I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 412 Thunder Valley

Fantasy Space!

These four words exploded like thunder in Fang Bai's ears.

This is the name of his talent!

These four words only appeared on the game panel.

As for the fantasy space, Fang Bai actually looked for a lot of classics in the game, wanting to see if he could find relevant records or descriptions, and see if he could find other people's development models.

Fang Bai had been looking for a long time, but he had never seen these four words and related records in any book.

Fang Bai had already given up hope, thinking that his talent was unique and was given by the game system, and had given up the search for clues.

But I didn't expect to hear these four words from a warrior today.

The source of the mage? The Great Sage?

Could he be a legendary figure in history who really existed?

Is the mythical story realistic?

Fang Bai suddenly remembered the mecha master profession he developed, and his heart began to beat.

Could it be that the legendary Great Sage also has the talent for fantasy space, and created the profession of mage with his talent?

Does he have the same talent as the Great Sage? He opened up a new profession just like the great sage who opened up the ancient wizard civilization?

Fang Bai's heart beat violently, as if it jumped to his throat.

Because of the appearance of these four words, Fang Bai couldn't help but re-examine all the words that Man Xiong had said before.

At this moment, Fang Bai really began to doubt the truth of these words.

"What is fantasy space? How can it evolve into a world?"

Fang Bai looked at his inner space and asked this question curiously.

Man Xiong didn't think so. He was also so curious about this before and said casually.

"The fantasy space seems to be imagined out of thin air. I don't know why it can evolve into a world.

It's clearly just a fantasy."

Man Xiong continued.

"I only know that at that time, it seemed that every wizard had a fantasy space.

But it should be fake. I have never heard of the fantasy space."

"Everyone has it?"

"Yes, it seems to be a very common thing, but I have never seen it now.

I even suspect that my grandfather made up a story to scare me."

Man Xiong said suspiciously.

I'm not lying to you.

Fang Bai said silently in his heart.

The words of the wild bear just now made Fang Bai sober up. It turns out that the fantasy space is not a talent.

It is a professional ability of the mage.

A professional ability that can turn the virtual into the real, and can be cultivated into a half plane and a small world.

And Fang Bai, for some unknown reason, directly awakened this professional ability.

Adjust the flow of thoughts, imagine at will, and finally turn the virtual into the real, and directly cultivate a half plane and a small world that belongs to him completely.

Fang Bai couldn't help but sigh at the high development of the ancient mage civilization and the power of the ancient mage profession.

Just listening to these words, just looking at this tip of the iceberg, Fang Bai couldn't help but see an invincible and magnificent beauty!

This is. Mage!

To be precise, it should be an ancient mage.

What kind of little idiots are the mages now?

Fang Bai couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Manxiong, did you hear all this from your elders at home?"

"Yes, I heard it from my father and grandfather when I was a child."

"Then can I go visit them? I'm quite interested in these."

"No chance then."

Fang Bai was slightly stunned by Manxiong's words, and then he saw Manxiong speak.

"They are all gone."

"Then your parents."

"Also gone."

"Uh, sorry."

Fang Bai said apologetically, watching the expression on Manxiong's face gradually restrained, and the expression between his eyebrows.

Fang Bai knew that there might be some ups and downs in this.

I wanted to ask about the ancient books, but after asking about my family just now, it was not convenient to speak.

Asking at this juncture would make people look very uncultured.

But before Fang Bai could speak, Manxiong seemed to know what he was going to ask, and spoke directly.

"The person is gone, the ancient books are all gone, um, just the little guy's thing"

Manxiong pointed at Joel and said.

"It's not rare, really. The little guy is lucky."


"Do you know the Bartholomew family? The Dragon Knight family.

It's hidden in their family's library."

Although the Barbarian Bear smiled, there was no warmth in his smile.

"You are not the first one who is interested. Although they don't take it seriously, they just need to show some curiosity."

"That's enough."

Suddenly, the Barbarian Bear laughed.

"It's just a joke, Fang Bai, you don't really believe it, do you?

I was raised by my grandfather since I was a child. These are all told to me by him. My grandfather passed away a few years ago.

But if you are curious, I can tell you everything I know."

The Barbarian Bear laughed and said. He suddenly realized that he had said so much and so deeply under the drive of his feelings. It was already considered a superficial talk and a dangerous act. He laughed and didn't continue.


Fang Bai nodded, and the few people climbed over a hillside and came to a hill.

They had heard the thunder from afar before, but they could only hear the sound but not see it.

When he arrived at the entrance of the valley, Fang Bai suddenly saw a huge hilly area, with lightning falling like raindrops and rumbling.

And as far as the eye could see, the majestic mountains towering into the sky were endless, covering this hilly area.

Standing in front of the undulating hills, Fang Bai felt his skin slightly numb.

"Thunder Valley, here we are."

The wild bear pointed to the front and said, but his voice had long been drowned in the endless thunder.

Looking at the charred hilly land, Fang Bai did not see any plants or any creatures.

There were only rich and violent thunder elements, and the continuous and endless thunder.


The tree-branch-like lightning struck the ground fiercely, leaving a trace of reflection in everyone's eyes.

Everyone's eyes were full of awe.

This is the power of nature!

Even Fang Bai was the same, because he found that the chaotic magnetic field, the rich thunder element, the continuous lightning and thunder, the charred land, all of these formed a violent thunder ritual field.

The energy intensity, aggressiveness, and danger level were probably only one level weaker than that of the Storm Sea.

Fang Bai unfolded the magic map and saw that the end point was there, and his previous doubts were completely swept away.

He finally understood why there was still only a vein of ore even though there was a specific location that had not been developed.

It was not that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't.

After the family fell into decline, without sufficient strength, he didn't even have the qualifications to mine.

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