After swallowing the soul essence, Brother Watermelon was unwilling, but he still swallowed himself with a look of reluctance.

It is worth mentioning here that players will not get any rewards for killing other players, and the dead will not lose anything. Except for the soul essence.

After that, the ten-man team set out again, advancing and retreating, and achieved a lot in a day.

They killed a total of 13 low-level monsters, but because people always died, the soul essence was also consumed.

The final total result was 13 copper coins per person, 13 points of reputation, and a"broken" soul essence (6/10).

Because Brother Watermelon had set a precedent before.

Later, when a teammate died, they had to pay for the essence, so the income from the soul essence seemed very small.

But this is just the killing reward.

Are the players satisfied with just the killing reward?

They not only want the killing reward of the monster, but also the monster's corpse!

"Drain the blood first, otherwise the meat won’t keep well. Shave off all the meat and have a big feast tonight!"

"This monster's bones are very hard, I should be able to take���Make weapons and bring them all!"

"The fur cannot be wasted. It is animal skin and can be used to make fur coats!"

"Damn, this is really a 100% pure animal fur coat!"

"This animal hide is tougher than ordinary animal hides, and it will definitely be effective if used to make protective gear!"

"Is there anyone who can handle animal hides?"

"I won't……"

"I do not know either"

"Let me sharpen a bone knife."

"Damn, never mind, just stuff them all into your backpack. The corpses will be gone in an hour."

"I can't take it anymore. If I take more, I won't be able to walk."

"Throw away all the stones remotely and take more bones and furs!"

"It’s too slow. Let’s deal with it after we get out and put the body directly into the backpack!"

"A low-level monster corpse weighing forty or fifty kilograms is so heavy that you can take it without bleeding?"

"Okay, stop arguing. The monsters nearby will gather here soon. Take as much as you can. If you can’t take anything away, just leave it here!"


At night, ten people gathered around a huge bonfire and celebrated loudly. They had made a great harvest today, and this was their first victory, so they had to celebrate.

Brother Watermelon said that he used to be a chef, so he showed everyone his barbecue skills.

Although there was no seasoning and the meat itself had a strong fishy smell, everyone was still very happy to eat it.

Until Brother Fly spat out a mouthful of blood,"Fuck, Brother Watermelon, this is not cooked, it's even bloody!"

"Okay, some of them are delicious. If they are not cooked, just bake them for a while!"

"Just treat it as sashimi!"

"Parasite sashimi?"

"It’s none of your business. You don’t have to go to the toilet to play this game anyway. Are you still afraid of having diarrhea?"

"That's true."

Fang Ze looked at the lively scene in front of him and suddenly felt dazed. This feeling was wonderful.

The heat from the blazing bonfire was so warm.

What a dreamlike scene it was for a group of people to gather together to chop trees, build, kill monsters and barbecue...

There was not much intrigue here, at most it was a small fight, and everyone was concentrating on doing what they liked.

The joy of building survival from scratch, the fighting enthusiasm of mutual trust and cooperation, the joy of harvest after a busy day...

Here you can experience it all. Here

, you are not alone, and you can't feel what loneliness is.

No matter where you come from, there is a group of friends who share your interests. Friends.

Everyone was chatting and had completely forgotten about reality.

It was like they were really living here, and they had completely integrated into this place.

It was really wonderful to be able to devote yourself to what you like and ignore all the troubles and trivialities in reality.

A day seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and they were used to this kind of life.

In a sense, this game allows you to escape from reality.

This game is alive.

The world in the game is like a living world, and you are a real person living here!

But you don’t have to worry too much and say whatever you want!

This is the ideal utopia!

"Because there are so few people, we cooperate with each other and help each other. This is the best time for the game atmosphere."

"What will the game environment of the Sealed Land look like in the future?……"

Fang Ze looked up at the sky. The joy and satisfaction brought to him by these five short days were something he had never felt in his life.

In other words, this place was like his second life.

Here, you can make up for all your regrets in reality.


Suddenly, a drop of rain hit Fang Ze's face.

Then, more and more raindrops fell.

Fang Ze suddenly realized,"Rainy season... It's going to rain."

The fly jumped up quickly,"Shit, my meat is not roasted yet, and the rain is coming at the wrong time!"

"Dog planner, do you have any humanity?"

"Brother Fly, you are really brave. Aren’t you afraid that the planner will hear it and make things difficult for you?"

"Damn it, I’m sorry, I was wrong, Dad, just think of it as me farting!"


"What are you laughing at? Hurry up and get a fire into the house, the fire will be out in a moment!"

