"Elemental metal! You must use elemental metal, and I want to use the best elemental metal!"

Tim muttered, although Fang Bai said that he could help him practice and change his profession.

However, he decided to study on his own.

I just don't know if as a master mage with strong learning ability, he can quickly learn this short-term method.

He went to practice forging.

Fang Bai taught Tim some of the contents of the Mecha Master profession as promised, and then he felt at ease and picked up higher-level magic knowledge to browse.

Exchange knowledge, no one owes anything.

Quietness returned to Tim's laboratory again, and Fang Bai began to study master-level spells in depth.

The knowledge in this is roughly divided into two types.

The first is a spell that can be released using the mage model.

This type is completely learned after reaching the professional level.

For example, the professional level learns first-, second-, and third-level spells, the elite level learns fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-level spells, and so on.

There is no skip-level learning, and the same is true for power, which is standard.

This is the most common mage. The advantage of this type of magic knowledge is that it can be memorized in the mage position and can be cast instantly.

It can be constructed directly using spiritual power, without any chanting incantation or any casting materials. As long as there is the power of the elements, it can be released directly.

Stable, effective, and a conventional method.

But at the same time, this type of knowledge is the basis for other techniques.

Without this foundation and sufficient profound knowledge, all subsequent techniques will have no meaning.

Regarding the spell model, Fang Bai glanced at it a few times, paused slightly, and then completed the study in the fantasy space.

With the time flow rate difference in fantasy space and the huge computing power provided by the computing power center, Fang Bai's learning ability has reached an almost extreme level.

Often a basic textbook for a common subject can be mastered in just a few seconds.

And this also made Fang Bai more and more willing to learn.

The faster and easier it is to learn, the more you enjoy learning.

After learning the spell model part, Fang Bai directly took the latter part.

The basis of the mage's transcendent combat effectiveness.

Most of these contents record magic circles and ritual sites.

Through the preparation of external objects, such as preparing gunpowder powder and gunpowder granules for fireball.

Prepare aqua regia for corrosive spells, etc.

Another example is adding special aiming, acceleration circle, etc. to water arrow spells.

This is the simplest method, and if it is more complicated, it will be a complex magic circle derived from deduction, which can mobilize the power of the elements between heaven and earth on a large scale to attack the enemy.

A little more difficult is to form a ritual field through the arrangement of magic circles and various items. At the same time, chanting incantations activates the power of the ritual field, and uses the power of a certain field between heaven and earth to turn it into an explosion of attack power. .

When Fang Bai saw these contents, the first step he took was to turn to the incantation part.

He had never needed to recite a spell before to cast a spell, and he had never been able to figure out what the spell was and what its function was.

After looking at it for a moment, it suddenly dawned on me.

"I see."

Fang Bai said softly that the ceremony site is related to the field part, and he is very accomplished in the field.

Although there were some things that I hadn't discovered or mastered before, but now I saw them and understood them instantly.

The ceremony venue simulates the field between heaven and earth and mobilizes the power between heaven and earth.

But as we all know, the forces within the field are stable and orderly.

It exists stably, just like dark energy in the universe.

They gather here, but they have no effect on you.

The function of the mantra is

"Lock the required field power, these are the coordinates."

“Guide it to transform in the required direction, and burst out the non-harmful energy in the field.

Let the mountains and fields collapse and let the oceans and fields have tsunamis!

Let the field "collapse"! "

Fang Bai looked at these mantras and couldn't help but breathe quickly.

The so-called mantras are clearly words of rules, and they clearly describe the way in which the power of the field explodes.

This is the key to truly unleashing the power of heaven and earth!

And this is the core secret of the mage.

Looking at these mantras, Fang Bai took a deep breath.

He understood that these mantras would be his greatest gain!

At this moment, his body's magnetic field contains a huge amount of harmless, non-existent, and incomprehensible energy.

This energy comes from his mass, from his magnetic field, and from his plundering of other fields.

This force is very huge.

Just can't use it.

And if it can be transformed with a spell, then his Mecha Master profession not only means extremely strong defense power.

At the same time, it also has extremely strong attack power.

That is to say, he also has the ability to surpass one level in the field of magic attack!

Then his career would be flawless, except that he couldn't fly.

Defense and attack are double invincible.

If he wanted to, he could even develop a unique spell directed at him.

You can use the ritual field to simulate his field, then point the ritual field at him, and finally use spells to transform the power into an explosion.

Although this is an unwarranted consumption of his power, if you think about it from another angle.

This also means that as long as a specific ritual site is constructed and assisted by specific directional spells, his power can be sent thousands of miles away.

In a sense, this already has certain extraordinary characteristics.


No, more than that.


No, it's Him!

Fang Bai immersed himself in it, comprehending and studying carefully.

In Fang Bai's opinion, learning mantras is very simple.

It is nothing more than a specific pronunciation, supplemented by mental integration or corresponding element changes during the pronunciation process.

Fang Bai can easily learn and master it like a parrot.

In other words, at this time, it is no longer a problem to arrange a specific ritual site and release legendary power spells with specific incantations.

This is very simple, and the slightly difficult layout of the ceremony site did not cause any trouble to Fang Bai with his professional knowledge of the field.

However, Fang Bai's expression did not change at all.

This was not what he needed. It was gratifying to learn a legendary spell, but what Fang Bai really wanted was to take the opportunity to develop his own field power.

This means that Fang Bai's study of ritual sites and mantras cannot just stop at the stage of knowing how to use them.

Fang Bai couldn't know what happened but he didn't know why.

“I have a general understanding of the principle of the ceremony venue.

The core lies in characteristics and symbols.

What is related to this is directivity and similarity.

But what about the incantation?

Is it directional? Or is this a form of communication? An exchange?

Or even a contract? "

Fang Bai murmured in a low voice.

"Is this a language spoken to heaven and earth? In order to make heaven and earth agree to borrow power this time?

Or is it describing the methods, specifications and other details of the arrival of power? "(End of chapter)

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