I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fists to the youth wishing section 333

"Nor ..."

Spreading is slightly with mouth, this cute expression is probably fell in the eyes by her subsidiary, but this is just that she is in front of normal move.

"Usually meet, negotiate with other companies, occasionally to go to the ground ... Sometimes you need to do things about the Boxing Association, there is a challenge that the company has received ... Sample, very busy! "

"I just listened to me, I've been so thinking ..."

In this case, can the sheath incense be accompanied by themselves?

And also have a bit complicated.

"Not tired?"

"Pay forever is proportional to harvest."

Spreading vibrating the word.

"Even if it is, it is also a lot of hardships, is it so stronger?"

"I didn't feel ..."

And also touched your own chin, he seems to have failed to link his daily life with "pay".

"Exercise, or by Wang Horse and shards ... These should not pay?"

"After all, it is not a normal person, and it is not the way you have."

In other people, even if the tone of sheath is just a feeling, it will take this sentence as a ridicule, but after a little thinking, he nodded.

Even if the sheath is not said, he has already realized his "abnormal". As for what bad emotions, what is the bad emotions mentioned in this point, it is not there.

"This is also something that can't say, it is better to say, I am fine now."

If you have to evaluate your "abnormal" with a term, then you will definitely choose "Fortunate".

"If I am just an ordinary person, then I will now hide at home, let my sister comfort me, maybe ... I don't even have the courage to stay around me."

"You will actually say this, I didn't think it ..."

And I also see a little inquiries, and sheath incense feels that I need to organize the language.

"The exchange is before, and it is probably only one sentence, and then wrinkled."

"Probably the recent ... What do you think?"

Do you have a recent thinking?

If you think about it, the answer is that the answer is.

"Should you face it? Can you face the previous weak yourself, you can go face ...

"Yes, I also grew up."

"Is it?"

This evaluation of "Great" is often giving a child, and it is really growing to a certain degree, but no one will say something.


Just, when you think about it, the sheath is continuing to speak.

"I have said before, I will have a lot of money, I naturally understand a lot, now I am not so?"

"At that time, the sister sister is said ... I live in my heart ..."

After smiling, I also looked up with my head, and I also looked up, I could only see the white ceilings, but his eyes seem to look up at the stars.

"Think now, it should be referred to as my anger, not sweet, hate ... Also, love to Yangzi?"

"Ms. Yang ..."

In front of you, it is said that it is the most proud masterpiece of the Chopin's general genius.

The sheath is so curious, and how do you think about your mother.

"I rarely listened to her ..."

"Because there is nothing to say ..."

And also shake the head, when I encountered the problem that I can't answer for a while, he always loves this way to think about not help.

"Moreover, I don't quite understand her ... During this time, I will tell me some of her things. I found out that she never gave me a chance to understand her."

"It is clear that it is also the favorite family!"

Compared to doubts, the sparrin is more surprised at this time.

People who can fight for life can not understand? Even the chances of understanding have nothing ... she is somewhat not to imagine, and how the love is coming.

"Time to get along the eve is not to understand each other's chance?"

"I originally thought that I understood her, but ... from the son, I know is another person ..."

And the emotional naked eye can be seen down.

"I think, if you send her one or two temper, I can know her? But you know ..."

"Is it?"

Inadvertently, the eyes of sheath fell to the left wrist, she felt that she didn't seem to catch something.

It turned out to be because of his temper ...

"I think, one thing ... and also is definitely clear."


"Ms. Yangzi, it is definitely loved and also, just like you love her."

"Is it?"

This is, I have already doubt something countless times, and he hates what he is shaking is repeatedly repeated on this issue.

He can't understand why sheath is in a short sentence, after a few words.

"Because, and the love in the heart, is it a little bit of the same feelings with the same feelings?"

"Is the same feelings?"

And also shaken again.

Section 434 Chapter 61 Chapter Ashes & Landscape

"This is also ... Is it proportional to harvest?"

And probably I want to make a joke, make the atmosphere easily, but he said that the tone of this sentence is heavy.

"If this is true, then the Yangzi probably not harvested so much? Now I still want to give her temper ..."

"And you can have such an idea, indicating that your love for Ms. Yangzi is also the response she wants."

"Is it?"

In this regard, and it is only a nodding, after all, this is really not a comfortable comfort, even if it is a spandemun, it can't let him come out from the emotional trough.

After sighed, he took a mobile phone from the pocket, and did not want to transfer attention, but felt the call prompt that the vibration was transferred.

"Don't know the number ..."

Looking at a series of numbers displayed on the screen, and hesitated for a while, the stranger's calls were more biased between the connections and not connected.

But this time, he put his mobile phone on the desktop after pressing the hands-free button.

"Is it sagged?"


The voice of Musash is not distorted by electric signals, and he has long heard the title of this ancient intention, lets and reluctantly play a spirit.

"I have recently mastered the use of this props called 'mobile', as a military method, it is necessary to keep up with the times."

The Surprises in Wuzhou listened to the tone, and he was also very interested in and also conducted some chat.

"After getting you from Dechuan ... After the phone number, I have always thought that if one day will talk to you once."

"Need me to greet you how have you been recently?"

And also tone is a bit cold, this is the symbol he seriously.

Of course, it is impossible to think that Musash is in order to narrow the communication method, or the development of the development of a chat.

What's more, Musashi has expressed meaning enough ... This is a necessary conversation.

"No need ..."

When this sentence is said, the other of the phone is about to shook his head. Perhaps he still keeps a hitting gesture at this time.

"I want to talk to you is that I have taken a few more than ... boxing, telling the truth, those fighting technologists are not the opponents I want."

"So, the boxing is willing to be exhausted, is you not going to participate?"

Less less than such an opponent, it is impossible to say that there is no regret, but it is clear, this is something that is strong.

"Desperate ... When fighting at the fight, I don't think about what I should, why still need to emphasize?"

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