I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 548 The Price of Prophecy


Looking at the unlucky prophet in white, Fang Bai couldn't help but be stunned.

How can this be justified by just being unlucky? The reincarnation of this broom star is nothing more than that, right?

Fang Bai even felt that if the prophet in white was not a master, he would not survive for a few minutes and would die suddenly on the spot.

However, it can be seen that although he did not die suddenly on the spot, he was heavily bombarded by a third-level Yuanling Rune, and he was not far away from being killed suddenly.

Normally, a person with this kind of luck would never survive long enough to make a sound, and would have long since burped.


"Is it because of the secret skills of the prophet profession? In order to escape, you released some secret skills that are conducive to escape, and now that the effect of the secret skills has passed, the backlash is coming?"

It could actually affect luck, and Fang Bai became more and more curious about the profession of fortune teller.


"Wait, luck?"

Fang Bai's thoughts swirled, and then he looked at him in surprise.

"He probably didn't notice the projection or us just now.

So, he couldn't have really relied on "strong luck" to find me, and then found a glimmer of hope.


Fang Bai became more and more surprised. Looking at the prophet in white who was barely holding on under various unfortunate events, he couldn't help but ask.

"How long will your state last? How to solve it?"

"Normally it will last for more than three months, but the impact will continue to decrease as time goes by. It is the strongest now, and it will become weaker and weaker in the future, and my own luck will continue to increase.

However, if you can follow your Majesty, the effect will be greatly weakened, and it will not take three days to fully recover. "

"Following, the difference is so big? So."

"Are you following me just to ask me to help you shoulder the blame?

The harm will never be reduced for no reason. If you can't bear it, it will definitely be on me. "

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. You are of noble character. The backlash that is terrible to me is as easy as the wind blowing on your face."

"Then there must be something reduced."

"But Your Majesty, your personality is enough to bear the backlash of these fortunes.

It's like having an extra pound of weight on your body doesn't affect you in any way.

And without causing any impact, my prophecy can also be blessed by the person under the crown, thus exerting a stronger effect.

From this perspective, the improvement of status can avoid the backlash of prophecy. "

Fang Bai listened with great interest and great joy.

The fortune teller's career information and fortune were things he had never come into contact with before.

And these things happened to have magical effects, how could Fang Bai not be curious.

However, when the prophet in white asked to follow him again, Fang Bai still refused without hesitation.

Just kidding, Fang Bai didn't want to accept the prophet until he knew that there would be a price to pay for accepting him as a follower.

Let alone knowing this now.


The prophet in white said there would be no impact?

It’s so funny that you just believe whatever others say. Isn’t this just seeking death?

Also, even if what he said is true, he is enough to bear it.

But it’s worth predicting something, right?

Is there any difference between predicting an ordinary person with no strength and predicting a powerful person with legendary strength?

He can handle ordinary prophecies, but what if this prophet tries his best to prophesy a country or a real god?

With him bearing the price, wouldn't this prophet become a prodigy?

I really don’t know how I died.

Don't think that because he is strong, he is not afraid of bad luck.

What if you are unlucky enough to be hit on the head by a meteorite, and this meteorite happens to be another demonic beast?

Or maybe a floating city just came out of the sky and hit him on top?

Not only did he not accept it at this moment, Fang Bai also made an immediate decision. In the future, he must maintain a pure stranger relationship with anyone who is engaged in the profession of prophet, and he must not get involved.

As for the prophet in white in front of me.

“I hereby declare that my relationship with the prophet in front of me is only a transaction.

The prophet exchanged inheritance with me for physical and spiritual protection. After the transaction was completed, we had no relationship.

Besides, I don’t have any personal or destiny-protecting relationship with him! "


The prophet in white was silent.

Fang Bai paid careful attention to the status of the prophet in white.

Seeing that the white-clothed prophet did not become more unlucky, Fang Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, I should not have been influenced by this white-clothed prophet to achieve qualification or destiny.

However, Fang Bai was not yet at ease, so he immediately calmed down and sensed it with his soul and consciousness.

