I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 536: Make-up Lessons

"This is the core construction of the barrel, and this is the core construction of the rune array.

Together, it is the first generation of permanent rune heavy artillery, model Yuanling, also known as Yuanling generation.

Yuanling generation is divided into two models, the fourth-order model and the third-order model.

The third-order model occupies an area of ​​about 50 square meters, and the fourth-order model occupies an area of ​​about 125 square meters.

I will not go into details about the power, but it is enough to seriously injure the master and the legend.

After the third-order model is deployed, it takes ten days to warm up, and the fourth-order model takes a month to warm up.

If you directly use the third-order or fourth-order elemental metal forging, you don't need to warm up, and you can use it immediately.

This generation of Yuanling is equipped with a mental connection interface, with automatic standard functions, and equipped with a computing unit with a special algorithm. With the exploration The radar unit can automatically connect multiple cannons in series to bombard an area or blockade a strong person.

According to our previous experiments, nine cannons in series can often completely lock an ordinary legend. Well, an ordinary legend like Night Crow.

If 27 cannons can be locked in a stepped manner, basically the legend within the range will die.

In addition, cannons have three attributes, fire, water, and earth. Earth is used underground, fire is used on the ground and sky, and water is used in the water. There is basically no dead angle.

And here there are three-level models, that is, 500 Yuanling first-generation guns with a caliber of 88 mm, and four-level models, 60 Yuanling first-generation guns with a caliber of 228 mm.

If all are arranged, it should be enough. "

Fang Bai nodded slightly when he heard this, and this piece of black muzzle gave him enough sense of security.

If all are arranged, it is not as solid as a rock, but it is almost the same.

This is enough to arm a fortress.

Don't look at the 27 guns to ensure the legend will be killed, 60 guns are only enough to form two arrays.

That was the calculation based on the top legend data. For ordinary legends like Night Crow, nine cannons are enough.

Sixty cannons means that six legends can be fatally attacked at the same time.

And one legend is a deterrent force that is enough to control a faction.

Where can six legends attack at the same time?

In fact, nine fourth-level cannons with a certain number of third-level cannons are enough to guard a faction, which is called a super fortress.

And sixty cannons, it seems that they can only kill six legends at the same time, but even if there are sixteen or twenty-six legends, they have to watch obediently.

They really think that legends are cannon fodder, and they will go to their deaths one after another at the command.

Even if there are more legends, the situation will change when the first six legends are killed by artillery.

And if we don’t talk about killing, just talking about blocking, two cannons supported by computing power are more than enough to block a legend.

After all, nine fourth-level cannons kill a legend not because the legend can withstand the cannon attack.

It’s just because the legend will run.

If the legend really rushed forward in a rush, charging head-on

Does this mean that one shot can't kill people?

And once the sixty fourth-order cannons are formed into a whole line, they will cooperate with the dense third-order cannons.

"That should be enough."

Fang Bai smacked his lips, and then he put all the accessories, gun barrels, computing power units, radar units, solid elemental power and other materials into the inner space, directly filling up a small gap in the inner space.

After putting everything away, Fang Bai looked at Zhang Zhong and others who were ready, glanced at them, and then gave an order.

"Let's go!"


As soon as the voice fell, the driver of the armored vehicle pulled down the throttle of the two tracks.

The rich gold element was poured into the magnetocrystalline engine, and the magnetic field surged, driving the rotor to rotate rapidly.

The power was transmitted to the transmission wheels of the two tracks through the power. Almost at the moment when the throttle was pulled down, the tracked armored vehicles accelerated little by little, and after the speed increased, they rushed away directly.

Fang Bai tapped the ground lightly, and rushed forward quickly with one leap, his speed was no worse than that of the armored vehicle running at full power.

Fang Bai ran casually, since no one could give him a chance anyway, so he didn't need to hide it.

However, Zhang Zhong in the car watched Fang Bai running outside, and then looked at his own seat


Zhang Zhong's voice echoed over the convoy, and the familiar command instantly attracted the attention of all the soldiers.