"Brother Watermelon’s house is big, let’s go to Brother Watermelon’s house!"

"Shit, no matter how big my house is, it can’t accommodate ten people!"

"There will always be room if you squeeze in!"


The heavy rain came quickly but left slowly. The dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed until the next morning.

The new batch of internal test quotas have been issued, and the game login equipment has been issued along with it.

Almost at 8 o'clock in the morning of the same day, the new 100 internal test players have received the equipment!

Most of the players have watched Fang Ze's live broadcast and videos, so they have some understanding of this game.

And for those who have not known about it before, or don't know much about it, it doesn't matter!

Fang Ze specially wrote a strategy post for newbies on the official website!

【How to open up the wasteland for newbies, a post will lead you into the pit! 】

Hello everyone, I believe you must have heard of my name more or less, even if you haven't heard of it, it doesn't matter.

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am one of the first ten first testers who got the game beta test quota. You can call me Holy Light.

It is no exaggeration to say that the authenticity and playability of this game are ceiling-level works that all games have never been able to match!

I can no longer describe it as real or unreal, because anything you can do in reality, you can do it here!

Of course, the kind of thing you all expect is not possible.

Because the game does not require excretion, naturally you can't take off the layer of cloth under your pants.

And the five senses really exist in the game. Except for the sense of pain, you can feel everything else you can feel in reality here!

Light and shadow effects, texture details on the surface of different materials, and even the interaction and collision of various objects are 100% real!

You can even do chemistry, rub gunpowder, climb the technology tree, build your own house, barbecue, forge, raise, farm, and survive in the game!

It can be said that if the existence of the Sealed Tower is excluded, this is a survival sandbox construction game, and the degree of freedom is the ceiling of the game industry!

Well, that's all for the preface. How real this game is will become clear after you go online. What

I'm going to say next is only for the 100 players who got the quota this time!

Judging from the current situation in the game, our class is almost completely in the class of primitive people!

The weapons we use are stones and sticks, and the equipment we wear is wooden armor woven by vines and sticks!

Everything is in the most primitive class!

As soon as the player enters the game, he will find that there is nothing. Not only is there no novice guide, but there is no novice reward!

Here, if you want to get equipment, you can only get it with your own hands!

Here, if you want to kill monsters, you must really master combat skills!

Here, whether you are doing construction or catering, or a craftsman, you have a chance to show your skills!

The house we live in now is made of mud and wood by ourselves, and so are the weapons we use.

But due to professional knowledge, we have not made much breakthrough progress so far.

So if there are players who can make bricks, slaughter, cook, make furniture, weave clothes, and forge iron, we are very welcome!

Our guild group link is at the bottom of the post. If you have any questions later, you can come to the group to consult me!

Then I will talk about a few points that newcomers must pay attention to.

We all have 10 years of soul life at the beginning, which is our resurrection coin. Each time we resurrect, we will consume 1 year of soul life.

At present, the only way to replenish soul life is to hunt Warcraft!

But I don’t recommend that newcomers hunt Warcraft at the beginning, because this game is really difficult!

Especially in terms of combat, it is not friendly to ordinary people!

If your profession in reality is a hunter with sufficient fighting experience, or a martial artist who has practiced fighting skills, then you can challenge it.

But if you are just an ordinary person sitting in front of the computer like me.

Then you must remember that the battle here is not a child's play. It requires you to really fight for your life. It is not something that can be solved by moving your fingers!

And the monsters’ attack methods are not fixed. They are like they have their own consciousness and have the ability to think!

There are many more ways to attack than we can imagine!

If new players want to kill monsters, it is best to form a team of ten, and there must be at least two or three fully armed front-line players in the team!

At the same time, you must also have corresponding weapons!

I will write a post about the specific detailed gameplay strategy later, so I won’t go into details here.

Here I will mainly talk about another mechanism of the game!

In the game, we need to eat and drink water. We have already experienced the consequences of being hungry!

The feeling of weakness on an empty stomach is unbearable, and thirst will of course bring corresponding negative effects.

And if you don’t drink a drop of water for a long time, there will be a risk of death!

In the game, if our soul life is exhausted, we need to wait for 24 hours in reality before we can log in to the game again!

So I advise all new players to cherish life!

Make sure we have enough food and fresh water, and it is best to have a place to live!

It will rain in the game, and if you get sick after getting wet, you will die!

Other situations will not be described here one by one. In short, food, water, and shelter are all indispensable!

Only by ensuring these three points can new players have a better gaming experience.……


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