I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 522 Legendary Wind Element Life Crystal Core

"You're so aggressive, are you looking for trouble?"

Tim immediately looked at Fang Bai, patted his chest and said.

"Don't worry, Fang Bai, you don't have to say anything later, I'll deal with him.

He must have lost face just now, and now he is looking for trouble.

I want to see what tricks he can do.

snort! "

Tim snorted coldly, and Fang Bai saw him starting to prepare his magic circle.

He raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, their internal communication is anything but rigid.

After a while, Fang Bai saw Greenfort walking in aggressively, holding a small wooden box in his hand.

"Grenver, this is my laboratory, what do you want to do!"

Greenford ignored Tim and walked directly to Fang Bai aggressively, looking at Fang Bai with his eyes.

"I heard that you are still looking for a legendary wind element life crystal core?"

Tim was about to stop in front of Fang Bai and say something, but Fang Bai raised his brows when he saw this. He took the initiative to step forward and raised his brows when he looked at Greenfort who was so arrogant.

"Yes, I wonder what's the problem?"


Greenfort slapped the wooden box in his hand onto the table in front of Fang Bai, causing a crisp sound on Fang Bai's table.

Slap the table?

Fang Bai frowned, but before letting go, he relaxed completely in the next moment, and only heard Greenfort say arrogantly.

"A dream lotus petal, plus your career change method.

Change or not! "


The wooden box was opened, the wind howled, and a small tornado formed in front of them in the blink of an eye, but none of the three people in the room paid attention at this moment.

Fang Bai, who was originally a little unhappy because of his arrogant tone, felt relieved now, and his eyes softened when he looked at Grover.

Give the legendary wind element life core?

Arrogant, arrogant, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you are a little more arrogant, I can accept it.

Fang Bai was in a good mood, but Tim next to him felt sad in his heart.

"It's over, you came for me."

As soon as this idea came into Tim's mind, he saw Grover proudly choosing some coins to Tim.

After a while, Tim watched helplessly as Fang Bai and Grover completed the transaction and exchanged contact information.

Then Grover whistled proudly and left, giving Tim a provocative look before leaving.

"Wow, three legendary crystal cores, so many, I'm so envious."

Grover left, Tim also hurriedly ran to retreat, and then Fei Rui ran out from nowhere and raised his eyebrows slightly at Fang Bai.

"My number one follower, how do you guess Master Grover Tower knew that you needed the legendary wind elemental life crystal core?"

Ferry smacked his lips as he spoke.

"Tsk tsk, eh, how come I happen to know that the Tower of Wind is really at the Tower of Qiumu recently.

And the Tower of Wood happens to be begging the master of Grover Tower?

What a coincidence. "

Fang Bai understood immediately when he heard the words and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.


The young Fei Rui raised his chin proudly and said rather arrogantly.

"Don't even look at who I am, I am a disciple of the legendary mage.

Even if they are legends, they are my followers.

The little wishes of a follower like you are to a genius like me.

It's a piece of cake. "

Fei Rui showed off, and after showing off for a while, he left with a groan.

As Fang Bai watched Fei Rui coming downstairs, he couldn't help but mutter something in his heart.

Immediately, his mind focused on the legendary wind element life crystal core.

Immediately, Fang Bai took out the crystal cores one by one.

The life crystal core of the wind element, the life crystal core of the water element, the life crystal core of the fire element, and the life crystal core of the earth element.

"Earth, Fire, Feng Shui, and four legendary elemental life crystal cores are finally here!

The element pool is finally ready for construction. "

Fang Bai took a deep breath and then looked at the two extra legendary fire element life crystal cores beside him.

"There are two more fire elements."

Fang Bai pondered slightly, but he had an idea in his mind.

Without wasting any time, he simply said goodbye, packed his things and left directly.

Go back to Tiangong Pavilion!

When he learned about Fang Bai's departure, Fei Rui didn't want to send him away, but was immersed in his own testing ground.

But in his mind, he recalled the scene in the trial space where Fang Bai's bow and arrow exploded a mountain.

"The accuracy is not enough, so use the power, as long as the power is high enough.

Then I can hit it accurately enough. "

“And as long as you hit it accurately and can break through the defense, that’s victory.

