I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 413: Struck by Thunder


Fang Bai stood in front of the Valley of Thunder and did not rush in, but looked at it quietly.

If you just look at it with the naked eye, you won't see anything strange, just continuous thunder falling and loud bangs.

However, when Fang Bai unfolded his pupil technique and used it to observe, he could see the huge field and feel the majestic power accumulated in it.

Mountain peaks, rivers, lakes, and plains are very common places. They can be found everywhere. Fang Bai has seen many of them and collected a lot of data.

But special places like the Thunder Valley are not common. At this moment, Fang Bai was not in a hurry to enter, but stood outside and watched quietly, opening his pupil technique from time to time to take a look, silently collecting data.

Although Manxiong was confused as to why Fang Bai didn't go in, he was also happy about it.

It's really too dangerous inside, being struck by lightning can really kill you!

The Valley of Thunder is huge, and Fang Bai can only see a corner of the field while standing in front of it, and cannot see the whole area.

Watching, studying, and moving around involuntarily, trying to see the Thunder Valley field from different perspectives.

Time passed minute by minute, and Fang Bai was still obsessed with it.

This Thunder Valley scene is simply too vibrant and beautiful.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and Fang Bai, who had enjoyed watching it, gathered his thoughts and prepared to enter the Valley of Thunder.

"Joel, it's too dangerous inside. Just wait for me outside."

"is teacher."

Joel responded, and Fang Bai didn't say anything else, just took out a belt head and stuck it on Joel's waist.

Click, click, click!

The belt head instantly extended a belt around Joel's waist, and at the same time a mechanical voice sounded.

"Hey, get ready for war!"

"Hey, start the emergency response procedure."

After completing this step, Fang Bai looked at the bear.

"Barbarian Bear, Joel, please take care of me."

Hearing this, Barbarian Bear glanced at the belt around Joel's waist, and a question mark popped up on his head.

take care of?

Who takes care of whom?

This Lord can defeat him now.


"No, let me go in with you. Joel has old brothers like me."

An idea suddenly popped up in Barbarian Bear's mind, and he asked immediately.

Seeing that Fang Bai was about to refuse, he immediately said.

"Don't refuse in a hurry. I've been here before and I know the road somewhat.

Don't think that you can definitely find a place if you have a map.

Maybe this map will also ask you to go down a cliff or cross a river.

I can take you to a relatively safe path. "

Fang Bai was slightly moved when he heard the words, but then he became worried.

"Your safety concerns."

"You'd better worry about yourself, Mecha Master Tie Piao. If it weren't for the fact that you are so strong, I would definitely stop you if you wanted to go in."

Barbarian Xiongsheng said, Fang Bai pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and then nodded.

Turning to look at the other mercenaries, they didn't say anything about going in together, but this was normal.

Brutal bears are not normal.

Just like his teammates, they have been wondering whether the bear has gone crazy.

"That's fine."

Fang Bai looked at the other mercenaries.

"Joel, I'm sorry to bother you."

"No trouble, no trouble. After we collect your money, we will definitely handle everything for you and make it beautiful."

A mercenary said. Fang Bai nodded when he heard the words. Without any further hesitation, he strode directly towards the Valley of Thunder, followed closely by the Barbarian Bear.

"Teacher, be careful."

Joel said from behind, Fang Bai did not look back, just waved.

Striding forward, Fang Bai soon walked in front of the Thunder Field.


A thunderbolt as thick as a thumb fell at Xia Bai's feet, burning the ground black.

Fang Bai looked at the intertwining interference between his own field and the Thunder Valley field, and suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Bare Bear, I have an ominous feeling. Stay away from me later."

Fang Bai suddenly discovered that the bear was already hundreds of meters away from him, but it didn't come close at all.


Obviously, Barbarian Bear already knew this.

Fang Bai did a little ideological construction, and then stepped into it.


The moment he stepped into the field, a thunderbolt as thick as his thumb fell.

Fang Bai directly felt a slight numbness all over his body, and an electric current ran through the inside and outside of his body.

"Huh? This feeling?"

Fang Bai raised his eyebrows.

"It doesn't hurt at all. It feels numb and feels quite comfortable?"

Fang Bai had just thought about it, and the next moment...




One after another, thunder fell, and the body felt numb one after another.

Fang Bai felt it for a while and found that it felt okay, so he immediately walked forward.

The bear on the side couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this scene.

Despite the continuous thunder falling, Fang Bai was not injured at all, and his hair didn't even look strange at all.


The bear's throat trembled slightly.

"Is this what happens when Tie Liaoda comes in?"

The bear was stunned, but then he felt something was wrong.

"No, have you ever been let in wearing full body armor before?

That idiot thought that the heavy armor had strong defense and could withstand the thunder bombing.

As a result, he was struck by lightning and turned into slag. But no matter how slag he was, it was only after he entered the deep that such density appeared.


The wild bear stared at Fang Bai with wide eyes, and found that he was very safe and there was no threat. He didn't have to worry about being struck by lightning.

All the thunder in this area fell accurately on Fang Bai's head, without any omission, it was simply too dense.

Fang Bai didn't know the doubts in the wild bear's heart. If he knew, he would tell him.

No matter how many pure iron lumps came in, there would not be such dense thunder.

He is special!

While walking, Fang Bai felt the disturbance of his own field to the thunder field.

The thunder field, which was originally extremely active, was like a powder keg, and Fang Bai's field coming in to disturb it was equivalent to throwing a gunpowder keg into it. Sparks.

It exploded instantly.

At the same time, Fang Bai, whose body metal density was too outrageous, also had a strong magnetic field.

This magnetic field might not be noticeable at ordinary times, but when it was thundering, it was like a magnet, attracting thunder continuously.

The combination of the two directly caused Fang Bai to sweep away all the thunder.

Thunder struck Fang Bai's head every moment, without even a second of free time.

So when Fang Bai took out the magic map, he had to be careful to protect it.

He was afraid that he would be damaged by thunder if he was not careful.

Just like this, Fang Bai and Man Xiong continued to go deeper and deeper with the continuous thunder, and gradually disappeared from the thrilling vision of Joel and others.

They could only see thunder falling one after another from a distance.

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