"Hmm, so far into the distance?"

Fang Bai drew a line based on the angle and distance of each turn he made, and based on the location where he met Fatty Bard, and he suddenly had a very clear data.

For Fang Bai, who has room for fantasy, it is impossible to forget everything he has experienced.

There is a special area on the bookshelf for storing memories, which can be called up when needed.

Judging from the route at this moment, Fang Bai was clearly chasing Fatty deep into the wilderness mountains.

After a moment's notice of direction, Fang Bai immediately shot out. Some of the master-level monsters around him were trembling, not daring to make any move.

Don't dare to move. Don't dare to move.


Air bursts sounded, strong winds roared, and the distance between rising and falling was instantaneous.

"Although it can't fly, it's almost as fast as flying."

Fang Bai comforted himself silently, but his eyes unconsciously caught sight of an eagle fluttering in the sky.

Slightly silent.


With one punch, the mountain collapsed!


The master-level falcon in the sky felt its heart tighten and fell suddenly. After a moment, as if it had seen something scary, it hurriedly fluttered its wings, changed its posture, and fled with flapping wings.

"It's okay, I have physical strength and power comparable to a legendary level."

"But it just can't fly."

The fat man burst out laughing, but he stopped laughing halfway through.

Because even though Fang Bai couldn't fly, he was still beaten by him.

And he was beaten without the ability to fight back!

"Damn it, what kind of pervert is this? He has clearly just broken through to become a master, and he has physical strength and power comparable to that of a legend.

What the hell is a mage? "

Bud couldn't connect these things even if he tried desperately.

Is this something completely unrelated?

"Forget it, stay away. After you turn around and give him the crystal core, stay away.

Never deal with it again.

By the way, there is only one legendary element life crystal core and water element life crystal core, it should be in "

Bud opened a small book and took a look. There were many small words written on it. He read it carefully.

"Level 4 dragon blood fruit tree, five fruits, player, master mecha master Fang Bai, Tiangong Pavilion."

"The fourth-order fantasy dream lotus, one lotus flower and one lotus root, player, master mecha master Fang Bai, Tiangong Pavilion."

"Fourth-level Qingmu Vine, one drop of Qingmu Liquid, one vine, player, master mecha master Fang Bai, Tiangong Pavilion."

Looking at these few lines of small words, Bud sighed slightly, took out a pen and made changes on them.

".Master mecha master and mage Fang Bai (quasi-legendary)"

Looking at these three lines reluctantly, Bud turned the page forward and stopped at the previous page.

It is clearly written on it

"Fourth-order water element crystal core, Bartholomew family dragon tomb."

"The transaction was a loss, with a net loss of one fourth-level elemental life crystal core, and I even lost my underwear!"

With a sad face, Bard turned around and flew towards the royal capital.

"The damn thing can't fly! The damn thing can't fly!"

Bard muttered incessantly, until he disappeared beyond the horizon, and only the faint sound could be heard.

"Hey, I seem to have forgotten something?"

"Forget it, it shouldn't be a valuable thing. If you forget it, just forget it."

Fang Bai ran in the mountains, kicking up a hill from time to time, making the master-level monsters along the way dare not say anything.

At his current speed, even running from Tiangong Pavilion to Red Maple City would only take a day or two, but it took him more than three days to get back to the way he started.

He also planned to go to the Qi-blood Ant.

"I wonder how the nest of Qi-blooded ants is developing?

Go collect some more ant eggs, otherwise how long will it take for my steel ant colony to develop? "

Fang Bai muttered, he was now very glad that he did not clear out this nest of ants. This was clearly a living element-like material producer. These were resource ants!

"Iron stone cast from the saliva of iron ants mixed with sand is simply a natural building material.

The performance is good, materials can be obtained from anywhere, and the quantity is large, so simple arrays can be naturally arranged.

If combined with the temperature-nurturing array, it won't be any worse than ordinary elemental mineral materials.

This nest of Qi-blood ants and the Qi-blood iron ore inside must be relocated and hidden.

Otherwise it would be troublesome if other mages discovered it.

But then again, this kind of qi-blood iron ore is a treasure for mages, but if the mage dares to get close to the qi-blood ants, he will probably be beaten and thrown out. "

Think about it all the way, and a little thought is enough to control the body's automatic navigation.

This is still gained from the experience of chasing down Fatty Bard, and it works quite well.

It not only has automatic navigation function, but also can automatically collect information and automatically sense crises. It is as smart as a three-story building.

"However, while we are being cautious, we should move a nest for the Qi-blooded ants. I think they won't mind.

Hey, do you need some creatures in the inner space? "

Fang Bai couldn't help but think about it, and then shook his head.

"The Qi-blooded ants were too hasty, so I went back and threw some small bugs, ants, mushrooms, grass seeds, etc. in to test the water.

This group of Qi-blooded ants is still...huh? "

Part of Fang Bai's thoughts returned to his body, and he looked down at the ground in surprise.

“Fucking fat man.

Don't let me run out, auntie, let me run out, I can't spare you! "


Fang Bai's surprised voice sounded. Hearing what Idiza said, he immediately asked again.

"Are you talking about that fat guy Bard?"

"Fang Bai?!"

Edisa was startled when she saw the figure in front of her, and immediately found that the demon shadow in her body shrank back into the corner of the knot, and she dared not move at all.

"Bard? Is it the fat guy with ten rings on his hands and a mean smile?"

Fang Bai looked at Edisa, who was tied to the tree by vines, with a strange expression on his face, and nodded.

"Yes, his name is Bard, and I just separated from him."

Fang Bai didn't mind spreading Bard's name, especially in front of people who obviously had a grudge against Bard.

But this Edisa

Fang Bai looked at Edisa, who was missing a series of items such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, belts, braids, etc. compared to before, and recalled the fat guy that Edisa had just scolded.

His face became more and more weird.

"This fat guy turned out to be a habitual offender?"

Fang Bai couldn't help but touch the rings in his pocket.

Could Edisa's things be in there?

It felt subtle.

"Do you know that fat guy?!"

Edisa stared at Fang Bai with wide eyes, the bump on the back of her head still ached.

"I don't know him."

"Didn't you just say you just separated from him?"

Fang Bai glanced at Edisa.

"Oh, he wanted to knock me out."

Edisa looked Fang Bai up and down, but found that Fang Bai had no signs of being robbed, and then heard Fang Bai say indifferently.

"Then I chased him for seven days and seven nights."

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