I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 391 Semi-God Medicine


The fat man fell to the ground, looking hopeless.

He sighed and prepared to heal his wounds, but he felt something was wrong after just a moment of rest, and immediately collapsed.

A patch of dead grass grew silently on the ground.

Looking at the dead grass, the fat man carefully collected some, and then moved away when it was angry.

After leaving the angry dead grass area, the fat man suppressed his injuries and walked in it.

The brass ball in his hand rotated quickly layer by layer, and the fat man carefully sensed the surrounding environment.

Avoid the rotten corpses, avoid the skeletons, avoid some rotten weapons, and avoid some plants.

After walking for more than half an hour, he stopped sweating and began to treat his injuries carefully.

The fat man understood that the location and route he found were only temporarily safe. It would not take long for the nodes to change, and it would become dangerous again.

In a place like the Dusk Plain, perhaps a small rotten corpse or a small skeleton could kill the master.

Oh, maybe the legend can also be used.

Some dusk corpses and dusk skeletons are special. The key is that there is nothing special about their appearance. Whoever encounters them will be unlucky.

Not to mention when the dusk storm is set off. When the dusk storm sweeps, the storm itself can kill legends.

And if you happen to summon the projection of an ancient god's attack, not to mention legends, even demigods will have to kneel down.

This crisis is not random, but will be attracted.

The stronger it is, the stronger the energy, the easier it is to make this already unstable area violent again.

This is a real forbidden area, a place where gods avoid it, and it cannot tolerate any carelessness.

After a while, the fat man walked carefully. Suddenly, the fat man saw a green leaf swaying in a bush, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Quietly changing the direction, looking from a distance, I saw a white and tender big radish arching under the green leaf, and from time to time I could see a comfortable little face showing under the soil.

In that area, the elements of heaven and earth dripped like water drops, the light gathered, and the ground veins closed.

This is a treasure land where even a weed can be transformed into a spiritual medicine.

The chassis of half the size of a basketball court is completely occupied by this big white radish.

"Ginseng doll?!"

The fat man widened his eyes, his heart disdained the stormy waves.

High-year ginseng can prolong life, strengthen the foundation, and replenish energy.

And the top-grade ginseng has absorbed the essence of the earth and the light of the sun, moon and stars for a long time, and has a slight chance to transform into a spirit, and transform into a ginseng doll with that little spiritual light.

This kind of ginseng doll can naturally mobilize the earth's energy and cultivate spiritual medicine. It is the manager of the legendary divine medicine garden.

And a drop of ginseng liquid from the ginseng doll itself is enough to prolong life for a hundred plants, strengthen the origin, and heal the wound of the origin.

If the whole plant is taken, it can prolong life for two thousand plants, strengthen the origin, transform the origin, transform the foundation, and cast the spiritual body. More importantly, the spirituality of the ginseng doll that has been condensed for thousands of years is integrated into the soul, which can completely guide the soul and consciousness to complete a transformation.

Ginseng doll is the top magic medicine among spiritual medicines!

Legendary elixir?

It can only be considered a younger brother in front of the ginseng doll!

"No, it's not a ginseng doll, but it has already formed a human form and has a face. Even if it's not a ginseng doll, it's not a divine medicine, but it's a semi-divine medicine.

Legend has it that there is a divine medicine in the Dusk Plain. Once a mortal unconsciously entered the depths and saw a grass absorbing the spiritual light of the sun and the moon, absorbing the spiritual energy of the earth, and the dusk aura had to retreat in front of it.

I used to think it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect to see a semi-divine medicine today."

The fat man's heart was pounding, and he immediately began to look at the way to go.

At this moment, he was only a few hundred meters away from that place, which was almost within reach. He immediately took out a five-layer brass ball and began to arrange a magic circle with his other hand to test it.

One after another, the magic circle connected to each other extended forward, constantly arranged and deduced, trying to deduce a way out.


"Ahead. Dead end."

"Left. Dead end."

"Right. Dead end."

"Opposite. Dead end."

"Above. A road of death upon death."

"Below. No need to bury."

"Dead end in all directions, absolutely forbidden zone."

The fat man calmed down and looked at the ginseng with envy.

No matter how good the semi-god medicine was, it was a pity that he had no chance to have it.

With a slight twitch in his heart, he suddenly found a wisp of light yellow mist spreading.

"Dusk mist?"

The fat man stared at the ginseng treasure land wrapped in dusk mist, and the ginseng swaying in the mist. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, took off a string of gold bracelets from his hands, and threw them towards the area where the ginseng was.

At the same time, he stepped on the foot, and the magic circle originally used for deduction changed rapidly.

If Fang Bai was here, he would find that the fat man's attainments in magic circles were not bad at all, or he had gone a long way on the road of change.

The already arranged magic array surprisingly caused the elemental pathway to shift through the position change of the magic node, and transformed into a spell structure and a magic array.

The light beam transformed by the magic array enveloped the bracelet and flew forward.

Whether it was pollen flying, or dead grass swaying, or corpses standing up and roaring, the magic array exploded one after another, but within a distance of tens of meters, all the magic arrays were destroyed.

The fat man, who was no longer able to do anything, looked at the bracelet.




The hollow gold balls on the bracelet exploded from time to time, and the fat man groaned every time one exploded. His already very bad face became even worse, and dark red blood kept flowing from the corners of his mouth.

There were a total of nine gold beads, and five of them exploded in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the leather rope that strung the gold beads decayed and weathered rapidly.

When only two gold beads were left, the leather rope was completely turned into ashes, and the two gold beads scattered out.

One exploded the moment it landed, and the other fell into the treasure land with a weak breath.

The fat man's face was as pale as gold paper at this moment. He looked at the rotten corpses and skeletons that had revived around him, and looked at the dead grass that began to crawl and gather, and grinned.


Behind him, the ginseng doll was blocked by the thick yellow fog, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

When the yellow fog dissipated, there was no ginseng doll in the original place.

Red Maple City, Bright Church.

"I'm leaving. I have to go to the new city."

"Okay, you really won't go to these two banquets?

If you think it's not good to take sides, you can go to both banquets.

They invited you to go in the name of appreciating treasures.

You have to appreciate them at the banquet. You know, although they are not very powerful, they have money.

They are indeed rich.."

When the white robe said the word "appreciate", he slightly emphasized the tone. Fang Bai naturally understood what he meant.

But he still shook his head.

"No matter how rich they are, they are not as rich as me. No matter how good the things they can give me are, they are not much better.

If you don't like it, you won't go. Please help me reply to the letter and make up a random reason.

It's okay on the surface. It doesn't matter if you are sick or have something to do."

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