I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 490 Mountain Giant

"How is it possible?"

Fang Bai's eyes were full of disbelief, but no matter how much he disbelieved, the things in front of him would not change.

The field is not an illusory existence. Although it is invisible and intangible, it relies on matter.

Its strength is closely related to the total amount of elements and the mass of matter that make up its structure.

Matter determines the field, but at the same time, the field also reflects the matter.

No matter how unbelievable it is, you have to believe your eyes.

That is.

A mountain is moving and approaching this side!

And suddenly, Fang Bai noticed a line of sight, and tracing back to see the mountain field.


Line of sight?

Is there life on that mountain?

The next moment, Fang Bai heard a deep muffled sound in his ears.

"Little Eagle, a little guy has found us.

I'm here, you go."


An eagle cry resounded through the sky, the wind whistled, and the next moment Fang Bai found a black eagle rapidly enlarging in front of him, and in a blink of an eye it turned from a small black dot into a goshawk with a wingspan of more than ten meters falling.

Feeling that breath legendary!

Fang Bai immediately understood that the real owner of this wilderness mountain range had come.

It's not that he won't come, but he's coming slowly.

What came is not just a legend, but a truly terrifying existence.

He retracted his pupils and didn't look again.

Since he knew that the other party was conscious, it would be impolite to look at him again.

But even so, recalling his momentum was still frightening.

A mountain!

A mountain with life!

This is a mountain!

Even if it is the most ordinary earth and stone structure mountain, even if it is only a hundred meters high, it still means a terrifying mass of millions of tons to tens of millions of tons.

And being able to move means that it is strong enough to withstand tens of millions of tons of terrifying body strength.

The combination of these two, even if Fang Bai has not seen it with his own eyes, he can imagine its terrifying strength.

Just one move is enough to cause devastating damage.

No need for any moves, a jump, tens of millions of tons of weight can crush any legendary domain.

Moreover, since the mountain has life, how could there be no other means?

Fang Bai's heart was pounding, this kind of existence was really a terrifying existence that he could not understand.


Fang Bai didn't know if demigod was enough to describe the other party.

He only understood one thing.

Can't beat it!

There was only one thought in his mind.

Big is strong! Heavy is strong!

Not big enough and not heavy enough, you don't have the qualifications to speak in front of the other party.


Only mecha!


Fang Bai looked at the legendary goshawk approaching, restrained his mind, but still couldn't help asking.


"Master-level chick? Strange, how did you find me and Mr. Mountain Giant?"

The goshawk tilted his head and looked at the little guy in front of him, sensing the little guy's breath, and his erect pupils were full of doubts.

It can't speak, but communicates with Fang Bai by emitting mental fluctuations.

Fang Bai quickly captured the key words in his words.

Mister Mountain Giant, Mountain Giant!

Hearing this name, Fang Bai took a deep breath and recalled the field that was like a mountain collapsing.

That field seemed to be able to turn from a towering mountain to a landslide at any time, and the power seemed to be able to transform and explode at any time.

The momentum was terrifying.

But although there were all kinds of thoughts in his mind, he didn't show it on the surface. He looked up at the goshawk in front of him and replied in the same way of mental fluctuations.

"Did Lord Mountain Giant ask you to come find me?"

"Yes, we are here to find the man who just created such a great momentum.

Lord Mountain Giant asked me to come find you, is it you?

It doesn't seem like it, how could a little chicken like you create such a powerful wave?

And the previous legendary battle was clearly a legendary battle, how come you are the only little chicken of the master level left now?"

The goshawk kept calling him a little chicken, and Fang Bai was nervous.

Suddenly, I also understood why the goshawk came now.

Knowing that the previous legendary battle must have come a long time ago, and immediately ran away when he found something wrong, and went back to call a big guy to support him.


Looking at the huge body of the goshawk that seemed to be made of divine iron, Fang Bai restrained this thought.

If it spreads out with the mental wave later, it will be a lot of fun.

Although the goshawk is not aggressive now, it may not be the case later.

"I was not the one who caused the legendary battle, but I was the one who caused the fluctuations before.

Do you have any questions?"

Fang Bai found that although the intelligence of this goshawk was not low, it was not very wise, so it was a little difficult to communicate with it.

"Nothing, just according to the covenant, I warn you legends not to go deep into the mountains.

You are not allowed to hunt magic beasts above the master level, and you are not allowed to hunt magic beasts on a large scale."

"Well, I am a master, after all, I am just a master-level chick."

The goshawk, who was combing his feathers, was stunned. Its mission was to see whether it was a legendary magic beast or a legendary human.

For magic beasts, they would be taken to the core area or warned on the spot not to step out of the wilderness mountains without permission. For humans, it would be the opposite, warning not to step into the wilderness mountains without permission.

But no one said what to say when encountering a master-level chick?

What to do?

The eagle recalled the previous fluctuations and dared not be rebellious. He didn't know what to say, and his momentum weakened by three points.

"Wait, wait, I'll go back and ask, wait for me."

The eagle flapped its wings slowly, and sand and rocks flew and the wind whistled.

"Wait, wait."

Fang Bai shouted hurriedly.

"What's wrong?"

The eagle stopped its wings, tilted its head, and looked at Fang Bai in confusion.

Fang Bai looked at him, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind. When he recalled the field that seemed to be able to transform into a landslide at any time, he immediately made up his mind.

No, he must meet this mountain giant!

Fang Bai sorted out his thoughts and said in a low voice.

"Legendary Goshawk, you see, you have to ask, and you have to come back and tell me after asking.

If I say something, you may have to go back and ask again.

Back and forth, back and forth, it's so troublesome, don't you find it annoying?

How about this, you just take me with you, and let the mountain giant talk to me directly, isn't it?"

The goshawk was stunned, and couldn't help but stop, subconsciously combing his feathers with a bird.

Seeing this, Fang Bai suddenly felt that this legendary goshawk was quite interesting, silly and cute, making people unable to help... cough cough, reluctant to fool.

Immediately said while the iron was hot.

"Are you afraid that I will hurt the mountain giant?"

"How is that possible?"

The goshawk said without thinking, Fang Bai continued to speak immediately after hearing it.

One sentence or two, after a few sentences, the goshawk, whose momentum was weakened a little, thought for a moment, and then hesitantly agreed under Fang Bai's urging.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there directly, but you can't be disrespectful in front of His Excellency the Mountain Giant.

Otherwise, I will definitely be scolded."


Fang Bai was delighted, but he couldn't give Cang Ying too much time to hesitate, so he urged him immediately.

"Okay, okay, okay, no problem, then let's go?

We can't keep His Excellency the Mountain Giant waiting for too long."

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