I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 379.

Speaking of blaming teeth and and also, Mr. Liu Guawa is quite a few families.

"But no matter what the motivation is, they are all going to do what they want to do ..." No matter how to do anything, this is their will. "



Mr. Guochuan repeated it.

"You are the same, silver brother, you want something you want, you will be unwilling, you can't get something painful ... For her, should it be able to make a decision?" "

"I want, I am not willing ..."

Yes, I will want, I will be unwilling ...

"There is also a lot of twists and turns in the front road. For her, you can do things."

Section 487, Chapter 114, the wish to meet

"I have been worn by you, Wang Horse ..."

At this moment, I didn't look at Wang Horse, but I faced him. At least he didn't feel the feeling of pupils without focal length.

"I will take out your god's gesture to kill me ..."


Wang Horse is used to silence, even if he wants to say something, all responses are only limited to moving a throat.

As for other actions, only the fists who have been in the moment, a bloody battle seems to bring a little old movie under these small details.

If you remove the hustle and bustle of the moment, his hearing nerve is still able to put a low tide that is broken into a slag in the middle of the literary film.

"But some regrets, I can't help the row to get what the stars he want."

At the moment, the blood stood up, the blood of his mouth was erased, and gentle smile as the new bud under snow.


Wang Hao is still silent, he thinks that his attack has never had a lot of effect on the moment.

No matter how pain he looks, there is no deformation or sluggish, no matter how tired, after breathing, there will be a constant power in the bones.

Even, the more exhausted, the more painful, he will ... more powerful!

Every time I have a nophetic eyes, Wang Ma spent ... I face it, it is probably a kind of bioeser.

Without emotion, I don't know pain, I don't know how tired ...

And his response is only one, that is ... attack!

"Wang Horse ..."

"Why don't you do it?"

"I won't let yourself killed by such a ..."

"So weak, so ugly ..."

If the Fox Joint is "instant" step method for the trick to cut the angle of view, then ... The moment is like it is really a fox demon in the dark.

Sen, and it is demon.

However, he could not shake a man who was named the ten ghost snake.

At the same time, his attack was resolved at the same time, his body continued to have trauma, but he was once again launched again, and he was able to be a sleepy beast as unwilling.

"You are over, there is no need to use presence."

This is a word of Wang Horse in the whole battle, almost unknown with the lack of resolved Rock's palms.

He is not in the case where he is knocked down in the case of a punch, and he does not repeat the intention of repeating.

Of course, he will not stop before falling.

"You ... don't intend to become my god?"

Finally, I didn't laugh.

After losing the gentle expression, his mad be beasts neurred no other decorations, and there was only one madness left on the face.

At the end, his pupil did not win.

"That ... I will kill you well."


"Win, Mr. Shun ..."

Silver Royal Royal is probably the only person who prayed for an moment.

At a distance, he heard the voice of the flash, only knew that it was knocked down again and again, and the moment had a stronger force.

Do your best, fight your life, this is all he saw.

"Be sure, win ..."

However, in this world, there is always something wrong.

Just a second after a second, the moment of the moment was born with the fist of Wang Horse, and the bloody blood was also hired in his heart.




You don't have to do your best, so there is no regret that even if you lose it.

On the occasion of the words, Silver Royal Dream did not say the only sentence they thought. In his opinion, this was comfortable than the moment of moment, it was too much.

He won't take care of the money-going billing, because he has never been in touching those money, compared to this, has been encouraging his moment to lie in the bed.

"Sorry, Yushang ... fails to help you pick up to the stars."

In this regard, the silver royal line can still be silent, and the moment does not put these in the heart.

"I don't have the stars I want."

"Mr. I'm, what you want, what?"

This is the first time I mention my wish. Before this, the silver royal line did not ask, but he got the response only with a smile.

Therefore, this question is almost the reaction of his consciousness.

"I have never known before, I can let you put the life, must be a very eager thing?"


This time, the response from Silver Royal Bank is still a smile of the moment, which makes him a little unwilling.

When the exchange is usually, he will only smile and sigh, but he is in the heart, but it is just a big tree that is just a germination.

"What you want, no matter what ... I will try my best, so please tell me your wish, Mr.."

Silver royalx bent down, he expressed his sincerity with ninety degrees.

"No matter what? But it is true, Yu Xing ... When you just met you, you have never changed."

"We don't know how long we know, Mr. Shi ..."

The tone of the moment is too gentle, so that this sentence will tell you that there will be a ridicule, it sounds and comforts at this time, and it is therefore, and the silver royal line can show her smile.

"But this is good, this kind of you, more than and more love."

"Don't be a joke, Mr. Mr. ..."

The smile of silver royal line is really impossible to become brilliant. Of course, I have not been dyed.

"What is cute, even if you are a boy, you can't evaluate anything ..."

"I am really true ..."

I am sighing.

"To be honest, I don't like it too ... Although he said that he is a friend, I still don't like him. Probably ... two madmen, not attracting each other, we are obviously the next."

"You said, mad? I don't understand ..."

"And didn't mention my things with you? Of course ... I didn't tell you ..."

At the moment, the line of sight against silver royal line was blocked. He was lying on the bed.

"My Wish ... Before you, it is even more unreachable ..."

"But there will always be a day ... Mr. I, what do I say? What is wrong? Can you see something, isn't it difficult?"

Looking at the smile on this side when I shake my head, I was confused.

"There is nothing wrong."

The moment is still laughing.

"Then I will borrow you Ji Yan, there is always one day, my wish will be achieved ... But before this, I will first give you the stars you want ... I have a promise to make a promise. To do it. "

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