I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 537 Elemental World?

"Although the idea is good, it is indeed difficult to realize. The so-called perfect breakthrough requires two fantasy spaces and a massive amount of faith."

Fang Bai thought to himself.

“And fantasy space requires a thorough understanding of the world structure.

Only after initially grasping the structure of the world, mastering the rules of world operation, and successfully designing a set of logically self-consistent and recyclable rules.

Only in this way can it be possible to form a perfect fantasy space, which requires massive computing resources and world knowledge. "

Fang Bai thought secretly.

"However, although it is difficult, a single fantasy space can become a legend, and the immortal will definitely become a god.

Not to mention the perfect breakthrough that combines two fantasy spaces at the same time.

Although this is difficult, the benefits are equally huge. "

"The manuscript states that in order to achieve a perfect breakthrough, two fantasy spaces must be condensed. Regarding this point, the manuscript only contains some theoretical derivation parts and is incomplete.

But it just so happens that I was born with a fantasy space, which means that the most difficult step has been taken by me."

"The future is promising."

This is one of the reasons why Fang Bai is so concerned about this manuscript and this perfect breakthrough.

He was born with such good conditions. If he didn't take advantage of it, the ancient mage who wrote this manuscript would have to get up from his coffin, slap it on the coffin angrily, and shout that it was a waste of natural resources.

Naturally, Fang Bai would not accept such excellent conditions being wasted.

While thinking about it, Fang Bai couldn't help but recall the previous trip to the Fire Elemental Realm.

Earth, fire, wind, and water are the four elements that serve as the foundation of the world, and the inner planes include the elemental world of earth, the elemental world of fire, the elemental world of wind, and the elemental world of water.

In the elemental world, the elements are extremely rich, and the nature of the elemental power varies greatly.

Take the fire elemental world as an example. The deeper you go under the magma seabed, the more violent the fire element becomes. Even the fire elemental beings born there are extremely violent.

The higher you go, the more stable and gentle you go. By the time you reach the fire clouds in the upper layer of the fire elemental world, these fire elements are basically the same as the fire elements in the main material world.

It is said that the three elemental realms of earth, wind and water are similar.

It's hard not to make Fang Bai think too much.

“If the four elemental realms of earth, fire, wind, and water are the source of elements for the entire main material realm.

It is similar to the root system of a plant, continuously absorbing nutrients for the world, and then processing it bit by bit into the "nutrition" the world needs. That is, it is processed into stable and gentle elemental power and then input into the world, becoming the growth and derivative of the world. resources.

A lot of things seem understandable. "

Fang Bai thought, the energy in the world is not infinite, and the world cannot become stronger out of thin air.

Since there is energy, there must be a source. Since it is getting stronger, there must be resources to absorb it.

The four elemental realms absorb nutrients and feed the world. Is this a kind of infrastructure of the world?

But what do the four elemental realms absorb?

Where is it absorbed? How is it absorbed?

Are the above inferences correct? What can prove them?

“Scientific research is not about random speculation. It is true to make bold assumptions, but what follows bold ideas is careful verification.

Now that I have made a conjecture, I should confirm or falsify it through experiments. "

Fang Bai murmured to himself, and an idea emerged in his mind.

"The first is to trace the source, and the second is to track."

A sphere representing space coordinates appeared in Fang Bai's hand. This was the space coordinate of the Fire Elemental Realm that Fang Bai had collected before. When the cross-border portal in the mage tower pointing to the evil god plane opens, and when the cross-border portal becomes idle, then Fang Bai can open a cross-border portal to the Fire Elemental Realm and go to the Fire Elemental Realm at any time.

“After entering the fire elemental realm, the magma sea continuously extends downward, chasing the increasingly violent fire element.

Go to the most violent position of the fire element and see where it is and what force formed these violent fire elements.

Continuously pursue the top of the fire cloud in the fire elemental world upwards to see if these stable fire elements are exported to the material world and supply the elemental power of the entire material world.

If so, then the conjecture I proposed can basically be confirmed.

And I only need to follow this and explore the four elemental realms of earth, fire, wind, and water, and then I can establish the most basic world structure.

