I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 521 Divine Language


Fang Bai's eyes swept over the books here, hundreds and thousands of them, densely packed.

Obviously, spells are a key component of legendary ritual field spells, and the Fire Tower has a large number of mages conducting targeted research.

They want to analyze it, reduce the difficulty of learning, and improve it.

Although theoretically only master-level mages are qualified to study and research it.

But many excellent elite-level mages will also come into contact with ritual field spells, and thus come into contact with spells, and try to learn.

Many books here are experimental experiences from this.

So much that Fang Bai was a little dazzled.

Fang Bai glanced at it, and then directly expanded his mental power to scan the books.

In an instant, the names and contents of all the books were reflected in Fang Bai's eyelids.

Then, Fang Bai's fantasy space was quickly browsed.

He did not study for the time being, but just roughly browsed and screened the content, trying to find what he wanted.

But Fang Bai finished screening everything in just a blink of an eye.

But the result made him a little disappointed.

There are so many books and experiences, but none of them can meet his needs.

There are indeed books and experiences that describe the principles of spells, but they are either random guesses without any basis.

Or they are just assumptions and have not been confirmed at all.

In short, there is no answer that Fang Bai wants.

This made Fang Bai frown, and then he asked.

"Little monkey, are there any other books about spells?"

"Chiji, sir, there are."

I don't know what the little monkey is doing in the book. It chirps comfortably twice, then sticks its head out, falls down, and takes Fang Bai to another area.

It was still this area. Fang Bai arrived not long after walking. He simply scanned it and selected it with the help of the fantasy space.

He shook his head slightly after just a few moments.

"Are there any others?"


"Anything else?"


"Anything else?"


One place after another, one place after another, Fang Bai kept wandering in the bookshelves under the guidance of the silver little monkey. Fang Bai often only stayed for a short time before going to the next place.

Soon the whole area was turned around, but Fang Bai still didn't find the information he needed.

So the little monkey began to take him to the bookshelves of lower levels to look for it.

Most of the books in the previous bookshelf area have specific spells or specific ritual sites.

In other words, there is indeed dry goods.

But the related books here may just touch on the edge and contain not much content.

Fang Bai frowned slightly and quickly screened them.

But the result was still unsatisfactory.


Fang Bai thought for a moment and continued to search.

One area after another, one bookshelf after another.

Fang Bai felt a little impatient after searching all the way.

But he still calmed down and came to the last and lowest level bookshelf area.

This is the miscellaneous book area.

Most of the books that mention the word "spell" here are vernacular novels, and the only two words related to spells in the whole book are these two words.

Fang Bai couldn't help frowning and knew that he was in front of a bookshelf full of church books.

Many of the books on this bookshelf are books used by different churches for missionary work, and there are even some cult books.

It contains a lot of brainwashing and distorted ideas.

However, it is easy to brainwash and distort ideas for ordinary people, but it is not easy for mages.

Fang Bai only glanced at these books, and when he was about to leave, suddenly


Fang Bai looked at a cult doctrine.

"This book?"

Fang Bai was slightly concerned, and stretched out his hand to grab the book with a black cover.

He opened it, skipped some fabricated stories in the front, and some ritual field layout methods with seductive nature, and turned directly to the middle page to look at the content above.

"God was born in nothingness, and the first sound made by God interpreted the beginning of the world.

This is the language of God.

From then on, God's language has a regular response.

The first symbol written by God gave birth to the birth of the world.

This is the divine text.

From then on, God's text can carry rules.

Believe in gods"

Fang Bai automatically ignored the content behind, and stared at this short paragraph.

Fang Bai naturally didn't believe the words that fooled people.

Fang Bai didn't know whether this evil god was still there.

Under the crackdown by the major churches, this book appeared in the library of the Fire Tower, and the books that recorded the ritual site were placed in such an outer area, so that people would not be afraid of setting up the ritual site at will.

The fate of this evil god can be imagined.

But it doesn't matter.

It doesn't even matter whether the content is made up.

Fang Bai naturally doesn't believe these misleading words, but Fang Bai is willing to believe a little.

The person who compiled this book at the beginning may indeed know something.

For example, this.

God's text!

God's language!

"God's text is not necessarily God's text, it can be a rule rune."

Fang Bai said softly.

"So, God's language is not necessarily God's language, it can also be a spell.

Or, what is written here is not impossible.

God's language and God's text may really exist, and this may not necessarily be born because of the gods.

It may be possible."

"This is a higher-level and more efficient way of communication.

It is reflected in the fact that words and languages ​​contain a huge amount of information per unit.

And they themselves also have magical power. "

"I roughly know which direction to look for."

Fang Bai's mouth curled up slightly.

"Divine language, spell!"

Fang Bai immediately searched in this library.

But there was no harvest.

There was no corresponding knowledge in the library.

After failing to find it, Fang Bai simply found Tim who was learning forging.

First, he taught Tim forging and helped him answer certain doubts before Fang Bai asked the question.

"What is the principle of the spell?"

When asked this question, Tim pondered slightly, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"If I master the answer to this question, then I am no longer just a master-level mage at this moment."

Speaking of this, Tim let out a faint sigh.

"There are many ways to break through the legendary mage.

A legendary mage may not necessarily master the principle of the spell, but as long as he masters the principle of the spell.

With the application of the ritual field and spell, it must be a legendary mage.

And I am only at the application stage now."

"What about Tower Master Ferdinand?"

"The Tower Master's research route is not in this direction."

Tim shook his head slightly, and Fang Bai was a little disappointed when he heard it.

Then he sighed.

At this moment, Tim frowned slightly and turned his head to look outside.

"Why is Grover here? Wasn't the blow he just gave him enough?"

Tim originally thought that Grover would not come out before Fang Bai left. (End of this chapter)

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