I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 520: Spirit in the Book

“From my perspective, I have to borrow the power accumulated in my field.

That's definitely not something you can just borrow. You have to sign a loan contract with me in advance.

Or there are conditions attached to borrowing power, which is my reward.

In addition, when borrowing force, you must tell me how much force to use, what kind of force to use, and how to use it. "

Fang Bai began to think from his perspective.

For him, looking at the essence through phenomena, the ritual venue is not very magical.

That is, the relationship between borrowing money and housing loans.

This may be similar to the way gods and believers exist.

One party gains strength, and the other party gains other benefits.

Judging from its essence and inferring the function of the spell, Bai estimated that the content should be close to ten.

It does not necessarily mean signing a contract.

The objects of these ritual venues are nature and various natural fields.

This is again like building a hydropower station on a river and borrowing the power of heaven and earth.

Naturally, there is no need to sign a contract.

This is to use the rules and take advantage of the trend, but it must also meet various specifications and conditions to conceal the standards for power connection.

However, for Fang Bai, these contents

“It doesn’t mean much, I naturally don’t need anyone’s consent to lend my own power.

I just need to be able to explode the power of the field.

What I need is not the general meaning of the mantra, but the specific meaning of each mantra.

What does each mantra specifically represent and what role it plays. "

Fang Bai sat there for several hours. Half a year passed in the fantasy space. Fang Bai finally put it down after his analysis failed.

He was the only one in the room, and the faint sound of forging rang in his ears again.

Tim has already arranged the forging room and officially started forging.

Fang Bai did not bother him, but stood directly in front of a platform with an idea.

The platform sank, and Fang Bai followed the platform directly to the third floor of the mage tower.

The third floor of the Mage Tower, where the Tower of Fire Library is located.

Following the guidance, Fang Bai came to the front desk, where two wooden puppets were standing.

However, there are still two disheveled mages inside the wooden puppet.

When Fang Bai passed by, the two mages didn't raise their heads, only a red light extending from the wooden puppet swept over Fang Bai's body.

"Hey, the distinguished guest is Fang Bai, and his identity is confirmed."

"Dip, tower master's authority."

"Hey, the identity and permissions are verified correctly, and entry is allowed."

Fang Bai raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

Obviously, the wooden puppet detected the identity token Ferdinand gave him.

And this means authority in the Tower of Fire.

This is not surprising. What really surprised Fang Bai was that before Ferdinand went to retreat, he actually related his identity to the authority brought by this token.

Otherwise, errors will occur during identity and permission approval.

"Is that so considerate?"

Fang Bai looked at the opened library door in front of him and couldn't help but muttered.

The two disheveled mages couldn't help but raise their heads when they heard the sound of the wooden puppet.

Couldn't help but look at Fang Bai a few more times, but didn't say anything.

Fang Bai looked at him as if he wanted to say something, but was embarrassed.

But since he didn't say anything, Fang Bai naturally wouldn't get close to him.

Enter the library directly, skip the quiet reading area, and come to the bottom of the bookshelves that are several stories high, looking up and forward.

There are rows and rows of tall bookshelves, and each one is full of books, which makes people dazzled. When they look over, the weight of knowledge rushes towards them.


Fang Bai couldn't help but let out a long breath.

The knowledge and foundation accumulated by the Tower of Fire over the course of countless years were laid out in front of him, in the form of a physical book.

"Sir, what type of books are you looking for?"

A book spirit floated in front of Fang Bai and asked softly.

However, the spirit in the book, which is the size of a fingernail, is like a small book, but the aura it exudes is no weaker than that of the elite.

This is a kind of spirit that is easily born in ancient books.

Since his birth, he has mastered some innate spells related to book knowledge, many of which are top-notch spells, which are very enviable and sought after.

However, the spirits in the books must be born from ancient books that have accumulated over time, and must be in a rich elemental environment. In addition, they are completely random and have no rules to follow.

It is said that the more profound the knowledge contained in the book, the easier it is for the spirit in the book to be born.

However, there is no basis for this statement.

The spirit in the book is completely elusive.

But now Fang Bai looked around and saw that from time to time, ghosts appeared and wandered around the bookshelves that were several stories high.

Some of them look like books, with fine small prints still visible on them.

Some are like a savage, some are like a little fox, some are in the shape of a tiger, they are all different.

But the same thing is that they all exude a strong book atmosphere.

From time to time, a book spirit would jump down from the high bookshelf and jump in front of a mage to guide him. From time to time, he would use his small body to carry a large book and fly precariously to the mage in need.

Fang Bai even saw more than one master-level book spirit, and there seemed to be a stronger existence in the depths.


These two words came to Fang Bai's mind, and he felt a little more respect for the organization called Tower of Fire.

The Fire Tower, as far as I can see, is indeed a good wizard organization.

Worthy of respect.

Coming back to his senses, Fang Bai looked at the book-shaped book spirit in front of him and said.

"I want to find a book about the principles of spells."

"Principles of spells?"

The small book suddenly turned into a little monkey.

The silver little monkey scratched his head.

"Come with me."

The little monkey ran in the void, looking back from time to time, and continued to move forward when he saw Fang Bai catching up.

Fang Bai's mental power converged, but the scanning function of the fantasy space was always on and never turned off.

Wherever he passed, all information was included in the fantasy space.

Walking through several bookshelf areas, Fang Bai could clearly feel that there were fewer and fewer people between the bookshelves.

And he also felt more than one kind of scanning, all of which ended at the tower master token.

After walking for a while, he came to an area inside. The silver little monkey flew to a bookshelf and pointed to the summer vacation and said.

"Sir, this is the book about the principles of spells you are looking for.

Read it by yourself, and call me if you need anything."

The little monkey climbed up along the edge of the bookshelf, then stood at the highest point and jumped down, landing in a book, and then disappeared.

However, from time to time, you can see the little monkey's tail swinging out and its little paws exposed on the corners of the book.

Fang Bai was also happy to see this, and turned to the bookshelf to look at the books on it.

The bookshelves in this area are all books about spells. (End of this chapter)

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