After searching for a while, they finally found a letter on a shelf.

The handwriting on the envelope was in Green Dragon Language. Zhou Li glanced at the translation of the system. He roughly understood what it meant.

This letter should be written by the man in this secret room, and the meaning is very simple.

This is a letter to his teacher.

This man betrayed his teacher, betrayed his school, and fell in love with a woman from a rival school.

The woman also betrayed her school for him. The two got together and were hunted down by the two schools.

The two hid all the way and finally found this hidden cave.

They continued to expand the cave and used it as a settlement, and lived here for a long time.

The two did not have any offspring, but their lives were fulfilling and happy.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and the army of a tyrant found this place.

Zhou Li was stunned when he saw this, and he subconsciously thought that the tyrant was Brax Rex.

But unfortunately, the name written on it was a name he had never heard of.

Dragon King Ozo!

Through the few words in the letter, it is described that the writer lived in an era that was not limited to the twelve schools.

There were no less than twenty schools at that time!

It was a very ancient era!

It was an era when Brax Rex had not yet been born!

This Dragon King Ozo was even a famous tyrant!

The writer was very afraid of this tyrant, and just mentioning his name made him feel creepy and his back cold.

Unfortunately, the tyrant's army found them!

The tyrant took a fancy to this place and planned to build a laboratory here.

And forced the two to participate in this experiment!

The subsequent process was glossed over by the writer, who only said that after the experiment was completed, the tyrant left them in a room outside the laboratory.

And sealed them here forever!

The writer lamented that the only thing he was sorry for in his life was his teacher.

So he used his last time to write this letter to apologize to his teacher.

It's a pity that this letter is destined to be unable to be sent out.

At the last moment of their lives, the two held hands, closed their eyes, and slowly welcomed the arrival of death.

Zhou Li handed the letter to others, but they were not very interested in it.

They would never read the letters they collected when playing games.

They were not here to study the background of the game.

Zhou Li did not say anything, because the content of the letter did not have any real value.

It was just a brief introduction to the place.

Behind the bronze door was the laboratory of Dragon King Ozo.

As for what he was studying, it was not written in the letter.

When everyone left the secret room, they saw that the bronze door outside had disappeared.

It seemed to have shrunk into the walls on both sides.

"I feel like this trip might be even richer than the last time. I haven't even entered the dungeon yet, and the rewards are already so good."

"The stuff inside must be good!"

""Brothers, charge!"

Everyone rushed in at once, and then there was another staircase going down. This staircase was very long.

When everyone reached the end, they saw another door in front of them!

But this time, the door in front of them was very strange!

This door was full of technology!

The metal door and the lines full of technology were very... unscientific?


"Are we... in the wrong place?"

"This...why does it feel a bit out of place?"

"Isn't the background of this game about swords and magic? What's going on with this technological gate?"

"Could it be that we have discovered the truth about this world?"

"This is actually a world with advanced technology?!"

"Oh my god, what’s up with this cyberpunk feeling?"

Zhou Li was also confused. Although the previous letter mentioned that this was a laboratory, what’s the point of moving a high-tech door directly?

Just when all the players were shocked, this high-tech door suddenly flashed with light!

An electronic expression suddenly appeared,"Identity information confirmation failed, please tell me the password."


The players looked at each other.

"This...can't be an Easter egg left by the development team?"

"I think it's possible"

"Post a message now!"

"Stop, stop, stop, don't send it yet, we don't know what's inside yet"

"If we let someone else go in and take the things, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

"I don't post the location."

"Won't they follow you?"

"Uh... that's true."

Qiu Fengdu turned to look at Zhou Li,"Come on, Brother Zhou, I still have to rely on you to decrypt the code. If you can't do it,……"

"Can you see if you can get this machine to give you some face?"

Zhou Li's mouth twitched,"I'll try." As he said that

, Zhou Li walked over directly.



No response.

"Dragon King?"

Still no response.

""Dragon King Ozo?"

Still no response.

That's strange.

The only information given here is the name of the tyrant.

Since this is the tyrant's laboratory, the password must be related to Dragon King Ozo, right?

"The great emperor?"

"Praise your majesty?"

"Praise the King?"

"The great king Ozo?"


Zhou Li gave dozens of passwords, but none of them were correct.

What should I do?

There are no other clues!

"I'm out of tricks, you guys try?"

Everyone looked at each other, no one had any clue.

Last time, the gargoyle maze had at least a mural to indicate the answer, but this time there was really only one door!

Later on, everyone just guessed! More than a dozen people said thousands of passwords in a row, but still none of them worked.

"What information have we not discovered?"

"Could it be that the password to open the door is in other copies?"

"It's not impossible."

"Go out and ask the NPC about Ozo?"

"I think it's OK"

"Well... let's leave it like this for now."


Because they had no clue, everyone left here.

Among them, Qianluo and Qianxia did not tell their president about this matter, and the others chose to conceal it.

In the following days, everyone has been investigating the matter of Ozo.

It is worth mentioning that after Qianxia and Qianluo put on the rings, whenever the two people held their hands with the rings together... they would hear a strange sound.

For several days in a row, the two of them had been having a strange dream.

There were two old men in the dream, who said they would teach them skills, but the condition was that they had to kill one person!

It was no coincidence that two people had the same dream.

After their confirmation, they found that they and each other were in the same dream!

And the person the old man asked them to kill in the dream was each other!

As long as they kill each other in the dream, they can get a legacy.

As for what this inheritance is, the two old men didn't say


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