I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 377

For a few seconds before, the skin can only think so, but now he is observing the facial expression of both sides through the closing close-up.

They have no traits similar to the demon, and they have not made me fear, but ... white big children, tremble - his eyes, trembled.

He is more weak, so he is knocked down ...


"The purest muscle collision, the most fierce power fight!"

"Only in the myth of Greece, there will be such a pure battle!"

"This is a history of epicity."

The sheath is so described that Oliba and Yuruus battle, maybe as he said, any epic will end in the happening.

When it comes to two opposite heroes, then the end will inevitably write a tragic pen in one of the fall.


"It can be so fast, Yuru is ..."

Invitably, and then exhale ...

When performing different actions in muscles, they have made their power to maximize the general matter for Olibi.

Whether it is on the hard pull, it is still in the fight ... The strength of the muscle relaxation brings to him is very fun.

"The last time I am talking about each other ..."

Still with the blade of the teeth ... That once, I lost myself.

Not anyone has the qualifications of Olib to tell their own defeat, at least one of the people who have been overwhelmed by him without this qualification.

What's more, even if he wants to say, Yurus is not heard, because this mutual will only end in one of them.

The movement of the biceps in the front of the exhibition, Olib re-showed the muscles that he was proud of tens of thousands of people.

This time, his muscles have passed the giant beats, and they have a scarlet blood, naturally, which also attracted more cheers!

After winning the primitive, I went to you, edged ...


"I have to go back to sleep in nap."

In the corridor, and you can say goodbye to the skin. Seeing the latter seems to keep up, he sighed.

Between the self-emptiness, his thoughts habitually free.

"You are playing with your own, or go to Musashi. If you are hungry, you will take a few people to eat ... Of course, you can catch the fish in the sea. I don't know if you have a fish in the sea."


Is the demon be to go with the two females?

It was left in the original place, and the skin scratched.

It seems that they are listening to the order of the demon ... The society of the demon, is it different from me?

Look at the reason, the skin can be more confused, but when he is with the right to look at these thoughts, it will throw these thoughts behind the brain.

Overcome the black big guy, defeat the next opponent, defeat the demon!

From the deep pupil, the skin can seem to find a reason to do these things, which is not related to the male competition, and is also unrelated to the strongest pride on the ground.

Will you do this?

This idea has just appeared in the skin of the skin, and she sinking into his depths of his consciousness.

Section 485 Chapter 112, late feelings

Although I said that I have to take a nap, but I still open the TV on time.

Even if the yarn is not around him, he listens to the sound of the piano from the room. This is a difference between him with the yarn, and he is lazy after the remote control. on.

"Don't make trouble, look at the game."

However, the sputum seems to be less accustomed to this approach, but it is only gently pushed and also.

And when I saw and rely on back to the sofa, she even doubted that the strength of his own use is much more than the imagination.


And it is too late to have a slow voice in the beginning of the game, and it doesn't make people feel sleepy in the tone of the lazy tone.


"Mr. Galang, your first round of opponents is my brother ..."

"so what?"

Inheriting the blood of Fan Ma's blood, will also play the one of the brothers and friends? Or do you say that you have the idea that "only I can defeat my brothers"?

Galang's expression will not become subtle because of thinking, because his expression itself is very subtle.

No matter what, I will knock over you.

"Listening to it, you have won him when you are around the New Year."

However, the words he didn't expect, but the idles of the two people were unspeakable, so they were in the same rhythm in the same rhythm in the same rhythm.

"From that time, I am looking forward to playing with you."

"Is it……"

Will yourself?

Looking at the teenager who slowly puts his fist in front of you, Gao Lang can't help but think so.

In addition, the response he given is a fist, whether it is a puncture, or a trick of the right hand, has been ready to go.

However, he is rare.

This is ... dissolve?

The human body is gradually softered into water ... If there is no friend, he thinks that it is not a way to build this pair in your mind.

However, he didn't come to think about what happened to the blade teeth, and visually had some problems.


The sprint movement of the blade tooth seems to be fixed in a moment, and only a few actions seen in Galang.

He can only see these, the whistling fists have been hit, but he is not feeling.


"what's happening!?"

"What happened !?"

"I can't remember how many times I have asked, but ... who knows, what happened !?"

Even if the shouts of the sheath are largely amplified by the microphone, the sound of the fighting skills hit the radiopulum-shaped pothole hole of the fighting skills, still echoing in everyone's heart,

What happened ... What happened?

Compared to doubts, probably the spectators are more incredible and shocking?

They knew that the name of the boy who was slowly moved. The name of the juvenile name called Fanma and also known the meaning of the representation of this name.

Even so, even if so, if it is so ... After repeated aunt, this result can't accept it.

Human, can you transient?

Human, can hit a dozen meters close to the hundred kilograms of things and leave a pothole on the wall?

Human, can I be so strong?



The upper body of Garang did not wear clothes, so the blade wanted to grabbed him only to reach his hair.

I saw the scattered pupil from the opponent's slightly open eyes, and the blade seemed to be a little confused, and the shortage of his body was smashed than himself, and this picture is really violated.

But his own things, still only have the doubts in your heart.

"Can you continue again?"

This problem naturally impossible to give an answer, but the blade is nodded.

He didn't care about how to let go of Gao Lang after he let go, at least from him, it is already confused with words, and his mood is absolutely nothing to do with Galang.

"Mr. referee, he seems to have lost awareness ... Can you announce the victory?"

"Oh ... oh!"

The last time the referee is unreasonable, and it is directly killed in the autumn, so in the next game, the intervention of the referee naturally becomes natural.

In addition, the morcks of the blade and the gods that have just been hit, the referee announced the results of the game after the blade of teeth, but this is not the thing that is blade care.

"This level of opponents can you overcome you?"

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