"Legendary water element life crystal core."

The fat man looked at the beautiful crystal core, sensing the warm but deep-pool-like domain, which was beautiful.

The fat man looked at the reflection of mountains of gold and silver in its eyes, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Suddenly, he felt depressed again.

"Damn Fang Bai!"

The angry fat man looked at the crystal core suspended in the air in front of him. It seemed to exist independently, but the fat man's eyes with small holes reflected dense energy pathways.

This crystal core was the core of the magic array cluster in the dragon tomb area, and its field affected the entire dragon tomb area.

If the fat man dared to move, the seemingly harmless crystal core would instantly affect the magic array cluster.

And as long as it moved here, the entire area would be instantly blocked by the magic array that rushed into the field.

Then the legendary and garrisoned troops of the Bartholomew family will react immediately. The fat man will not be able to leave, even if he has wings.


"Maybe there is still a chance to run."

The fat man muttered, and took out a master-level water element life crystal core.

The water element ripples, but it looks extremely small against the legendary crystal core next to it.

While the fat man muttered about Fang Bai being a beast, he arranged one magic circle after another. At the same time, he reluctantly took out a bag embroidered with gold coins and poured from it.

The bag that looked like a fist-sized bag poured out gold coins continuously.

Ten, a hundred, and a thousand gold coins fell in an instant, melting under the fat man's power, wrapping the master-level crystal core.

Another piece of gold coins in the bag turned into power and poured into his eyes, and his pupils turned into small square holes, reflecting the image of the legendary crystal core, and then turned his head to look at the master-level crystal core.

Invisible reflections were layered on the master crystal core, and the golden liquid liquefied from the gold coin rolled around the reflections. The fat man waved his hands, leaving afterimages in the air.

A magic array formed in the void, wrapped around the master crystal core, and a stream of fine power hit the inside of the golden liquid.

The golden liquid rolled and shrank, the color faded, and finally turned into azure blue, and there were even field fluctuations around it.

Anyone who saw it could see that it was a genuine legendary crystal core.

After completing this step, the fat man looked at the crystal core at the core of the magic array, and his heart beat violently.

"Bang. Bang. Bang."

His heart beat straight to his throat, and silently, a small balance emerged, one end holding the legendary crystal core, and the other end holding the fake.

The emergence of this balance seemed to have consumed a lot of the fat man's strength, and his face turned pale in an instant.

But it still supports a field.

"Equivalent. Exchange!"

There was no light shining, no wave spreading, the small balance disappeared, and the weak fat man showed a hint of pride.

"I am so awesome!"

"Who else!"

The fat man roared in a suppressed voice, stretched out his hand to grab the legendary crystal core outside and turned to leave.

But when he turned back just now, he felt something was wrong. With a glance, he suddenly found that there was a color difference on the animal tooth that pierced the core magic circle.

The only part of the top fingernail size that remained light gold was still light gold, and the palm-length part behind was completely faded.

"This magic circle is so powerful that the earth dragon tooth can't withstand it?

No, it won't be like this if it can't withstand it."

The fat man left quickly while thinking, and suddenly a flash of inspiration burst out in his mind.

This made him open his eyes instantly, and a thin man with a sly smile appeared in his mind.

"That bastard actually sold me fake goods?"

"I was blinded and bought fake goods with real money?!!"

The fat man ran for his life and cursed, he felt that he was seriously insulted!

Although the money he paid was also fake, this was different!

He actually bought a fake!

"You damn gravedigger, wait for me, don't let me survive!"

The fat man gritted his teeth and ran wildly, and the dragon tooth at the end of the tunnel behind him broke.


Like dominoes, the broken bones on the tunnel broke one by one, and the tunnel quickly changed from light to dark. The tunnel that originally existed independently of the earth became closer to reality in the flashing.

The fluctuation of the tunnel also affected the core magic circle of the dragon tomb. The crystal core that could hold on for a moment in a stable state was shaken by this slight fluctuation.


It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.


The moment the first crack appeared, this master-level water element life crystal core was crushed into powder under the weight that it should not have borne.

At the same time


The deep roar of the earth dragon resounded through the earth. The old man and the young man, who had gone nowhere, suddenly appeared in the dragon tomb area and locked onto the collapsed magic circle in an instant.

"Crystal core?"

"Who is it?!"

The young man growled. At this moment, he knew that it was not an illusion just now, but someone was squatting under his nose, and stole the crystal core directly after they left.

The old man's face was also full of gloom, and the domain was spreading all over the sky. At the same time, one magic circle after another soared into the sky, instantly blocking this place from the physical level and the spatial level, and completely turning it into a closed space.

At the same time, an underground corridor appeared in their perception. At the end of the corridor, a thin figure was entering a space channel.

As if sensing the gaze behind him, the thin man looked back and smiled a little.



The earth collapsed, and an illusory dragon shadow penetrated the earth and fell. Even though the thin man dodged and held up shields, half of his body was still broken.

Even the entire space channel was broken.

"Chase, keep chasing!"

Soon a space mage arrived at the scene. Without any delay, he quickly arranged the ritual field, deployed positioning, and finally looked at the old man.


With the blessing of the ritual field, the space became substantial. The old man punched out, the dragon roared, the space was broken, and a rough space channel was formed under the restraint of the ritual field.

The old man and the space mage did not hesitate and plunged into it directly.

Jumping again and again, the rare and expensive space consumables were consumed bag by bag.

Finally, they stopped at a dim plain.

A weather different from the outside world, whether it is day or night, it always stays at dusk here.

Dusk Plain!

As soon as I saw this plain, a feeling of twilight and powerlessness came to my heart, and white spots appeared on the old man's face.

The old man's face changed, and he instantly grabbed the space mage and retreated.

"He went in? Can he go in?"

"He went in, I can do it, but the space inside is too chaotic and there are too many interferences.

I can't guarantee that I can come out."

The old man stared at the front with a gloomy face, and a thought came to his mind.

A thin man with a sly smile appeared.

"Check! Check for me!"

In the dusk plain, the disguised image that did not dissipate even after being severely damaged at the beginning finally dissipated.

The fat man fell to the ground in embarrassment, gasping for breath, looking at the legendary water element life crystal core in his hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm alive, this crystal core is mine"

The smile gradually disappeared.jpg.

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