I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 489 Human Relationships Accident

"They are not here to rescue Black Wolf, but to capture Black Wolf.

Well, it turns out that they have precautions against Legends outside the country, and these precautions are quite strict.

No one may care if Legends come in and out casually, but it will be very troublesome for Legends to come in. Even if they sneak in, they will be hunted down after being discovered.

And this method is quite powerful. It is not only information intelligence, but also can directly track the whereabouts of Black Wolf.

No wonder Black Wolf came with only one person and one wolf, and did not even bring a subordinate.

Bringing fewer people is useless and can only slow down the journey.

Bringing more people will expose you faster. In other people's territory, no matter how many people you bring, it will be useless. You can only find a way to hide."

Hao Wei understood it completely, and he figured it out, but his head hurt a little.

Thinking that if they came to rescue Black Wolf, it would be understandable. At worst, they would be killed together with Black Wolf as fertilizer.

But it was not the case. They came to capture Black Wolf. They are regular soldiers and the border guards of the Yabang Kingdom.

A supernatural army led by a legend was captured alive by them.


Hao Wei felt a little toothache. This thing turned out to be a hot potato. No matter how he handled it, it was inappropriate.

"Why am I so unlucky today? Even if I had discovered it in advance and blocked it in advance, it would have been fine.

Now that he's been caught, is it possible that he's dead?"

"No, no, it's a big problem. This is different from a legend without a background.

It's okay if it's done without a background, but it's different if it's done with a background.

This is not about taking revenge, it's about human relations and it can't become an accident.

Black Wolf can be done, it doesn't matter, but this Ross.

Let's not talk about his own family, just say that he led the extraordinary army to guard the border as a border guardian.

This represents the Kingdom of Yabang. Once he is killed, it's not a problem of one family.

It's directly provoking the largest violent organization in Yabang, which is composed of countless families and forces.

There are so many legends in the entire kingdom. Without repressive things, how can the Kingdom of Yabang be so stable?

Can't provoke, can't provoke, now beating him up and catching him is just a fun, once he is killed, the nature will change, I'm afraid it will become a big fun.

But since it's still in the fun stage"

Hao Wei's eyes suddenly lit up and said softly.

"It's not that there is no room for maneuver. I remember there was such a rule when the Yabang Kingdom was just established."

In Thunder Valley, at the same time, Fang Bai was unaware of the various changes that happened in the outside world, and did not adjust his plan. He just quietly tempered his body and studied the magnetic field.

The magnetic field emitted by the body is getting stronger and stronger, and has completely merged with the domain. It contains a lot of power, but Fang Bai has not found a way to use it yet.

"The domain in the natural environment contains extremely strong energy. In general environments, such as mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans, and the earth.

These environments integrate extremely large domains, which accumulate tremendous power, but are dormant in them, circulating gently and operating gently, without any aggression or lethality.

Only in the case of landslides, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes, under drastic changes, will the accumulated power change, vent in an instant, and burst out with a terrifying power that destroys the world.

In the face of such terrifying power, if the legend does not flee in despair and dares to confront directly, it will definitely be crushed directly.

There is no suspense at all."

"And in the magnetic field, the energy flows in the coil, and it depends on how I use this power.

Continue to compress? Or cut the magnetic field to generate electricity?"

Fang Bai seemed to have a hint of inspiration in his mind, but it was fleeting and disappeared without a trace.

The increasingly powerful magnetic field must contain extremely terrifying power, and there must be a way to use it.

But it will take some time.

Fang Bai tried to control the magnetic field that was completely out of control with his thoughts and mental power, and tried to feel it with his mental power.

But he felt more and more illusory.

Energy must exist, but it cannot be sensed or called upon.

"This should be a question of skill. The mountain field must collapse to transform its power into destruction.

The river field must be transformed into a flood, and the earth field must be transformed into an earthquake.

So, how can the power of the human field be transformed?"


Fang Bai shook his head.

"How can it collapse? The source of power of my human field is mass and density.

It can't be that I will collapse because of mass, right?

Not that, not that, although my density and mass are high, they are still within the scope of understanding.

It's still a long way from collapse."

Fang Bai thought and muttered.

"Density, mass, magnetic field. Gravity? Radiation?"

Several concepts popped up in Fang Bai's mind, but he had no experience in these fields. He had only heard of these concepts briefly, and was still at the stage of high school knowledge.

"The defensive power brought by density and mass is only an external manifestation.

And the powerful metal muscle strength is just an accessory.

The real power is still hidden deep in the body and has not been developed.

This is like making a machete from a piece of uranium ore. Although it has high density and hardness, this knife can kill people and also comes with real radiation damage. It looks good, but it is not really used in the right place and has not been developed. Real usage. "

Fang Bai thought about it, and immediately used a projection to download relevant textbooks and documents on radiation, gravity, high-density matter, etc. through the local area network in Tiangong Pavilion.

Since he is different in this area, he should learn from it.

"Just study each field for thirty years first."

Fang Bai smacked his lips, three years a day, and ten days in thirty years. Spending one or two months to learn this knowledge, Fang Bai thought it was still very worthwhile.

And with his current memory ability, thinking speed, calculation speed, and learning speed, if he learns something, it can only be said that he is not a big deal.

Not talking about creation, just talking about learning, he can crush anyone in reality and history.

While Fang Bai was thinking, he suddenly noticed that the earth was shaking slightly. Fang Bai, who noticed something was wrong, looked up and saw that the mountain peaks in the distance were shaking slightly, as if they were falling.

On the top of the mountain, countless birds and beasts were running away like crazy, and nothing else could be seen.


"No, that's not right!"

Fang Bai noticed something was wrong and immediately opened his eyes and looked over there.

When he saw it clearly, Fang Bai's eyes suddenly opened wide.

A towering mountain peak is slowly moving in this direction.

Heavy, slow, but unstoppable.

It’s like the sky is falling!

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