I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 547: The Prophet's Legacy


Fang Bai frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

The feeling is fleeting, but

"What's the reason?"

Fang Bai immediately started investigating.

When his strength reaches his level and he realizes his level, he can already capture a lot of information and signals.

No matter what the reason is, there is no room for misunderstanding.

With Fang Bai's character, it is impossible to regard it as an illusion, because anything that can trigger his induction will definitely affect him.

The next moment, Fang Bai's overwhelming mental power spread out to the side of Tiangong Pavilion and Dusk Plain.

Expand with the structure of the microscopic field, observe the outside world in the microscopic field, and finally compile it into the picture seen in the macroscopic field according to the formula.

Fang Bai's mental power was like an invisible net, spreading out overwhelmingly with a degree of concealment and coverage that far exceeded that of the same level.

No one noticed during the whole process. Only a few devices specially used to monitor mental power in the microscopic field sounded alarms, and only then did others notice Fang Bai's strangeness.

They all looked at Fang Bai, but Fang Bai didn't speak for the time being.

The mental energy on the Tiangong Pavilion side was gathered back, and all the energy was placed on the Dusk Plain side.

He feels...here he is!

However, after scanning the whole article, he found nothing unusual.

However, Fang Bai didn't say anything, but scanned over and over again. While scanning, he used the time flow rate of more than a thousand times in the fantasy space to analyze every picture and every pixel scanned by his mental power.

Amidst the strong feeling of something wrong, during the inspection one by one, a person suddenly appeared where no one had been noticed before.

When Fang Bai saw him, he felt something was strongly wrong.

Because he subconsciously ignored it, only by checking inch by inch over and over again could his existence be confirmed time and time again.

Because there is no sense of existence anymore, that is still existence.

You can ignore it if you don't pay attention, but when you check it inch by inch, there is nothing to hide.

Fang Bai turned to look to the west, and the next moment he marked the existence of the man in white in the mental local area network.

Seeing the man in white who had approached the edge of the projection, everyone was stunned, and Zhang Zhong, who was in charge of security, jumped up.

"How is that possible?!"

"How did he avoid detection?"

Zhang Zhong's face turned aside, and the next moment he directly activated all the fourth-order Yuanling Rune cannons and all the third-order Yuanling Rune cannons that were not in the shooting range, and directly faced this man in white who suddenly appeared, but there was no Fang Bai who could not find them at all. received the highest level of attention.

Killed to pieces!

At this time, Fang Bai also recognized the embarrassed man in white.


Fang Bai said softly, compared to when he was in the Dusk Plain, this prophet's breath had changed too much, his temperament had changed too much, and his appearance was completely different. Even with his memory and ability, it took him a lot of effort to get it right. its distinguishable.

"Why is he here? Still looking like he's running away?"

Fang Bai just thought about it, and the prophet who had already appeared on the edge of the projection stepped into the projection area.

The white-clothed prophet felt something was wrong. Although neither his mental power nor his eyes noticed anything wrong, for a prophet, intuition was the best weapon.

Without any hesitation, I took a step forward, and in an instant, it was like the world had changed.

A huge development is suspended in the air, and the flashing runes on it are so mysterious that it makes people dizzy after looking at it for a few more times.

It’s really different here, there’s really another world!

Inside, a steady stream of elemental power rippled, and the strongest point was about a hundred meters in front of him.

The white-clothed prophet looked around and immediately saw a dark red light suppressed in the black hole of the muzzle.

In an instant, his whole body was covered in cold sweat, and the omen of death shrouded him. He had nowhere to escape and no chance of survival. It was even more terrifying than when he faced the legendary pursuit before.

He was numb. The prophet in white was completely numb.

He even felt that the backlash of forcibly increasing his luck had come.

He felt like his spell was all wrong.

But he still suppressed his fear.

His use of the forbidden technique only brought him from a place of no life to a position where there might be a glimmer of hope.

But whether he can seize this glimmer of hope depends entirely on his ability.

Strong is good here, the stronger the better.

How could someone without strength be able to keep a trace of life alive under the pursuit of Legend?

Such a terrifying arrangement here should be able to save his life under the legend, right?

