"This feeling?"

Fang Bai sensed it slightly and immediately caught the source of the abnormality.

In the inner space, an altar stood. The existence of the altar made the entire inner space stable and unbreakable.

Before, the altar had never had any fluctuations, no breath, and no abnormalities.

But just now, Fang Bai noticed a slight fluctuation.

It doesn't seem to be a bad thing?

But Fang Bai had no choice. Although he could check his inner space, he couldn't borrow the power of the inner space under the cloud, let alone open the inner space.

So even if there was something good, he had to wait until the things here were dealt with.

Fang Bai looked at Night Crow again, and at this time, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding, system prompt: Your legend began to spread in the Kingdom of Yabang."

A system prompt without a clue made Fang Bai look at Night Crow's body.


Is it referring to the killing of Night Crow?

What does this legend have to do with the legendary level?

"Hao Wei, did you receive any system prompts?

Did anyone else receive any system prompts?"

"What system prompts?"

Others also looked at Fang Bai in confusion, and said no. Fang Bai was thoughtful.

Hao Wei couldn't help asking.

"You killed Night Crow, and there was still a system prompt?"

"Well, it should be related to the legendary level. I don't know if the threshold of this system prompt is enough to be legendary, or it must be linked to the legendary level."

Fang Bai didn't hide anything, and said halfway, and then started to touch the corpse.

After a while, Fang Bai found several extraordinary equipment, several hidden weapons, and several spell scrolls embroidered on clothes on Night Crow.

Obviously, Night Crow was well prepared.

However, under the suppression of Yunqi, these life-saving trump cards did not play any role, and finally became Fang Bai's spoils of war.

After searching out these spoils, Fang Bai put them on Night Crow's body, and did not move them for the time being, and then walked to the periphery with Hao Wei.

Night Crow was dead, but a group of people were caught outside.

Fang Bai and Hao Wei came to the Black Wolf Club first. When Can'er and others saw Fang Bai, they immediately restrained their arrogance and saluted respectfully to beg for mercy.

At the same time, they thought about what benefits to promise.

After all, they were not good people, and they were all very smart.

They knew that although they had a legendary backer, the backer was not around, and their lives were in the hands of the other party.

Even if the backer wanted to avenge them in the future, they would not be able to revive.

So these bandits were more honest and more flattering than each other.

Know the current situation.

Their mentality is very correct!

After Fang Bai came over, he took a look at them, looked at the blood on their bodies, and looked at the body of the girl being eaten by the wolf.

Without waiting for them to speak, Fang Bai left, and said to Hao Wei as he walked.

"Kill them all, it's disgusting to watch."

Hao Wei did not reply, and directly signaled to a player behind him.

With an order.


Long spears were like a forest, heavy shields entered the mountain, and the army began to operate like steel machinery, strangling them.

Seeing this, Can'er's eyes widened and he shouted immediately.

"Fang Bai, my eldest brother is a legend, you will definitely die.

And you, you, all of you will definitely die, who dares to move."


The fat man silently dropped a brick, and Can'er's words came to an abrupt end.

"Go to hell."

But after a while, all the wolf riders from the Black Wolf Society, including the wolves, died.

Hearing the screams behind, Hao Wei pretended to be terrified and said.

"Fang Bai, we have provoked another legend."

Fang Bai glanced at him and said lightly.

"You are afraid of nothing, you have 50,000 troops in your hands, you should be afraid of the Black Wolf Society, right?

Rising clouds and sweeping across, who can stop you?"

Hao Wei couldn't help laughing again when he heard this, he was naturally very proud of these 50,000 troops.

This is an army of 50,000 that can form clouds. Although they have not yet formed talents, they are still extraordinary armies and can be called regular army reserves.

Of course, this is not the key.

The real key is that these players are from different guilds in Hongfeng City. Although they all belong to the Hongfeng City Alliance, they all cooperate sincerely, but they still have their own interests and demands.

Under this situation, they can integrate these 50,000 troops into one and control them like driving an arm.

Hao Wei is naturally confident, but when Fang Bai talks about it, he still speaks modestly.

"Hey, it's still thanks to the extraordinary army you developed.

Otherwise, these 50,000 people are not enough for a legend to kill.

Not to mention killing legends."

Fang Bai was also happy to hear this, and he was very happy.

Everyone carried the flowery sedan, and both of them were happy.

And while talking and laughing, they came to another group of people.

Fang Bai looked at this group of people quietly. Among this group of people, there are mages, warriors, warlocks, summoners, hunters, various extraordinary professions, and various identities.

And they also have a common identity.

That is the attacker who tried to steal Fang Bai's crystal core!

As these people looked at Fang Bai and listened to the screams of the Black Wolf Society's wolf riders, beads of sweat gradually appeared on their foreheads.

Fang Bai just looked at them quietly, and before they knew it, they were sweating all over and couldn't stand still.

Looking at them, recalling the sudden withdrawal of gravity suppression when facing the wolf riders, Fang Bai's murderous intent gradually disappeared.

However, he did not show it on the surface, but said lightly.

"We are enemies."


Several people sat down on the ground, and then trembled and climbed up.

Fang Bai glanced and continued.

"We have no grudges. I don't even know you. I don't know which faction you are from.

But because of you, I wasted a super large forbidden magic circle.


Raising the clouds requires the consumption of the blood and qi of the soldiers and the will to maintain.

Although it can basically be maintained for a long time without being affected, but.

When the blood and qi are consumed, they need to be replenished, and replenishment requires eating, and eating with a sharp increase in appetite.

How much food do 50,000 people have to eat to consume the blood and qi?

That must be a lot.

Fang Bai's face did not change, and he said lightly.

"It costs a lot, which is equivalent to consuming a part of our foundation."

At this time, the legs of the people who were standing firmly just now began to weaken.

No one doubted what Fang Bai said, and they thought it was natural. .

The materials for casting the super-large forbidden magic circle were so precious. If they had them, they would definitely use them as the life-saving foundation of their forces.

At this moment, their hearts sank, and then they suddenly heard Fang Bai say.

"So if you want to live, you can."

In an instant, everyone looked at Fang Bai excitedly.

"Make up for this consumption of foundation, and you can gather another set of consumables for the super-large forbidden magic circle for me!"

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