So the source of everything is lack of power. "

Fei Rui thought about it, and the fireball spell model in his hand quietly changed.

They are towers of fire. Although other attribute spells are also involved, they are best at fire attribute spells.

Among all fire elemental mages, the one with the highest learning rate is the fireball technique that almost everyone has learned and used, and has the most improved versions.

Ferris, after much deliberation, chose the fireball technique.

"Fireball, fireball, if the fireball can't solve the problem, it must be that the fireball is not powerful enough.

If one fireball doesn't solve the problem, then two fireballs are the answer.

What did the previous group of players say? "

Ferry thought back to the group of players who fawned over him.

"What did they say?"

"What's mononitrate? What's nitroglycerin? What's fission?"

Fei Rui recalled carefully. He planned to improve the spell structure of Fireball and equip some spell materials to increase its power.

After all, increasing the power of spells is nothing more than starting from the structure and spell materials.

Thinking about it, Fei Rui suddenly snorted and said proudly.

"Fang Bai, Fang Bai, see how I catch up with you."

After speaking, Fei Rui said directly to a servant outside.

"Come here, go find me the player I met before."

After speaking, Fei Rui couldn't help scratching his head and muttered.

"Wait, what is the name of this player?"

After thinking for a long time, Fei Rui shook his head.

"I can't remember, forget it, I don't want to think about it."

Fei Rui muttered.

Not long after, in a market in the Mage Academy, a player looked at the receipt in his hand and said excitedly.

"He found me! He found me!"

"I've connected with Fei Rui!"

"Don't get too excited, it's not stable enough yet, you must establish a deeper relationship with Fei Rui.

Try to meet Fei Rui's requirements as much as possible, understand?"

"I understand."

"Well, be careful, Fei Rui's master has officially become a legendary wizard, which is a core and high-level force in the entire kingdom.

And he only has Fei Rui as his apprentice, Fei Rui will definitely be very favored and will definitely be a big shot in the future.

So, don't be greedy for the little profit in front of you, everything is based on making friends with Fei Rui."

"I understand!"

After a while, a player walked towards the Fire Tower with a batch of materials and entered Fei Rui's laboratory.

And as soon as he entered, he instantly attracted the attention of many players.

The wizard is one level higher.

Fang Bai is already accustomed to legends. He has come into contact with them more often, so naturally he doesn't feel much mystery.

He has killed them all, so naturally he doesn't have much awe, and naturally he doesn't think it's that great.

But in fact, any legend has a pivotal position for a force.

A legendary wizard is a terrifying existence comparable to a demigod.

This directly makes the Mage Academy and the Fire Tower instantly become demigod-level forces.

This instantly makes the Mage Academy a force comparable to the Royal Mage Tower.

The Royal Mage Tower was the only mage tower with a legendary wizard before the Fire Tower.

You can imagine how powerful it is.

When Ferdinand broke through to the legendary level, the eyes of the entire kingdom could not help but focus on him.

As the only disciple of a legendary wizard, Fei Rui quietly received unusual attention.

In fact, Fang Bai has successfully enjoyed a benefit.

Otherwise, how could the legendary wind element life crystal core be so easy to trade? How could a mere elite mage promote this level of transaction?

Elite mages cannot promote it, but Fei Rui, who has the label of Ferdinand's only disciple, can.

Originally, Fei Rui could only be called the young master of the Fire Tower. At the moment when Ferdinand was promoted, he became the young master of the entire Mage Academy.

Of course, this change is only happening at the top level.

However, the speed at which this trend spreads from top to bottom is not slow at all.

Apart from the indigenous forces, even the players have once again given the Fire Tower an unusual status.

Fang Bai didn't care about these things, he was already on his way back to Tiangong Pavilion.

While he was on his way, in Tiangong Pavilion, a piece of runes dissipated in front of Fang Bai's projection.

The preliminary preparations for the element pool have been completed long ago, and only four legendary element life crystal cores are waiting.

As long as the crystal core is in place, the element pool can be started immediately.

Fang Bai does not need to prepare the element pool, and his focus is naturally on his own field.

Runes are drawn in front of him, emitting fluctuations belonging to the rules.

Runes carry rules, this is the divine text.