He believed that as long as it was something related to him, as long as it really affected him, he would somehow feel it.

After calming down and sensing for a while, I found nothing unusual. Then I slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then spoke out.

"You just stay here, I will protect you both physically and mentally during this time.

In addition, we will provide you with some drinking water and food supplies normally, so you don’t have to worry. "


Sensing Fang Bai's dislike, it seemed as if having any relationship with him would make him unlucky.

This. This.

He never thought that he, a master prophet, would one day be disliked.

You know, he is a master!

Master prophet!

Even if he can't predict the location of the magic medicine, even if he can't predict the location of the artifact!

But this is not because he is not good at it, it is entirely because the magical medicine and artifact are too precious, and their status is too high, so high that he cannot predict it at all.

But what about the third-level elixir equivalent to the master level? What about the second-level elixir? What about the first-order elixir?

What about the fourth-level elixir equivalent to the legendary level?

And what about the overall situation in the future?

Having such a master-level prophet is a great improvement for the entire force and a great improvement for the foundation.

Only truly powerful forces with deep foundations can cultivate truly high-level prophets.

However, for this kind of profession, even those powerful forces with strong foundations can only train a few high-level prophets, both to prepare for emergencies and to maintain the inheritance. How can there be such a ghostly look in Fang Bai's eyes?


The prophet in white suddenly felt something in his heart, and suddenly remembered something.

Or he accidentally discovered a situation that had not been connected before, but at this moment, the white-clothed prophet felt a little excited in his heart.

"It seems. It seems that small forces that recruit prophets can usually soar into the sky very quickly, and their strength grows rapidly.

However, once the strength stops growing, the power will generally fall apart and disappear.

And even if big forces train prophets, they will only train one or two.

And I don’t predict it easily.”

A possibility suddenly appeared in the white-clothed prophet's mind.

"The prophet, the prophet is like"

The prophet in white couldn't help but feel a little guilty when he thought of this and recalled what he had just said.

At this moment, he couldn't help but wonder if his bad luck during this period was also related to his frequent prophecies before, right?

The white-clothed prophet's heart couldn't help but beat violently.

It is true that he is a prophet with a heritage.

But there is no such thing as a wild fortune teller as a profession.

Any prophet has a heritage, otherwise it is impossible to become a prophet.

But his master died in an accident. Although he received the education and inheritance of a prophet, even he himself could not guarantee that he had received all the education of a prophet.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid there is something lacking in this aspect.

This resulted in him actually speaking a lot, to the point where he felt something was wrong and had to find someone to use a prophet to predict something.

"This, this, I, this"

The prophet in white felt miserable. Suddenly, he felt that the trajectory of the star was stolen, he was hunted down, and he was betrayed. Everything seemed to have a reason.

And in the end, when it came down to the blame, maybe he himself was more responsible.

The prophet in white was silent for a long time, unable to speak.

Suddenly, another thought couldn't help but pop up in my mind.

"Where should I go? I don't know. Let me predict it and see what I plan to do in the future."

The prophet in white had just taken out a crystal ball and was preparing to make a prediction, when he suddenly got excited.

Already put the prophecy on the spot and made it a daily habit.

The prophet in white didn't even know how many times his predictions had surpassed those of ordinary fortune tellers.

All the gifts of destiny have a price tag.

This thought completely paralyzed the prophet in white.

In desperation, the white-clothed prophet could only smash the pot, sit down on the ground, and began to practice with a sigh.

At least not talking about backlash, his number of predictions and proficiency have directly surpassed the total number of predictions made by several generations of prophets, right?


The remaining power of the underground Yuanling rune heavy artillery combined with the power of the underground elements exploded. The huge shock wave directly knocked the white-clothed prophet into the air and vomited blood, and then suppressed it.

This luck made Fang Bai, who was paying attention here, speechless.

"What kind of luck is this?"

Fang Bai couldn't help but mutter.

"Even this kind of thing can happen. The residual power of Yuanling Rune Heavy Cannon gives it characteristics, and the right structure underground provides conditions for the gathering of elemental power.

