Bai's body pressed against one of the fat man's hands, and the hand was shattered in an instant, leaving no bone residue as big as a finger.

The fat man groaned, his face turned red under the severe pain, and his eyes almost didn't pop out.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I pressed on you."

Fang Bai said casually, stood up, and then casually crushed his other hand, and then he walked up, while the other hand grabbed the brick and slapped it on the back of the head.

The fat man's eyes widened when he saw this, and the next moment Fang Bai's hand moved away from the fat man's body.

He seemed to turn into nothingness, and neither Fang Bai's hands nor the bricks could touch him.

The fat man, who had been pinched by Fang Bai, finally had the energy to speak. He gasped for air and raised his middle finger towards Fang Bai.

"You are so cruel, grandpa, I will do it sooner or later."

Fang Bai frowned, mobilized a ray of space power from the inner space to wrap it in his hand, and then used a hand knife to slash towards the fat man's chest.

The fat man didn't take it seriously at first and continued to insult Fang Bai, but suddenly his eyes widened in disbelief and he turned around to dodge.


A bloody arm fell out of the void, but the fat man disappeared without a trace.

"Can you directly touch your trump card without a death attack?"

Fang Bai frowned. He had never dared to kill the fat man because he was worried about triggering his life-saving trump card. Just like Xiang Otis, he took off his underwear before considering killing someone.

To prevent the situation from being empty-handed, I didn't expect him to run away anyway.

"However, it's not entirely without gain."

Fang Bai picked up the fat man's severed arm, then took off all five rings on it, feeling the fluctuations of the elements on it, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Two space rings, three elemental equipment, what is the origin of this fat man?"

Fang Bai frowned, this fat man was too mysterious.

The stealth skill at the beginning, the stunned bricks, the gold coins forced to trade, the legendary shield of the earth element, the virtual teleportation triggered, and the sword that took the fat man away from the ruins of the ancient battlefield. gas.

Fatty showed too many trump cards, and the methods he used were too complicated.

It was so mysterious that Fang Bai didn't even figure out what extraordinary profession this fat man had.

In the supernatural world, mystery means trouble.

means crisis.

Although as a player, Fang Bai is not afraid of death. He is never afraid of losing things if he puts them in the inner space. Death basically has no price.

But Fang Bai still didn't like this feeling.

It feels very unpleasant to have people knock on you, and it feels even more unpleasant to have people run away!

Fang Bai's mental power was fully deployed, catching every clue. At the same time, the spatial power of the inner space was also integrated into his mental power, and he could sense it within ten meters of his body.

With the development, Fang Bai now feels more and more that this space is easier to use.

Suddenly, the mental power integrated into the power of the inner space suddenly sensed a trace of chaotic space power.

Perceiving the power of space is also an ability that can only be obtained after spiritual power is integrated into the power of space.

Feeling the power of the chaotic space, it turned out to be the place where the fat man disappeared.

"The fat man really relied on space to escape."

Fang Bai's eyes lit up, showing a hint of joy, and he immediately followed him.

He Fang Bai never holds grudges, because holding grudges can easily affect his mentality, affect his mood, and distort his character.

More importantly, Fang Tiantian has a big heart. First, he only remembers happy things and subconsciously ignores sad and hateful things.

Second, it is easy to downplay the hatred in memory. Even if you think about it, you don't hate it so much anymore, so it is easy to forget it.

So in order to avoid this problem, Fang Bai never holds grudges.

Fang Bai followed the fluctuations in space, with a sneer on his lips.

Qiu Ke is still fresh.

"Hey, Fang Bai, just wait, uncle, I won't dig up Qin's ancestor's grave."

"Wait a minute, Fang Bai seems to be a player."

The fat man suddenly became frustrated.

"Grandma, I hunted birds all day long, and eventually I was blinded by the birds.

It’s actually immune to the effects of the transaction.”

"Legend, legend, this bastard is definitely a legend!

He can't be stunned by the bricks, he can't be confused by the transaction, and he can destroy the legendary shield with brute force.

Absolutely legendary! "

"But if it's a legend, how could I run away so easily?"

Thinking of the trump card of this loss, the fat man covered his heart, his heart aching.

Although he was heartbroken, Fatty understood that although Legend could run away after taking action, he would never run away so easily.

After all, he wasn't chased and beaten by the legend once or twice, he had experience.

"It's not a legend, but..."

Suddenly, the fat man felt horrified.

"It's not a legend but it has characteristics comparable to a legend. How is it possible?

Could it be that the previous divine baptism had given him such great help?

The God-given baptism that he couldn't even use up, directly created a legendary foundation for him in the process of master-level breakthrough? "

"But as smart as me, as powerful as me, with lightning speed, I spent a huge price on my cards and escaped from the ancient battlefield before God's gift came."

The fat man opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. He could only keep hammering his chest with his cell phone.

Bang! Peng! Bang!

I lost an arm, three pieces of equipment, and two space rings.


Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

The fat man pounded his chest desperately, opened his mouth, and couldn't make any sound.

After half a day, he made a sound like a mosquito wing.

"What a sin~"

"What sin did I commit in my previous life? It's okay that I didn't get the legendary elixir.

I actually offended a top genius with a foundation handed down from generation to generation and the talent of a demigod."


After a long time, the fat man sighed faintly.

His life was smooth and smooth, but he didn't expect to run into obstacles everywhere after meeting Fang Bai.

"Could it be that my fate was killed by Fang Bai?

Forget it, forget it, fortunately I didn't fall into Fang Bai's hands today and ran away. After returning, I will rest for a while and heal my injuries."

The fat man turned his head and looked at his left arm that was cut off by Fang Bai with a knife.

The left arm was a small matter. What really made him heartbroken were the two space rings on his left arm.

"It's okay, it's okay. I locked the space ring with my hand.

Forcing it open will only destroy the space inside, causing everything to be exiled into the space turbulence, and Fang Bai can't get my things.

And there is my location, you can find a day to snatch it back, or steal it back later."

The fat man comforted, but just after he finished speaking, a voice rang out.

"Find a day?"

"It's better to do it today than to wait for a day. I think the weather is good today, so why not do it today?"

The moment he heard the voice, the fat man looked like he had seen a ghost.

His breathing stagnated.

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