At least you can use this to build a simple world that can continuously draw energy and grow. "

Fang Bai recalled the time when he was swimming in the magma sea of ​​the fire elemental world. At that time, he had been pursuing the legendary fire element and did not continue to dive deep into the magma. Then he would have to go down again.

But because he had gone down there, Fang Bai understood that he could bathe in the magma with his physical body, and he was fully qualified to continue diving.

While Fang Bai was thinking, his footsteps did not stop at all, always staying on the side of the armored convoy.

These armored vehicles, especially the five in the middle, are filled with heavy cubes of elemental metal.

Precious third-order elemental metals and even some fourth-order elemental metals are accumulated and calculated in units of "square" here.

These elemental metal cubes alone have emptied half of the inventory of Tiangong Pavilion's treasure house, which can be said to be a huge investment.

So much so that members of the foreign cabinet had to travel to farther cities and regions to sell and auction armor.

Using this as a stepping stone, they then participated in top auctions again and again, sweeping up high-level elemental metals on a large scale to replenish the inventory of elemental metals in Tiangong Pavilion.

Because elemental metals are precious, especially the preciousness of fourth-level legendary elemental metals, they are often the raw materials for forging fourth-level equipment.

The price is extremely high, which directly leads to a large part of the huge income from the sale of cultivation iron ingots and the sale of armor being used to auction these elemental metals.

Regardless of the price, they buy at all costs.

And often, they can only buy a piece the size of a watermelon, a winter melon, or a suitcase at a time, and it may be an ore, not a finished elemental metal that has been smelted and pre-treated.

From this, the value of these elemental metals can be seen.

And based on the price being basically the same, the density and weight are also very high.

The power of these armored vehicles is a magnetocrystalline engine, which is a small mecha engine designed for small-class mechas.

But even the smallest engine can be used by mechas. Even the smallest mechas can reach a height of more than ten meters and weigh hundreds of tons. Some heavy mechas can even weigh more than one hundred or nearly two hundred tons.

The engine that can drive such a heavy mecha is naturally not weak.

But even so, the armored vehicles carrying these elemental metals still slowed down the speed of the entire convoy.

So much so that they traveled day and night every day, and it took them five full days to get from Tiangong Pavilion to the main road outside Hongfeng City.

This is because there were many players and caravans who went to Tiangong Pavilion to buy iron ingots for cultivation at the beginning, and a dirt road had already been built in the forest.

Having a road to go and having no road to go are completely different things.

Finally, on the morning of the sixth day, ten armored vehicles ran at high speed and rushed directly along the bumpy dirt road to the relatively flat dirt road.

The heavy armored vehicles drove on the dirt road, leaving a track mark on it.

This mark continued to extend forward as they drove.

At this moment, in Xinhongfeng City, Hao Wei, surrounded by a group of people, and an old man in gorgeous clothes walked out of the gate of Xinhongfeng City.

Standing at the gate, the old man said with a smile.

"Chairman Hao, you don't need to see me off. I've already been sent home."

"Hahaha, that's fine. Then send Chief Suowen home. When the time comes, Chief Suowen will come out of the city to see me off. It may become a good story."

The old man laughed out loud when he heard this.

"Yes, yes, what President Hao said makes sense."

"But President Hao has to manage the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people in a city, and he is busy with work. How dare I delay President Hao for so long?

President Hao will stop here. Next time, the next time we meet, that will be the time for me to bring good news to President Hao."

"You're welcome. I'm also a favor from everyone. Zhan is temporarily serving as the city lord.

But there are indeed many things to do, so I dare not delay.

In that case, listen to Chief Suo Wen today. Next time, I will definitely make time for work and send Chief Suo Wen back to the clan in a grand manner."

Hao Wei and the old man talked to each other, and the people around them also responded one after another, and both of them were smiling.

After saying one sentence after another and exchanging greetings one after another, just when the two were officially preparing to separate, a strange sound suddenly came from the distance of the road, and the ground slowly trembled.

In the distance, some black shadows slowly emerged.

This situation made them slightly confused, and at this time, a tall professional next to the old man suddenly said in confusion.

"Such a big commotion, could it be a monster invasion?"

