What are the disadvantages of being ruled by Brax Rex?

The first is that all players must submit to Brax Rex.

Because from now on, he will be the nominal king of this land.

At that time, players will enable the power contribution setting. They can obtain contribution points by handing in money or completing tasks issued by the royal city.

Contribution points can be exchanged for corresponding titles.

You can enjoy certain privileges in the royal city, as well as some things that can only be done by specific titles.

The highest title is the Duke. If a player can reach the Duke level, he can no longer leave this country.

Yes, as the plot of the Sealed Land develops, more old kings will wake up one after another.

Then there will be a war between the old kings, and players can only choose to stand on one side. They will be forced to participate in the war against other old kings, and the war will not stop until one of them dies.

If it were just that, it wouldn't be a big deal, but the problem is that you can't disobey the king.

In other words, if your contribution is negative.

For example, you���Attacking guards, or stealing things in the royal city, will reduce your contribution.

Once the contribution becomes negative, all NPCs in the royal city will become your enemies!

They will want you, and kill you as soon as they see you!

Every time you die, you can eliminate a point of negative loyalty.

Until your loyalty becomes zero.

Of course, you can also rebel, continue the main task, and kill the blood tyrant Brax Rex.

But this time the difficulty of rebellion will increase thousands of times!

Because in that revenge mission, there will be many NPCs from the twelve schools to help players fight against the tyrant.

But if the mission fails, these NPCs will all die.

And that time is also when Brax Rex is the weakest and the most incomplete.

It is the only time when players can possibly defeat him!

Later, Brax Rex's power gradually recovered, and without the help of NPCs! It will be thousands of times more difficult for players to rebel than before!

So, wouldn't it be better not to rebel?

Indeed, it would be better not to rebel.

Just obey Brax Rex, he will only charge you an entrance fee when you enter the King's City, and a dungeon entry fee when you enter the General's dungeon.

If your rank is high enough, of course you can enter for free.

But if it's not enough, you can only pay the money obediently.

Brax Rex will reshape the order of this unclaimed land and set new rules for it.

This is the ruling ending.

This is naturally not the worst ending, but it is not the best ending either.

Well, as mentioned before, if the player smashes the jar and releases Brax Rex in advance.

Here, there is actually a second choice.

That is, to establish yourself as the king!

This is a branch route of the main story line. Players will build their own forces around the Sealed Tower!


The players as a whole will become an independent force!

This is a republican force. There is no king, but there is still a contribution setting!

It is also after this that the player's title system will usher in a change!

The original adventurer title will be transformed into an alliance title.

The promotion method is the same as before, but the difference is that now you can use contribution to upgrade the title by doing something that is beneficial to the player as a whole.

This branch task is called"Become the King by Yourself!"

There are three ways to open it. The easiest one is to release Brax Rex and swear to him that we will not obey anyone!

Even if we don't want to be your enemy, if you insist on dominating us, then we have no choice but to fight!

【[Self-made King]

The weight of fate spreads its claws, we are trembling on the edge of the cliff, below is a bloody future.

When we stare into the abyss, there is only ourselves in the abyss looking back at ourselves.

We once prayed to the gods, but the gods never responded to us, so we overthrew the gods and made ourselves kings!


The gameplay about forces is very huge, and players can even participate in the wars of the old kings later.

They can also choose the development of forces.

The decision-makers with the highest power, that is, the players with the highest contribution, will vote to decide the direction of the forces.

Or peace is supreme, and all nations are united.

Or conquer everything, and all nations surrender.

Or become a natural disaster and devour everything.

The forces formed by players will initially receive the support of the twelve schools, and will receive more support with subsequent development.

Or conquer more territory and conquer the forces of the old kings.

According to the current situation, the main storyline of this chapter should not be too far away.

Qin Shihuang should be able to hold out for another two months. With the fall of Shihuang, the gameplay of dynasties and forces will be officially updated.

Chen Ye is also looking forward to what players will choose.

Whether to choose the route of self-reliance as king, or to choose the route of revenge of the bloody emperor.

One is to create your own forces and conquer the world.

The other is to wander between the major forces and participate in the wars between other kings.

This choice will determine the development of the entire story outside the sealed land.

""Let me also participate in this event. It's quite interesting, isn't it?"

Chen Ye grinned, and then stepped directly into the catacombs.

Countless players were calling for teams here. Generally, they would form a team of ten and then set out to enter the dungeon together.

Because the maximum number of people in a single dungeon is ten.

Chen Ye did not form a team, but entered the dungeon alone.

In front of the dungeon is something similar to a portal. You can enter the dungeon directly by walking in here.

This dungeon is similar to a fantasy, and countless copies can be opened at the same time, with no upper limit.

It directly eliminated the situation of players competing with each other and queuing.

Chen Ye opened his eyes, and what came to his face was a strong dark dungeon style.

Two skeletons woke up at this time and waved their hands directly. The sword rushed towards Chen Ye.

Chen Ye did not dodge or evade until the skeleton's sword chopped at him, and then his body moved on its own!

His movements were extremely fast, and he dodged the skeleton's vertical slash by leaning sideways, and then grabbed the skeleton's sword with his backhand!

At the same time, he grabbed the skeleton's head with his other hand and slammed it against the wall!


The skeleton's head hit the wall and was smashed to pieces!

Chen Ye also directly seized the skeleton's weapon, and another skeleton also raised his sword to chop at this time!

Seeing this, Chen Ye simply swung his sword to pick up the skeleton's weapon, and at the same time grabbed the skeleton's chin and smashed it against the wall again!


The two skeletons collapsed to the ground one after another, and Chen Ye felt his arm slightly numb.

"It seems that this ability is complemented by the system very well. It can automatically attack and dodge, and it will definitely make the best attack method, and it can also detect the weaknesses of monsters."

"Good, better than I thought"

"Well, let me see where the limit of this ability is."


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