I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use fists to youth Wishing Section 334

Wuzhou's doubt is not a feeling of this moment, because he has already heard the word "boxing", and then asked this question, maybe it is his purpose.

"More more, it's fighting for your own wishes ..."

"The fighting skills are just a chess, how can the papers will have a wish?"

And did not avoid the sheath in the side, the same, he did not use any euphemistic statement because of one member of the fighting technique.

"As for the player behind, how much can I have a sense of life?"

"So, it is some people who are sad and weak ..."

Musash will not go to the weak, but he will not have any compassion for them.

"So, is it strong, why do you have to mix in this weak world?"

"To say why ... this is a long story, I think you don't listen to this?"

And also self-ridicule.

"However, if you want to know, then participate in this boxing will be desperate, go to the vertices, then defeat me ... you will know."

"That is, I have never touched the world of Shengxiao?"

Musaves seem to ignite the war.

"Vertex ... What is the magnificent scenery?"

"This is not, there is only one ash ..."

And shake your head, how is the vertices of the Boxing Association, and he is the most saying right.

"But you are there."

When you say this sentence, Musash has changed the idea - he will appear there, there is a place where there is a friend named "Yacheng and also".

"Then I wait for you."

And the answer to this sentence is a series of busy tones, but he is not annoying, maybe the only thing that makes him dissatisfaction at this time, it is not able to stay behind the desk.

"It turns out that the current boxing is this for the way to and the Jun."

Boxing is never interesting things, and sheath is very clear, but she still thinks about it.


What does this mean? She can't understand at a time.

"I think, when I started ... I probably I want to burn all the gray? My hate, pain, anger, four palace home, or ... I myself."

Sheath incense quickly got the answer they wanted, but she was unexpected, and when they said this sentence, it was undoubtedly laughing.

"Now I succeed, then ... for me, the top of the boxing, naturally only one ashes ... I know, this is probably the idea of ​​my brain is broken, but ... it is true."

"The current boxing is now, I can't achieve the wish for and also, then ..."

So why are you here?

This is what is said between the consciousness of the sheath, even if she is used to the three consensus, they will export, but in such a conversation, there is not so much room for she thinking.

The answer you get is very simple - "For the sipping sister", you will say this.

"It's probably nothing to have a long time?"

There is less, the sheath is not guessed.

"Even if there is only one ashes, but for men ... but it is a place where the playground is just ... It is really suitable for playing."

"Is it?"

The answer that guess is actually the most desired, even if there is no surprise, but ... what you want is not getting, it is inevitable.

"The wishes of scabbard sister are here, is we not about a good time? Will give things that you want to do."

Is this a prank?

The sheath is so thinking.

At least this time, and there have been some temperatures in the smile.

"For me, there is only one ashes here, because I can only see these things ... But you can see the magnificent scenery? In the top of the boxing. I occasionally think, if you are with the scabbard There, can I see some different things? "

"It's good to go to the wild!"


Section 435 Chapter 62 Againstability

Compared to lunch that will be slightly in the office, dinner is actually a relatively special communication time for sheathprudence.

For those who can eat with her, and the existence can be said to be a naked deterrence, of course, occasionally there is an exception.

Because people who want to eat together today, it is also an old friend for and also.

"It's rare to be spacating, your guy is actually ... really disappointment."

When the purple ash as a smoke, the purple ash is a bit violent, she will never be so well - it is said that the violet is because of the cold.

The last boxing is not like to make their relationship to ease, at least the purple tone does not use such irritated tone and talk.

"But it is good, there is something to ask you more."


Although the most important thing for and also dinner is to eat, but in front of the familiar people, he will still be habitually to converge, such as getting your own graceful look, so in the mouth The food is swallowed and then speaks.

"You introduced to me the fighting skills, Carlos Mei Dell, remember?"

It is really a lot of troubles from this matter to the purple sound.

"He was seriously injured, just yesterday."

"It sounds like a situation when I have appeared in the last time ..."

Suddenly there is a sense of passing and feeling, I can't make a little bit of joke, and after all, he finally took out some of the color.

"Is that the guy who wants me to do?"

"Just ask you something ..."

After the swing, the purple sound broke the cigarette in his hand.

"Mohammad Ali II, should you know this person?"

"He ..."

I also nodded and showed that the purple tone continued.

"In your opinion, how is he?"

Boxing will have this kind of thing. If you can't use it, you can't use it. This is not very dense. It only needs enough strength, then everything is good.

"This holiday is willing to die, and it is to help you clear the obstacle to win the championship. What extent he can use?"

"A guy who is crying by blades, there is a lot of him, and he is a lot of him ..."

And also shrugged and looked for some disdain.

"I am telling the truth ... long, I have seen the man who cried when I saw the fight."

"If the opponent is not the fan of the font? It is as strong as you like you ..."

Zi Yin This is only to let and also evaluate a fighting technique. If you can't hear anything about it, even if you hear a quite no qi evaluation, she did not survey in my heart.

What's more, the man she saw is, even if it is killed, it will not cry.

"If you are a standard, this world is called a strong existence ... very few."

"This year's boxing is desperate, he can pass the first round can only be because of the good signature ..."

And also said this sentence, the purple sound frowned.

Reduce the standard? And also think that this evaluation is objective, perhaps ... the purple sound needs some more specific things.

"I have a understanding of his understanding ... but maybe it will make progress in this time? After all, he is not a technology, it is a mentality and will ... and this fist will be desperate Not the strongest one, you can go farthest. "

"Is this the theory of these martial arts? Is it too considered to be?"

Mentality and will ...

These things are really too fluent, and those who are extremely evil people may be weak, and Wen Run, the people who are also madness ...

Looking at the eyes of the eyes, the purple sound felt that he was the best example - occasionally smiles in the vision, the smile is a cat, but his morning is able to shock a country.

"Still, even if you are, there is no confidence in the championship?"

"Do you dare to participate in the people who are willing to do, is there any confidence?"

And asked.

"And this time ... you think, now the boxing will now control the situation?"

"You are these martial arts ..."

It's enough to make her aware of the meaning of this term.

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