"What is this?"

Chen Ye looked at the hot weapons sold in the player store in front of him and slowly stretched out his right hand, but his hand was directly bounced back.

Seeing this, the player in front of the stall slowly raised his head,"Newbie, do you want to buy a gun?"

Chen Ye looked at the player in front of him,"How much is the gun?"

The player took a pipe and smoked it,"It depends on what style you want, M9, 45 silver coins, newbies can consider flintlock rifles, 1 silver coin each."

Chen Ye wanted to reach out and touch it, but because of the territory restrictions, his hand could not pass through the territory barrier.

This is also a kind of protection mechanism, so that players will not be able to put the things directly into their backpacks and run away after getting them.

But this kind of transaction method also has certain risks.

Because you will never know what you have before paying.

Weapons with information panels can be clearly seen.

But for some weapons without information introduction, you can only judge by feeling and experience.

Hot weapons are different from cold weapons. Even though they are no longer as expensive as they were at the beginning and priced in gold coins.

But they are still not affordable for new players.

Because of the emergence of hot weapons, the price of cold weapons began to drop sharply.

Of course, it was limited to some weapons such as iron swords and copper swords. The price of the Violet Gold Sword was still not low, and the price of weapons customized by the Sun and Moon Essences was comparable to that of hot weapons.

Among them, the price of armor was more expensive, but it was the price of a set, not a single piece.

Chen Ye suppressed the urge to directly brush some gold coins, and silently left the stall and went outside the tower.

It was agreed that no developer privileges were needed, so naturally I couldn't afford to play it.

What's more, it was a game developed by myself. If I couldn't even figure it out, wouldn't I be laughed at to death?

Chen Ye logged into the game with a blank account, without any privileges, and naturally without any abilities.

But a long time ago, Chen Ye had added an instinctive reaction to his consciousness in reality.

This instinctive reaction was automatic avoidance of attack, automatic counterattack, automatic dodge, automatic defense, etc.

In other words, Chen Ye's body would react to danger by itself.

At the same time, he also created a unique set of human-shaped fighting techniques for himself.

These abilities were originally useless because Chen Ye didn't use them at all, but just made them for fun.

Even Chen Ye himself was not particularly clear about the specific upper and lower limits.

Because he had not studied them specifically.

These abilities existed in Chen Ye's spiritual level.

Even if he was just using a blank character's body, as long as his consciousness was still this consciousness, these abilities would always follow him.

"Just in time, let me try out this ability I just created."

Transition for newbies?

The developers suggest that players go into the dungeon with bare hands!


In this way, Chen Ye came alone to a ruin outside the second circle of the city wall.

This ruin was built on a cemetery, and the entrance to the dungeon was under the huge tomb-like building in the middle.

This ruin is the catacombs of death.

There are a total of ten floors down, and the tenth floor is the boss floor.

The boss here is the Venerable Corrupted Knight. According to the setting, this is the tomb of a general in the period of Brax Rex.

That is, the soldiers of the blood tyrant Brax Rex.

Because the player unlocked the second-level tomb and unlocked the power of the four knights, the power of the Knight of Death awakened the kings who had been sleeping underground.

Thus, one dungeon after another was formed.

Well, that's the setting.

There are about forty dungeons in this circle, and more than thirty of them are soldiers of Brax Rex during his lifetime. The rest are generals who fought with the old king before Brax Rex ascended the throne.

If there are careful players, you will find that every knight has a story.

Their stories are like pieces of fragments, and finally spliced together to form a story line about the blood tyrant.

This fragmented narrative technique was created by Chen Ye alone.

It just corresponds to the story of the land behind the fourth circle of the enchantment after the fourth layer is unsealed.

That is where the royal city of Brax Rex was when he was alive.

At this time, the story of the sealed land officially begins.

If it is said to be the main line, it is not wrong, but even if you don't study it or participate in it, it will not have any impact.

So it can only be regarded as the main line in the background story.

Just like the next updated expansion pack, it is"Corruption Dynasty".

The story of the sealed land will start from here and officially open the curtain.

At that time, all players who have collected the general beads can start a task.

It is called"Revenge of the Blood Emperor".

The general beads are dropped by the boss of these copies, and the probability of dropping is very high. The role of a single rosary is only to let the player see a memory.

But after the player collects all the beads, he can synthesize a prop.

It is called, the memory of ancient blood.

With this prop, players can trace the story of Brax Rex and start the revenge mission of the blood emperor.

And now, Brax Rex has awakened.

Because someone has already conquered the Gargoyle Maze and opened the Black Door.

It seems that this is just an insignificant choice.

But in fact, it is a very important choice!

Not only for the player himself, but also for the main storyline of the entire Corrupted Dynasty!

If the player chooses the Red Door, Brax Rex will not wake up in advance, but will wait until the fourth chapter to wake up.

At that time, he will become the first event boss and launch an extremely crazy revenge on the Twelve Schools!

Any player who has joined a school will become his enemy!

And if the player chooses to open the Black Door, there is also a key choice here.

Whether to break Brax Rex?��·Rex's soul-sealing jar?

If you don't break it, but choose to absorb it, the time for the Brax Rex mission to arrive will be extended.

It will be extended until the player goes deep into the capital and contacts the residual soul of another Brax Rex.

If you choose to break the jar, Brax Rex will wake up early!

But the direction of the story will produce a small divergence.

There are two choices according to the opinions of the players.

One is to surrender to Brax Rex, help him complete his revenge, and make the twelve schools surrender.

After that, all players who choose to be loyal to Brax Rex can obtain Brax Rex's professional mission through tasks.

If you choose this route, the Curse School and the Scarlet School will be removed from the nine forbidden schools.

Instead, they will become orthodox schools and can be joined through normal channels.

This is a choice, which is different from opening the red door, which requires being an enemy of Brax Rex.

This route allows players to choose two more professions at the beginning, which can be regarded as a better ending to the story.

But there are also some negative effects, that is, Brax Rex will resume his throne and rule this land!


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