Without any hesitation, the prophet in white raised his hand.

"I am a prophet. I can help you find magic medicine or artifacts through prophecy!"

The prophet in white did not say anything meaningless, nor did he say anything to show that he had no hostility and was asking for help.

He understood that the spell structure in front of him might launch an attack at the next moment, and he might only have a few seconds to speak.

Wasting even one word could mean his death.

Inside the layers of magic circles, Zhang Zhong looked at Fang Bai and asked with his eyes whether he wanted to fire.

As long as Fang Bai signals, even if the man in white is a legend, he will be instantly wiped out by cannon fire.

Fang Bai did not rush to express his position, but looked at the man in white quietly.

Ever since he knew that it was Fatty who stole someone's astrology device in the first place, he no longer had any bad feelings toward the prophet.

If there is a problem, it is the fat man who has the problem first, and his character is not good.

This is undeniable.

Although he and Fatty have a good relationship, he can't defend Fatty with his values.

Of course, Fatty is not a player, but a local of this extraordinary world. They have their own values. Although Fang Bai disagrees, he will not demand others with his values.

He is looking at this prophet now, with only one doubt in his mind.

"How did you hide your breath? Why didn't I almost find you?"

Hearing the voice that sounded out of nowhere, the heart that had been beating in his throat finally calmed down slowly.

The prophet knew that he had caught a glimmer of opportunity!

"This is the secret skill of our prophet."

The white-clothed prophet did not wait for Fang Bai to ask, and took the initiative to explain.

"We prophet believe that everything has its own destiny.

And destiny is intertwined with destiny, forming this world together.

If we separate our destiny from the destiny of all other objects and people, then our destiny will not intersect.

So although I exist here, you cannot find me or notice me.

Because our destiny does not intersect, if our destiny does not intersect, then naturally there is no chance of meeting."

Speaking of this, the prophet in white's heart beat violently again.

Because he suddenly realized that he was discovered.

Discovered by a stranger, not an acquaintance who was deliberately plotting.

This means that this person could not have made any preparations in advance, and could not have prepared his blood, hair or other media in advance.

This means that this person discovered him by force.


The prophet in white was shocked, and suddenly remembered his previous prophecy that he had nothing to gain.

One of the conclusions I came to was that there was a high-level existence blocking his prediction. If that was true.


The white-robed prophet's heart beat violently. Now he knew that he had really bumped into a big guy by accident.

Realizing this, the white-robed prophet did not dare to play any tricks and continued immediately.

"If Your Majesty is interested, I can offer the prophet's job transfer method and the corresponding secret inheritance to Your Majesty.

But now there are many legendary forces and families chasing me, and one of them has even got my medium.

They can lock my position. At present, they are chasing me, but I am temporarily leaving them alone by using the method of instant transmission.

Currently, there is a warrior legend, five masters, and several elite professionals in their team chasing me.

I am willing to serve Your Majesty for free and I hope Your Majesty will protect me."


Fang Bai pondered for a moment. The curiosity in his heart could not be avoided, but looking at this prophet, he couldn't help but speak out.

"Serve me?"

"Help me find the artifact and the magic medicine?"

"Yes, Crown."

The prophet in white had just agreed, and the next sentence that came out of nowhere instantly made his legs go weak and he almost fell to the ground.

"Is it like the search for the magic medicine that others found by using the connection with the astronomical instrument?"

When the prophet in white heard this, his head was buzzing instantly.

No one had told him how he locked the magic medicine, and he couldn't expose the news of the Star Track to others.

Otherwise, others might not only rob the magic medicine.

So, the person who knew this news must be the one who was in the same team with Fatty at the time.

From the sound, it was not Fatty, so it should be the devil-like figure at the time.

Recalling the record of that person at the time, the prophet in white felt that the current situation was easier to accept.

It's just that he and Fatty were in the same group.

The prophet in white was shocked, and his face turned slightly pale, but he still stabilized.

Since he is not dead yet, there is still a chance!

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for making fun of you. I just wanted to take back the heritage of our lineage. I had no ill intentions."

"That's between you and Fatty. You can compete among yourselves. It's none of my business. I just want to say..."

