Fang Ze's post was well-written and long, summarizing almost all the problems that new players have to face.

Finally, he released the group number and annotated it so that new players can consult old players as soon as they encounter problems.

However, there are actually only two old players in the group, him and Cangye.

Other old players have naturally taken action, but the effect is far inferior to Fang Ze's.

Because the players who got the internal test quota know Fang Ze more or less, he was the first to start a live broadcast to promote the game. He was also the first to share a strategy post, so it can be said that he made a name for himself right from the start!

Fang Ze had naturally planned all this.

It can be said that everything he did before was for today!


In the game.

Looking at the players coming one after another like raindrops, Fly couldn't help but sigh,"Brother Guang, you are really good at tricks. Almost half of the 100 new players have joined our group!"

"But what should we do next? We can't support so many people?"

Fang Ze smiled,"Why should we?"

"We have no money and no land, and the guild is just a name. Wouldn't it be asking for trouble to tell them that joining the group is equivalent to joining the guild?"

"When they ask for something, will you give it to them or not? If you don't give it to them, they will say that there are no benefits in joining the guild, and they will join other people's team."

"But what if we don’t say that this is a guild group, but just a discussion group for new players?"

"We are all equal, so when we are rich, we can help others and be appreciated by them."

"Rather than letting them think that it is their duty to help us"

"In this way, we don't have to pay too much and win the hearts of the people. As long as we can ensure that we are always in the first echelon, our cohesion will only increase."

Fly heard it and shouted,"Six, Brother Guang, I think you have played the human heart very well!"

Fang Ze was about to say something, but at this moment.

Two new players came straight to the Sealed Tower.

One of them was tall and strong, with prominent muscles and a head of red hair that was very conspicuous.

Fly knew that this person was not a good person just by looking at his eyes.

The other one was well-proportioned, with long fingers, blond hair and blue eyes, and looked very outstanding.

But he was a man.

The two ran straight to Fang Ze without much explanation. Fly was stunned when he saw this,"Brother Guang, they……"

Before Fly could finish, Fang Ze interrupted him.

"They are my friends."


Just as Fly was wondering, the two of them had already arrived in front of Fang Ze.

"Is it... Old Fang?"

The red-haired man spoke first.

Fang Ze nodded, then turned to look at Fly,"Let me introduce you, these two are my friends in real life."

Fang Ze pointed directly at the red-haired man,"His name is Du Yuan, he practiced free fighting for a few years, then joined the army, and now he has just been discharged." Fly couldn't help but pursed his lips as he looked at the tall and strong Du Yuan

"If I had known earlier, I would have made the character taller and more powerful, so that he would look more imposing."

Du Yuan couldn't help but laugh when he heard this,"This is what Lao Fang specifically told me to do. He told me to copy my real body shape, saying that this would be more advantageous when dealing with monsters."

Fang Ze nodded,"Well, although it's just a guess and I haven't had time to confirm it, I think it should be close to the truth."

"I felt it when we were teaming up before. If the muscles are developed a little, the player's physical strength and power will obviously be improved."

As he said this, Fang Ze looked at the blond man again.

"This guy is Zhang Qingyan, I met him in the archery club, his accuracy is one of the best in the club."

Another big guy...

Fly quickly stepped forward,"Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Qingyan also smiled when he heard it,"Don't be so formal, just call me Lao Zhang, I heard Fang Ze talk about this game."

"I didn't believe it at first, I didn't expect there was such a game.

Fang Ze patted the two on the shoulders and said,"I contacted a lot of friends this time, including some old classmates."

"But in the end, only the two of you got the spots for this internal test, and I am already very satisfied."

"As I said before, the combat mechanism of this game is very hardcore. If you are not proficient in combat, it is difficult to gain an advantage in the early stage of the game."

"So, this time it's up to you guys."

Du Yuan twisted his neck,"No big deal, after all, I also want to see how realistic this game can be!"

"If it's really like what you said, then I can totally fight with people in the game!"

"This way, we can improve our skills and strength without any worries, so why not do it?"

Zhang Qingyan was very easy-going,"I am the same, but is there any purpose for you to make our hair this color?"

Fang Ze stroked his nose,"There is no special meaning, it just makes it easier for me to find you two."

Zhang Qingyan:"……"

Du Yuan:"……"

Fang Ze quickly coughed twice,"Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. We need to arm ourselves and enter the tower as soon as possible to shorten the time it takes for the team to get used to each other."

"These are our homemade bone weapons and some basic wooden armor. Please equip yourself as soon as possible."

"Lao Du, you will be in the front row. You take this wooden shield. And this, this is a bone knife I sharpened myself. It is quite effective in close combat."

Fang Ze said as he took out a bunch of equipment from his backpack, including wooden armor and some simple bone weapons.

Just like stone weapons.

Bone weapons are made by sharpening a piece of animal bone, or bending it into bone spurs and fixing it to the front of a wooden stick.

Yesterday's battle allowed everyone to harvest a lot of bones, and some players with strong hands-on skills have already processed these things.

Although some people have tried to make bone armor, it is a pity that the defensive effect is not ideal.

In other words, that kind of thing is uncomfortable to carry around.

So no one makes it anymore.

And animal skins have been shelved because no one knows how to process them.

So right now, these bone weapons and wooden armor are almost the best equipment at this stage.

Du Yuan didn't say much nonsense and directly armed himself with wooden armor to the head.

"Although it is a bit difficult to perform, it should not be a big problem."Du Yuan said as he gestured a few times. Zhang

Qingyan lowered his head and thought for a moment,"No bow and arrow... Well, Lao Fang, you said that this game allows you to make your own weapons, right?"

Fang Ze nodded,"Yes, but under the current circumstances, it is indeed difficult to make a better bow."

Zhang Qingyan:"It's okay, lend me this bone knife first"

"I used to make a wooden bow for practice when I had nothing to do in my hometown. The situation here is similar to my hometown, so I should be able to make a similar one."

"Would it be convenient for you to wait for me for a while?"

Fang Ze smiled,"No problem, I just need to wait for someone, you go first, if you need help, just let us know in private."

Zhang Qingyan made an OK gesture and turned to walk towards the woods.

When Fly heard that there was still one person, he was stunned for a moment,"There's someone else?"

Fang Ze looked into the distance,"We are still short of a front row team of five, and after thinking about it, I think he is the most suitable one."

Fly:"Who is it?"

Fang Ze:"Brother Watermelon."



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