Qiu Fengdu The cave I found this time was very strange. The entrance was less than one meter high, and everyone had to crawl in.

Fortunately, it was quite spacious inside.

There were traces of artificial carving in the cave, and many extinguished torches were hanging on the stone walls.

Everyone walked in and looked around. Seeing that there was nothing, they continued to explore deeper.

This cave was not very deep. After walking a few steps, everyone saw a bronze door.

"We came here once last time, but this door couldn't be pried open. It seemed like something was blocking it."

Qiu Fengdu said as I looked directly at Zhou Li,"Come on, brother, talk to this door and let him open it by himself."

Zhou Li's mouth twitched,"You……"

Qiu Fengdu I smiled,"Haha, just kidding, seriously, this door doesn't have a keychain, it should not be opened with a key"

"No matter how hard I push, it doesn't budge. There must be some other mechanism."Qiu Fengdu said as I kicked the bronze door a few times.

Qian Luo waved and knocked on the bronze door,"It's very thick. This door doesn't look like it can be pushed open."

Qian Xia looked at the walls around her,"It's a bit strange."

Qian Luo turned around,"Where?"

Qian Xia pointed to a concave wall,"Put your hand over here, there's wind."

As she spoke, a ball of water suddenly appeared in Qian Xia's hand.

She gently pushed the water ball towards the groove, and saw that the center of the water ball suddenly sank, as if it was blown by the wind.

Everyone came over when they saw this.

"Logically speaking, the only place with wind is the hole we came in through, so how can there be wind here?"

Someone took out a weapon and tried to smash the wall, creating several gaps.

"You're too slow, let me do it!"

As he said that, a player directly showed his title of Intermediate Miner, took out his pickaxe and started to work!

"Damn it, miner!"

"Ahem, personal assistant"

"Mining is so tiring that most people can’t stick with it."

"Yes, I went mining with my friends the first two days, but I couldn't do it before one point."

Zhou Li also went mining, and that job was really tiring.

And it's possible that you can dig for a whole day and still get nothing.

Some players didn't find anything for several days in a row, which is also normal.

But once you find something, it must be a vein!

The veins are divided into primary veins, intermediate veins, advanced veins, and large veins.

Among them, only one player has dug a large vein, which is a super-large copper vein.

At that time, thousands of players dug together for a day and still couldn't finish it.

Then it refreshed.

Digging is indeed a way to get rich.

If If you are a bit more lucky and can dig up a small vein of violet gold, it will not be a problem to make hundreds of thousands a day.

Although the price of violet gold is not high now, it also depends on the quantity!

One kilogram of pure ore is 50 copper coins.

A small vein can extract at least 15 to 30 kilograms of pure ore.

If you sell it, it is more than enough to buy a car worth more than 100,000 in reality.

But digging is more dependent on luck.

Even with the 10% bonus efficiency of the intermediate miner title, the efficiency is still very poor.

I can only say that if you are unlucky, no matter how much bonus you get, it will be useless.

Even if it is 100%.

Let me give you a simple example.

For example, if the probability of ore is found to the number. The ore discovery rate, if you go down for a day, you should not say it. It ’s a few days before Zhou Li dug a few days before. When you see that you have n’t harvested , you have given up.

""It's connected!"

As he said this, all the players looked over and saw that the old man had dug a big hole in the wall.

A player looked through the hole and saw that it was pitch black inside, but there was always wind blowing.

"There's something!"

"Let’s dig together!"

"Anyone who has a manuscript, come and dig it out together!"

"I have it, I'll do it!"

"I have one too." Zhou Li said as he took out the pickaxe he had bought earlier.

He thought he would never need it again.

Everyone worked together to smash a hole in the wall large enough for one person to get in.

Everyone went in one after another, lighting torches to illuminate the space inside.

This was a very small secret room with many daily necessities placed around it. It looked as if someone had lived here.

Everyone fumbled around and suddenly someone stepped on something.

The man lowered his head and saw

""Oh my god!" said the player and fell to the ground.

Zhou Li hurried over,"What's wrong?"

The player took a deep breath,"There are two skeletons, I was scared."

As he said that, everyone came over with torches.

There were two skeletons wearing clothes here, holding hands, leaning against the wall together. Judging from their clothes, they seemed to be a man and a woman.

Qiu Fengdu squatted down quickly when he saw this,"Fuck, these two clothes are actually of epic quality?!"

"Take it away, take it away!"

"These two people were still holding hands until they died. Why are these damn couples everywhere!"

"This game is starting to be hostile to singles, right?"

Zhou Li stretched out his hand and seemed to be hesitant to speak,"Um... well, it's not good to strip a dead person's clothes, right?"

Qiu Fengdu turned his head and said,"Don't you touch corpses when you play games?"

"Are you a player?"

Well... it seems to make sense.

But this game is too real, so real that Zhou Li always subconsciously regards this as reality!

These people have no bottom line, and they directly stripped the two skeletons naked.

It was very explicit.

There were two rings, one red and one blue.

There was a sun mark in the red ring, and a moon mark in the blue ring.

The introduction information said that it was just blank equipment and had no special effects.

This was taken away by Qianxia and Qianluo.

The rest of the clothes were not touched by the two of them, and were directly divided up by Qiu Fengdu and others.

"Why do I feel like we are tomb robbers?"

"Be confident and get rid of the feeling"

"There is a button behind these two skeletons!"

Everyone separated the two skeletons and saw a raised handprint behind them.

Seeing this, Zhou Li secretly put the hands of the two skeletons together.

Well, people should not have no bottom line.

It is too unkind to take someone's things and separate them.

A player pressed his hand on the raised handprint and pushed it hard! Boom!

There was a loud noise in the cave, as if something opened.

"The door outside is open!"

"Don't worry, let's see what else is here"


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