Fang Bai couldn't help but recall this sentence in his mind, as well as his description of the divine language.

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head slightly, and still focused all his attention on the runes, and turned to involve the ritual field pointing to himself.

This crucial ritual is divided into two parts, the spell is one part, and the ritual field is also a crucial part.

Although Fang Bai knows nothing about the spell, he has a high level of attainment in the ritual field, and it is not difficult to set it up.

With Fang Bai's ability, Fang Bai can easily set up the ritual field to simulate mountains, simulate oceans, and simulate rivers, which is even far beyond Tim and others.

This is Fang Bai's unique advantage. This is what Fang Bai has tried, and it is not an empty statement.

Because Fang Bai's research on the field is too early, the observation of the field is too direct and too specific.

The field is like a little girl without clothes in front of Fang Bai, allowing Fang Bai to observe and depict.

But when Fang Bai was about to draw the ritual field of his body field, Fang Bai suddenly froze.

"I'm just one step away."

Fang Bai paused and murmured.

"How do I collapse?"

Fang Bai paused slightly, still the problem he encountered before.

Mountains have landslides, seas have tsunamis, and the ground has earthquakes, but people... have?

"A show-off?"

Fang Bai did not laugh, his face was serious, thinking seriously.

There are two major barriers for him to develop a legendary spell for himself.

The first is the spell. If he does not learn the principle of the spell, he will not be able to develop the spell.

The second is the problem he is facing now.

If the spell problem is not solved, the worst that can happen is that he cannot develop the legendary level that points to him, which is harmless.

But if the second problem is not solved, it means that not only can he not lend it to others, but even he himself cannot burst out the power in the field.

"What is it?"

Fang Bai whispered softly.

"What is the essence of landslides, tsunamis, and earthquakes?"

"If you have to find their commonality, it seems that"

"the power accumulated inside them bursts out at once.

Mountains rely on gravity to explode, and tsunamis and earthquakes rely on the medium to vent the power of plate collision.

What about people?

What are people? Is it just a simple punch?

That's not right.

Landslides, tsunamis, and earthquakes are their characteristics, what are the characteristics of people."




There was a loud noise from next door, and the ground shook with it.

Fang Bai knew that this was the mecha project team testing the experimental model mecha.

Although the mecha test site is in a semi-shadow space and has sound insulation and shock absorption spells, it is still impossible to completely isolate it because of the loud noise.

Fang Bai swept his mental power, and the experimental site transformed by the project team in the shadow space appeared in front of him.

An unformed humanoid mecha that is ten meters high walked on the dim experimental site.

Regardless of the cost, the body cast with three-refined element metal is covered with runes. Under the supply of liquid elements, the surging power generated by the runes maintains the operation of the mecha.

Inside the body, the surging small mecha uses a magnetocrystalline engine with full power, roaring inside the mecha, providing afterburner for the waving fists, the slashing sword, and the dragon wings with a wingspan of tens of meters behind.

After a test, suddenly, the runes on the dragon wings of the mecha lit up one after another, accompanied by the surging fire element.

In an instant, the rain of fire fell, turning the devastated bomb in front into a sea of ​​fire.

Then the two arms moved forward in parallel, and the metal armor on it quickly flipped, surged, and extended, and in an instant, it combined into a huge track that was seven meters long.

Gold elements and thunder elements surged, and sections of propulsion rings emerged on the track


A shell emerged from the chest and exploded at a high speed in an instant under the propulsion of sections.



Circles of sound barrier clouds dispersed, and the shell instantly penetrated the target. At the moment the shell was launched, the mecha turned over and jumped, and the two arms surged into a giant hammer with runes flashing on it.


The earth collapsed, and the mecha's smooth movements were full of beauty, extremely smooth, and pleasing to the eye.

But at this moment, Fang Bai had an inspiration in his mind.

This made him suddenly open his eyes and murmur.

"Mountain collapses, ocean tsunamis, earth earthquakes, river floods, the purpose of all "collapses" is to use the most proficient and violent way to explode the power.

Mountains have landslides, oceans have tsunamis, what do humans have."

"I know!"

Fang Bai's eyes were only fixed on the mecha.

His eyes were like torches!

"Humans have technology!"

"Humans have. Mecha!" (End of this chapter)

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