"Everyone get out of the car and run forward."

The moment the voice fell, Zhang Zhong opened the hatch and jumped out first.

Although the armored vehicle was running at high speed, Zhang Zhong landed steadily on the ground without any shaking of his body, but there was only a muffled sound on the ground.

Seeing this, the others turned over and got out of the car, and turned into two lines running on both sides of the armored vehicle, and their speed did not fall at all.

After unloading hundreds of tons of "cargo", the speed of the armored vehicle could not help but increase by a few points.

Zhang Zhong ran happily behind Fang Bai, and gradually matched Fang Bai's pace with his step by step.

One after another, one after another, gradually, everyone's frequency has reached the same, as if there is only one footstep sound in the ear, showing an amazing degree of tacit understanding.

Such an elite, even without taking action, Fang Bai can imagine how elite it is.

And their own weight generally reaches about two tons, once they are fully armored, it is a terrifying weight of four to five tons.

And the best among them can often reach ten tons when they are fully armored, and the strongest can even reach more than ten tons.

With such an army, Fang Bai doesn't know who can stop it and who can break it once the clouds rise.

Even if the clouds don't rise, their bodies, each of which is comparable to second-level extraordinary equipment and some of which are comparable to third-level equipment, can make their enemies' scalps numb.

At this moment, just the aura exuded while running made the surrounding monsters flee with their tails between their legs.

And Fang Bai was very satisfied with the effect, and it was not in vain that he spent a lot of resources to cultivate them.

They are unstoppable and invincible troops!

If the Yuanling heavy artillery is the invincible shield of Tiangong Pavilion's defense, then this symbol of the origin and initial army of the extraordinary army is Tiangong Pavilion's indestructible sharp spear.

However, compared to the enemies they will need to face in the future, the current situation can only be regarded as unsatisfactory at best.

However, we still have to continue to strengthen!

However, nowadays, their physical strengthening path has reached a bottleneck to a certain extent, limited by some natural and earthly treasures that can improve physical strength.

And the price of this kind of natural resources is often not cheap. It doesn't matter if you train a few people or dozens of people, but if you train two hundred people at one time, Tiangong Pavilion cannot afford to train them.

Rather, it is more cost-effective to invest this money in research.

In comparison, the army.

"Lamp, wait a minute."

"I remember that the evil god's plane has fallen into the trial space and into that ancient battlefield.

Not surprisingly, that plane has become part of the ancient battlefield.

Even if I haven't yet, I can definitely use this springboard to go to the ancient battlefield under the trial space.

The black spring of death energy there is simply the best body-tempering rare object, and it is simply a body-tempering holy object.

As long as you prepare enough gold, you can use the black spring of death energy to temper your body and increase the metal density of your body.

I was also there when I completed the density breakthrough through the black spring of death and continued to strengthen it.

Although that death energy is of little use to me now, it is very precious to them.

The main reason is that the stock is huge and can be continuously produced.

Zhang Zhong and the others only need to increase their body density to the point where they can withstand the Fourth Refining, and maybe they can try the Fourth Refining. "

This black spring of death energy is extremely precious to the outside world. A black spring with such effects and continuous output must have been occupied by big forces long ago. Even if it has not been occupied, it will definitely be after the world appears. It attracted many forces to compete.

This is not like being in an area outside the main material world. As long as they find it, it belongs to them. At most, they only need to kill a few undead. It is simply relaxing and free of any disputes.

This is the charm of opening up. Not only are there opportunities everywhere because we have never opened up wasteland, but there are no competitors at all.

There is no support for this army to continue to grow stronger and work towards the Fourth Refinement standard.

However, despite this assumption, Fang Bai felt a bit gloomy in his heart.

"A mecha master's body that is not constructed of pure elemental metal may not be able to meet the standards of the fourth refinement.

After all, the Four Refinements carry rules and are not as easy to forge as imagined.

General strength is as powerless in the face of rules as butter in front of a hot knife.

Unless the density and intensity are raised to the extreme, twice as much as what I had before, and a field is formed, then maybe there is only a slight chance."