"You don't seem to have the ability of language magic medicine or semi-magic medicine.

You are bluffing me."

Fang Bai's tone was flat, and no emotion could be heard in it. However, such a flat sentence made the white-robed prophet sweat profusely and his face pale.

"However, since you did not hide the fact that you were hunted by the legend, you are honest and have no intention of deliberately harming others.

I can save your life with your prophet's professional inheritance and related secret skills."

Up and down, up and down, the white-robed prophet's heart was beating violently at this moment, just like a roller coaster.

A strong excitement and happiness surged in his heart, and at the same time, a strong impulse surged in his heart.

Follow him!

Follow him!

Prophet originally needs to rely on the existence of a higher status to better complete the promotion.

Since you need to rely on and follow, why not just rely on and follow the person in front of you?

The white-robed prophet took out a crystal ball without any hesitation.

There were some mysterious patterns drawn on the crystal ball, in which the elemental power and mental power flowed at the same time, which was very exquisite, directly blocking the mental power and elemental power that communicated between the inside and the outside.

Obviously, this was a seal and a lock.

The white-robed prophet made a few simple movements, and the elements and mental power surged, the pattern disappeared without a trace, and the sealing magic circle it symbolized also disappeared without a trace.

The information stored in it is like it is completely defenseless, and anyone with spiritual power can read it.

"Your Majesty, this is the professional way and professional inheritance of the prophet's profession."

"Yes, as long as you do not leave the coverage of the projection, I guarantee your safety."

As soon as the voice fell, the crystal ball in the hand of the white-robed prophet passed the cannon and floated into the depths, and he immediately spoke out.

"Your Majesty, can I follow you during this period?

So that I can answer your doubts in the field of prophecy at any time."

After a slight pause, the white-robed prophet waited anxiously, and a voice sounded after a moment.


Before the word fell, the white-robed prophet suddenly found that the forbidden effect of the spell covering him had dissipated, and then the backlash swept over.

The backlash was not an injury, nor was it a shortened life, and it did not even consume a single bit of vitality, but it made the white-robed prophet's heart throb.

The next moment, a rune cannon next to it had been storing energy for a long time, and a rune with some deviation on it flickered slightly, causing a structural failure that caused the magic circle to be interrupted.

A series of accidents occurred, and a dazzling dark red light bloomed in the black muzzle.


With a loud bang, the terrifying power covered the white-robed prophet, and the place where he stood was filled with smoke and dust.


Fang Bai was stunned, turned his head and looked at Zhang Zhong, his eyes seemed to say.

I just promised to save his life and you fired a cannon at him?

Are you trying to show your displeasure to me?

Zhang Zhong, who was also stunned, interpreted this meaning and his eyes widened immediately.

"Unfair, Pavilion Master, I am innocent, I didn't fire the cannon."

"Then I fired it?"

"No, no, it wasn't us, it was an accident.

I checked, it was a misfire!"

Fang Bai raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Misfire? Are you kidding me?"

This Yuanling Type I Rune Cannon is not only equipped with an energy-gathering array, but also with more than a dozen cards that restrict and constrain each other.

More than a dozen rune strings work together, and even if the rune key of one of them is not matched, the cannon cannot be fired.

You mean that because of an accident, more than a dozen rune strings all failed at the same time, causing this cannon to be fired?

Are you kidding me? Can anyone be so unlucky?

Is it the reincarnation of a jinx?"

Zhang Zhong was speechless after hearing this. He himself did not believe this, but it was indeed the case after the self-examination just now.

Just when he was about to say something, coughs sounded. Everyone turned their heads and saw the prophet in tattered white clothes walking out of the smoke. Although he was in a mess, he did not seem to be seriously injured.

However, just as he walked out of disgust, the next moment the white-clothed prophet tripped over a stone and fell to the ground, and coughed violently because of his difficulty in breathing.

A rock that had just been blown away fell and hit the back of the head of the prophet in white. A crow flew over and dropped its excrement on his white clothes.

Suddenly, another unexpected elemental vibration blew him into the air.


Zhang Zhong pointed at the prophet and said tentatively.

"The reincarnation of a jinx?" (End of this chapter)

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