I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 378.

The editers walked to the Estuary of Garang looked at it, but he did not find and be there, so this problem was left in his heart.

As he followed the road to go back, the stunned stunnel of the original quiet sounded a spoken voice, and the blade suddenly felt that he seems to understand some other things.

"It turned out, I heard that when I was defeated by Mr. Ben, I was defeated by Mr. I of the Ministry."

Such anger, such indifference ... This kind of can't wait for you! ! !

No one saw that there was less blank expression with less edits.


"I first saw that Gao Lang was so thoroughly ... even if the opponent faced before, he did not have such a wolf."

In the VIP, Larmer was sighed, but when he looked at the lobby around him, the eyes couldn't hide.

"If you look at this, the Tang Jun ... You are inexplicably losing to the Palace of Muska, and it is not a strange thing."

"That's a fan-shaped ... As long as it is based on everything on the earth, including machine guns, including tanks, and even missiles ... His power, maybe only named Fan Ma Yonglang Lang can make people assert higher Improval. "

The lie is not intended to have the tone of the other party.


Some details in the conversation are often hidden in the true thoughts, even if there is another secret, Rarmer 13 will not miss these things.

"You say ... Ogre has the strength of him with him."

"If this is the case, do you think he is asked in this country? And this is still he is too lazy to take care of our results ..."

The lie is lamented.

These days, he has been communicating with Musashi, but it is this communication, let him see the true meaning of the word "powerful".

"Do you think that you think it is really a truly power with Galang's battle when you are fighting with Galang? He is just playing before the Fan Ma Yong Lang ... Otherwise, the man is not possible to recognize He. Even if you are now, do you dare to assert the fantasy blade tooth? "

"In this case, you can really be difficult, you have to have a monster ... No, two monsters are confused and steal."

"You are not the same?"

Asked in the lie.

"More more, there are Fan Ma Yong Lang, he can talk to the fans and the blade, and it is not a character of sailing and tired of it."

Section 486 Chapter 113 Will

A two-hour piano played in the yarn, which is about to equivalent to a ten minute to exercise and practice for and also.

Of course, this is just from the ability, because it is also very little time to do exercise.

All in all, the reason why the yarn only bounced a two-hour piano, it was absolutely not tired.

On the sofa, the sputum and and the side are sandy side, and there is a point where the two can ignore the ignorant distance to let the garrow frown.

And when she sat and also on the other side, and as usual, she was as usual, but this habits thought that she did not let her eyebrow.

After touching your hair, she rely on the body behind her, letting and get on her leg.

"what's happenin?"

Of course, the southern can see the absence of the yarn, in her opinion, since and concentrate on watching the boxing competition, then with the yarn, there is no trouble.

"This time I have no sticky and Jun, and the yarn should have no reason to be tempered."

"Two ... quarreled?"

"Why do you say this?"

However, if the yarn said exported, it is a full range of , she looked at the yarn, and then reached out and poked the stamp and the waist.

"I don't say anything clearly ... How can I quarrel! Have you quarrel?"

"No ..."

"How do you still have a unhappy look?"

Pointed with the face, and the yarn is gently attacked.

"I want to stick my sister, my sister is not around, so there is no spirit."

In the TV screen, Wang Mazheng is difficult to understand and the moment, but it is also the same as the lack of tone.

I took a long time to embed his face to the yarn, until the brain spoon was not too light, he was reluctant to have a slight side.

"Look, my sister also missed me."

"Sticky winter horse is not the same?"

Even if you are around, you will call it in the way with the yarn. He said here, she looked up and looked up.

"you will not……"


The sputum is a person who is thin, but the little details she have had, she is certainly impossible to forget.

And also want to stick yourself, just like now, then you will push him.

"I thought that I would like to make trouble again ... Sorry, and Jun."

Natural, the sputum is also known, and it is much more useful to be used at this time.

"Not a blind man."

I am just a habitual adhesive person who can get close, it is like a sparkling just habitually determined that I have a color, this is not a strange thing.

Since it is now open, there is nothing to be so depressed.

And also supported the body, just as soon as I rely on the gods, after smashing the cheeks of the scorpion, he was satisfied with his eyes.

"Next, I am like a lot of thinking ... but I am not guessing the thoughts of the son. When I arrive, I have to tell me what I think."


The sputum is also pushed again, but this time, she has much much more effort, but there is no effect.

"Is it the most favorite sister to make a temper?"

"How can it be?"

Stretching will and yarn to your arms, and smile gently.

The scene under the moment is probably the children and sticky children ... Generally, it is like this.


"Mr. Mr. ..."

This is the fifth fifth boxing wishing to watch the Baiyin, since the last time, he witnessed and killing people, he will only come to the fighting skills when it appears.

It is not worried that it may come at any time, but it is worried about it at any time.

Maybe it is attributed to his escape, and the silver royal line is still the justice and normal teenager.

But it is also, therefore, he understands that if the moment before entering the court, he can't understand the reason.

"Tong lived with the ten ghost snake, and it was an older knowledge."

"Mr. Liu Guanchuan?"

Even if the person did not hide his footsteps, but until he opened, the silver royal line took a little thinking from his own thoughts.

"Their story, can not say clearly ... But, kill by the ten ghost snakes, which is probably his only way to get happiness? But now, the ten ghost snake will not kill people Is it? "

"I still don't understand, Mr. Guochuan ..."

If the test of the holiday world, the silver royal line will undoubtedly be a difference. If you add martial arts, then he can be expedited because the score is too bad.

What he doesn't understand is really too much, and it is not possible to ask questions.

"Silver little brother, have you thought about it, become the strongest on the ground?"

And also said something similar to yourself ...

Silver Royal Dream has just begun to go to the god, Mr. Liu Guawa continued.

"It's impossible to not? Every man will have, even if it is just a little time ... Even if I have, I have ever."

"But I have already remember that I feel like it ..."

Silver Royal Bank does not go back to deny objective things, just like he will definitely not exist.

"The strongest floor ..."

"The blade and the blessings, I still remember, the feeling of the tide ..."

Mr. Guawagawa has appeared on the face of any decadence middle-aged people, but also with remembering.

"But if you really want to say, it is not worthy of our debut ... It's time to play."

"I don't know Fan Majun, of course, the guy is also the same ... but they, no matter what it is stronger as a joke on the ground."

Some people can solve themselves, for the silver royal line, but his line of sight is firmly attracted by the fight in the fight.

"Blade, because my father is the strongest on the ground, so I can only be more difficult to surpass him. As for the sum, it is probably just to see the strongest on the ground, just take him forward."

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