A semi-natural mine array is formed directly underground, and it will explode when the balance is doubled and destroyed. "

Fang Bai couldn't help laughing.

This is simply a situation that is possible in theory, but absolutely impossible to accomplish in reality.

Even normal people wouldn't think this way, and Fang Bai didn't know whether he was lucky or bad.

This can't be done at all

A flash of electricity suddenly burst out in Fang Bai's mind.

"Wait? Why can't it be completed?"

“It only requires the residual power, the right terrain structure, and the concentration of elemental power to form a fragile balance!

It doesn’t need to be perfect or strong, it just needs a balance! "

A surprise flashed in Fang Bai's eyes.

"If designed based on this principle, the rune heavy cannon can be used to complete the large-scale deployment of elemental mines.

Not just on the ground, underground, but also in the sky! "

"Yes, there is a chance in the sky, but it relies on the flow of wind and thunder. It can be achieved completely."

This sudden inspiration made him very excited. Regardless of the unlucky fortune teller, he told Zhang Zhong to stay away from him and ensure his safety, and then he immersed himself in his thoughts.

“Underground, ground, and sky, if it can be realized, it will actually use the elements of heaven and earth as thunder.

Use the remaining power of the rune heavy cannon to detonate elements within a certain range.

The amount of elements is the amount of charge. Theoretically speaking, there is no upper limit to this, and the power is impressive. "

"Moreover, it uses the elements of heaven and earth as materials, and the soil or air currents between heaven and earth as the support of the magic circle, which naturally has a strong concealment effect.

Even this master prophet did not notice it. Although there may be other reasons, it still shows its powerful concealment effect.

If this step by step can be completed, then in the future, one shot will block the sky and the ground.

Those who don't know will directly break into it and leave no bones, and those who know will be terrified and unable to move, and

"It can be done. Once this kind of cannon is formed, it can perfectly serve as a blockade of defense lines or sniper kills strong people.

Defense is not discussed for the time being, this kind of cannon is used in the offensive field.

One shot blocks the displacement space, and one shot snipers. The trapped enemy will die if they don't run away.

Even if the mines arranged in a hurry are less powerful, they are huge in number, and a little bit adds up.

And you can try to transform this kind of mine from lethality to functionality.

Deceleration, freezing, entanglement and the like. "

Fang Bai was tempted. Theoretically speaking, once this landmine cannon is formed, a fourth-order landmine cannon and a regular fourth-order rune heavy cannon will work together, and the two cannons will be enough to snipe regular legends.

Of course, this cannon is still just a theory at present. No, it is not even a theory, but just a budding inspiration.

It will take a long time of scientific research and experiments to get the answer to whether it can be done and to what extent.

If it is handed over to an ordinary project team, it will take at least a few years. Er. A day or two?

Fang Bai blinked.

"That's too long. "

Fang Bai, in a good mood, projected this inspiration and some specific information and technical requirements to the local area network inside Tiangong Pavilion, and released it after setting the project limit and funding amount.

If there is a project team interested in it, they will naturally take it directly for research, and Fang Bai naturally does not have to worry about these things.

Whether it is feasible or not, whether it is successful or failed, Fang Bai will be given a definite response on the local area network.

Thinking about the application of this kind of cannon, Fang Bai can't help but look at the white-clothed prophet a little more pleasing to the eye.

Of course, pleasing to the eye is pleasing to the eye, Fang Bai will definitely not have any thoughts of recruiting him.

At least before he has a clear enough understanding of the profession of prophet and is sure that it will not cause harm and what harm it will cause, he will definitely not consider it.

After all, Fang Bai is not afraid of real things, but this kind of virtual and fancy

is really a bit scary.

However, at this moment, a feeling of prying is shrouded, and he shouted immediately.

"Who! "

At this moment, time went back to a few minutes ago, and the white-robed prophet who had withstood another wave of bad luck took a breath.

After a little breath adjustment, he suddenly had an idea. (End of this chapter)

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