As soon as the voice fell, the aboriginals immediately became alert, but then someone said.

"No, it can't be a monster. How can a monster walk along the road honestly?"

"What is that? It's so huge and looks weird."

Everyone was surprised, and then, as the black shadow group approached, they gradually saw the appearance of the black shadow and the players running on both sides of the black shadow.

The people running on both sides were players at a glance, and the huge monster in the middle, which was completely made of metal, had wheels at the bottom, but was wrapped in metal, and such a heavy metal structure could move so fast.

"What is this? President Hao, is this your team?"

The old man asked in surprise, and Hao Wei saw clearly what it was and the person in the front, and said with a unchanged expression.

"Yes, that's right."

"We call this an armored vehicle, a military vehicle used in war.

It is very common in our player's world, so Chief Sowen should not be surprised."

"Oh, so that's how it is, it's so amazing."

The old man was full of amazement. With his eyes, it was not difficult to see the war potential of this vehicle.

After a round of praise, the old man left.

And he, Hao Wei and his group, who had been calm, suddenly couldn't hold back their faces.

Just now, when there were outsiders, they could still hold back their surprise and keep their faces straight to ensure that they would not embarrass themselves.

But now that the outsiders have left, they really can't hold back.

"What the hell?"

"Armored vehicle?"

Everyone was stunned. If this thing appeared in reality, even if it appeared in the city, it would just be a curiosity, but this, this... this is in the game.

Who the hell made an armored vehicle? It's still a tracked one.

An armored vehicle with actual combat value?

And there are so many of them, it's already mass-produced at a glance.

"So the technology tree has already climbed to this extent?"

Hao Wei took a long breath, looked at Fang Bai and others who were approaching quickly, and said.

"Technology tree?"

Fang Bai drew some attention to the words and waved his hand.

"Not yet, not yet. Ordinary steel armored vehicles can be made on an assembly line for fun.

But this kind of armored vehicle based on the three-refining process, which can withstand master-level attacks without damage and weigh hundreds of tons, still has to be built by hand.

The assembly line can't run."

"Withstand master-level attacks without damage and weigh hundreds of tons?"

Hao Wei's mouth opened even wider.

"Hey, how do you know that the speed just now has exceeded 100 kilometers?"

Fang Bai looked at Hao Wei in surprise.

Hao Wei's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, and it was this familiar taste again.

Fang Bai is still the same Fang Bai, but still very exaggerated!

This is fucking!

From Hao Wei's expression, Fang Bai has received the emotional value he needs. He immediately waved his hand and ran away. Let's talk about it next time when there is something new.

Hao Wei, who had just recovered and was about to ask for the price, saw Fang Bai running away.

"Ah, why did you leave? I haven't asked the price yet?"

"Uh, President, it is not recommended to ask."

"What's wrong, is there any problem?"

Hao Wei looked at a player next to him in surprise, and then heard him say.

"As far as I know, the threshold for the three refinements of Tiangong Pavilion is elemental metal, or at least elemental alloy mixed with some elemental metal.

After three refinements, it can become a third-level equipment. Even the third-level equipment of elemental alloy is for master-level professionals, and its effect, quality, and properties are stronger than the equipment forged by the natives using pure elemental metal.

Under the technology of Tiangong Pavilion, even the price of the third-level equipment of elemental alloy is much higher than that of the same weight of elemental metal, and the price of the slightly better elemental metal is comparable to the same weight of gold.

So, what you see is not an armored vehicle, but "

the player said faintly.

"It's a running gold mountain, and that's just the result of the material value.

If you add the engine, the internal supporting array, the rune array, and various effects. President, listen to me, don't ask.

That thing can only be played with by Tiangong Pavilion, which has mastered the material technology and manufacturing technology.

Only Fang Bai and Su Shiping can treat it as a big toy to show off."


Hao Wei was speechless. With his original family background and his current power and status, he would definitely be a rich man and a leader wherever he was.

But why did he feel like he was just being told.

"Don't look at it, you don't have money and can't afford it?"

Hao Wei was stunned, and the key point was that he really couldn't refute it.

For a moment, his eyes turned green when he looked at the armored vehicles. (End of this chapter)

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