Thoughts flashed in Fang Bai's mind.

It seems that the laziness and skipped classes at the professional and elite levels have to be made up for at the master level.

This may very well be the case.

Although they took advantage of the mecha master profession to break through to the master level early, they still faced many, many problems.

Thinking of this, Fang Bai shook his head slightly and did not think about this issue again.

"We'll wait until the mecha is finished casting, and we'll wait until we enter the evil god's plane."

Fang Bai murmured.

In fact, it's not just them. Fang Bai still has no clue about breaking through the legend.

Although he has carried the power of legendary thunder in his physical body, although his magnetic field has merged with the field and contains powerful power, although his physical body can already stand up for legends to fight, although his combat power can already be beaten according to legends.

But he knows that he is not a legend yet.

He has neither formed a domain nor received the baptism of armor and resistance rules. Even the attribute panel shows him as just a master.

The mecha master is the route he pioneered, the profession he created, and he is the strongest.

Others follow his route.

Others are crossing the river by feeling his stones, and others rely on his experience to make breakthroughs.

And he himself can only explore and try bit by bit.

The most important thing is that because he has gone further and further, he has now strayed too far from the mainstream profession, so far that it is difficult for other professions to provide him with reference.

After all, there is no peak energy, no mental power to surpass the limit, only a body that can carry the rules.

How does this break through?

How to form a field?

I don't know, Fang Bai's only clue now is the ancient mage manuscript he got from the fat man and the profiteer.

“When the mecha comes out, the next work will focus on making a legendary breakthrough.

That is the condensation of the inner space. "

When the mecha was born, the evil god plane was of course the first to go.

But that is the next direction of the Tiangong Pavilion. Even if he needs to participate in it, the projection will not interfere with the normal research work.

Research and a steady stream of new knowledge are his eternal focus.

"The inner space"

Fang Bai's mental power could not help but look inward. Ever since he understood that the key to the inner space lies in the field, Fang Bai has made corresponding layout changes.

Construct a tiny ritual field, and use small ritual fields to form a large ritual field that covers the entire inner space.

In this process, the elemental power is continuously invested to enhance the power of the ritual field.

In this process, the field power is gradually formed, but this is just the beginning.

Fang Bai found that without the continuous influx of external power, this inner space can only be a rootless duckweed, and it will always be just a space with storage function, just like a slightly larger storage ring.

And the reason for this, Fang Bai also roughly understood after carefully reading the manuscript of the ancient wizard.

Without any structure, no operating rules for building a complete logical cycle for it, and no complete elements of a complete world, this is just a deformed product born by coincidence when a fantasy space meets a huge force of faith.

It is completely different from the fantasy space of the ancient wizard and the inner space that can develop into an independent world.

This is just a deformed product born by chance.

Yes, the residual life process of this inner space is a great opportunity for anyone.

Even for the ancient wizards, this may be the case, and they can directly achieve the condensation of the inner space.

But the basis for achieving this is. Enough knowledge, including but not limited to the knowledge of the world's structure and the complete rules and cycles of the world's operation.

If there is not enough knowledge, even if you encounter this opportunity, you can only use it as a storage space that can accommodate living things like Fang Bai now, and that's all, it's simply a waste of heaven's gift.

Therefore, even among the extraordinary, knowledge is power.

And because of the emergence of the extraordinary, the transformation of knowledge into power is more convenient, more diverse, and more direct, and the leverage multiple of its leveraging power will be greater.

Fortunately, although this inner space has been condensed, it is still connected to the fantasy space, which is still possible to remedy.

Not only does he have the opportunity to make up this step to the same level as the ancient wizard, he even has the opportunity to achieve the achievements that the ancient wizard could not achieve according to the content of the ancient wizard's manuscript.

Completing the regret of the ancient mage is not limited to mages, but completing the breakthrough of the legendary level in the most perfect manner.

Achieve perfection in the true sense!

Thinking of this, recalling a concept proposed in the manuscript of the ancient mage, Fang Bai's mouth curled up slightly. (End of this chapter)

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