"so hard."

The fat man groaned, feeling dizzy as he read the manuscript.

The above text is easy to understand, but how to deduce the process, results, and construction methods seems like a bible that burns your brain.

"Indeed, it's difficult."

Fang Bai also said solemnly, and when the fat man heard this, he immediately felt like he had met a close friend.

"Really? You find it difficult too, right? Is this thing real?

Can people learn this?

Is it realistic that ancient mages generally possess it? "


Fang Bai looked at the fat man in surprise.

"Haven't you learned yet?"


The fat man didn't react at once.

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean I haven't learned yet?"

"I haven't learned yet?"

The fat man thought he heard wrongly, but then he saw Fang Bai nodding seriously.

"Yeah, haven't you learned yet?"

"Have you learned it?"

Fang Bai didn't speak, just looked at the fat man quietly.

The fat man couldn't help but remain silent when he saw this. After a moment.

"Gan! I actually believed your nonsense.

Didn't you say it's difficult? "

"It's very difficult, but I didn't say I couldn't learn it. This is indeed the most difficult thing I've ever learned.

And it’s easy to learn, but it’s hard to structure, right? It’s about architecture.”

The fat man suddenly didn't want to talk anymore, he just barked.


He actually heard the word "easy"?

The fat man took a deep breath, wishing to block Fang Bai. Then he looked at Fang Bai suddenly, his expression changed greatly.

"Fang Bai!"


"Can you teach me?"

The fat man said flatteringly.

"Yes, it is indeed a bit difficult to learn hard. It takes seventeen or eighteen times as much time as learning by following the train of thought."

When Fatty heard this, he said he didn't want to ask Fang Bai how he knew the difference in learning time multiples.

Fang Bai continued.

"Look, let's follow this train of thought and follow the deduction.

You may be a little confused here because the person who wrote the manuscript jumped a few steps.

After all, it is known from this and is generally known.”

Fang Bai saw that the fat man's face was a little dark, so he immediately skipped these adjectives.

"This way, I'll show you the steps I skipped."

Fang Bai was writing quickly. The tall and thin man next to him didn't speak, but his ears were perked and his eyes were wide open, listening attentively.

After studying for a while, the three of them exited the inner space and continued moving forward.

This place is already close to the depths of the Dusk Plain. Every step you take must be more careful, more careful, and more calculated.

If you accidentally take a wrong step, you will end up on a road that leads deep into the dusk plain.

For Fang Bai, it was easy. He went back to the city directly. The fat guy and the tall and thin guy.

"Huh? It seems that if I put the fat man and profiteer into the inner space, they won't die. Will they be taken away by me?"

Realizing this, Fang Bai suddenly felt relaxed. Then he looked at the nervous fat man and the tall and thin man. After thinking for a moment, he gave up telling them and continued to study.

Whether it's runes or false space, neither is simple, and both require a lot of time to study.

Although his time is more than a thousand times that of others.

But shouldn’t we work harder?

Otherwise, if you waste one minute, you will waste more than a thousand minutes and most of the day.

The fat man takes one step and counts it ten steps, and every step he takes is mentally exhausted. After walking for a while, he needs to enter the inner space to rest for a period of time.

In the inner space, after resting, Fang Bai can also teach them the cohesion of the false space.

Although it was very difficult to learn, neither the fat man nor the tall and thin man wavered in the slightest.

It’s just that it couldn’t be confirmed before. Now that the real inner space is right in front of them, it has been completely proven that it is really, really awesome, and there are people teaching it, so they will naturally seize the opportunity and work hard to learn. .

And Fang Bai did not hide any secrets. He completely imparted his understanding and feelings to them and taught them in the easiest way to understand. In this process, he also chewed the knowledge carefully. It often gives Fang Bai some new insights.

At the same time, look at this manuscript, look at the two methods of realizing the false world, and look at the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods.

Obviously, the person who wrote the manuscript used consciousness as the core to realize the illusory space, and the consciousness was the strongest and reached its peak.

And using the body as the basis to manifest the illusory space, the body is the strongest. This is just his imagination and deduction.

What Fang Bai thought was actually very simple. Whatever choice he made, he might as well just give it all up.

He wants the strength of consciousness, the strength of his soul, the strength of his mental power, and the strength of his body.

To put it simply, you want them all!

For others, this may be wishful thinking, but for Fang Bai,

“I was born with a fantasy space, deep in my consciousness, and I have even developed a small inner space.

I can completely condense an illusory space again and manifest it, and I will naturally have two.

One body and one consciousness, two-way fluctuations. In addition, I have two titles: Mecha Master and Rune Master, and I have abundant power of faith."

Once the ideas arise, they are out of control, and the thoughts become deeper and deeper.

For Fang Bai, what is created in this way is the truly flawless legendary body!

This will be the most perfect legendary breakthrough!

Perfect! powerful! No loopholes!

Even in the future, the power of the inner space will be twice that of others, and the source of power will be twice that of others.

As long as this effect can be achieved, it doesn't matter if the path is a little bumpy or you walk a little slower.

In addition, Fang Bai discovered something during the learning process.

Although his inner space has been condensed, it did not form a false space, no deduction, and no underlying structure when it was condensed. It was condensed forcefully.

Although it is indeed an inner space, it is difficult to grow to the level of the world.

If the inner space is divided into different qualities, this is roughly the worst type.

This is why this inner space was 10 meters square when it was condensed, and it is still 10 meters square after so long.

If it is really replaced by the inner space manifested by the false space in the manuscript, the underlying rules and logic may not be perfect, but it is definitely unobstructed and definitely constitutes a positive cycle.

Once that kind of inner space is formed, it can grow by itself and has endless potential.

And Fang Bai's, with internal chaos, no logic, and underlying rules, can only be called space.

Fortunately, it can be made up, but it requires more energy and resources to define the underlying rules, to straighten out the logic of the inner space, and to build a positive cycle of the space.

In fact, Fang Bai is now effective in starting from the domain and the cycle, but it is just that the macro affects the micro, and the efficiency is too low.

To correct it, we still have to start from the bottom.

Just as Fang Bai was thinking, there was a loud noise, and the terrifying elemental fluctuations swept like a stormy wave


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