After the NPC discussion, the players began to collect information about Mithril everywhere, and no one set foot in the Corrupt Dynasty for the time being.

But the Corrupt Dynasty was ready to move, and Clarks Rex seemed to be preparing something.

The NPC said that he might be recovering his strength.

In view of the fact that Brax Rex did not take action in the previous battle, the players felt that this explanation was very likely.

Among them, Granny Mesqi emphasized the situation of Brax Rex. The reason why he recovered his strength was because someone broke his soul-sealing jar and released his soul.

After the invisible wall disappeared, his soul behind the wall began to merge into his spirit body little by little.

So he will gradually recover his strength and his memory at the same time.

And his current body is not his real body, but just like taking over a body.

And transformed this body into a vampire.

Zhou Li quickly thought of the body of Zayk that he sent to Brax Rex.

In this way, he is the culprit of the whole incident.

The two soul-sealing jars that contain Brax Rex's soul are both made of mithril and have golden cross patterns.

They are attached with a sacred glow, which is specially used to restrain the undead and vampires.

If a vampire or undead dares to touch them, they will feel their palms on a frying pan as soon as they get close.

If they continue to get close, their bodies will burn and turn into ashes in an instant.

But if they are human, it's okay.

And now, Brax Rex should have gone to find his other soul-sealing jar.

If he wants to find and open this soul-sealing jar, it will take some time, and this is the time left for them to prepare! The first thing they need to prepare is the mithril weapon!

The Holy School has opened the purchase of mithril weapons.

The styles are all cross swords and crossbows.

After understanding by players, the Holy School is by no means a religious school.

They are real warlords!

The Holy School was once the strongest armed force in the Alanxi Fama Empire. This army has many names.

For example, the Crusade, the Holy Cross Legion, and the Holy Knights Legion.

Mithril weapons are their advanced standard weapons, and some paladins will even hold some huge mithril crosses.

But usually, these people are short-lived.

Because of the erosion of mithril, if you hold it with bare hands, the toxins brought by mithril will slowly enter the body through the skin.

Even if you are wearing armor, you will be infected with mithril disease because of the unique smell of mithril entering the respiratory tract.

Therefore, the Crusaders of the Holy School are short-lived.

Although they also have corresponding means, such as taking holy water regularly and washing the body with holy water.

And taking another highly toxic drug to reduce the damage caused by mithril to them.

Some players bought mithril weapons from the Holy School and then threw them directly into the player's own factory for processing.

As a result, the dust during processing directly caused hundreds of people to be poisoned by mithril, and they all died within a few days.

But the player still rubbed out a batch of mithril bullets and garlic potions.

Mithril looks very similar to ordinary silver in color, but it is brighter than silver, almost shining.

It is very beautiful, and it is also very beautiful to engrave various patterns on it.

The word"mithril" is actually translated from the Elvish language, and its original meaning is to flash and shine.

After being translated from the Elvish language into the Green Dragon language, it became mithril.

At the beginning, this ore was very precious. It was discovered by the dwarves in the great mines of Moria.

Later, with the changes of the times, this ore was gradually controlled by humans and became a weapon against the undead.

It is inherently highly toxic, and is fatal to humans, undead, and most creatures!

And its magic conductivity is very high, and sacred magic can be easily attached to it, and it will hardly dissipate!

This is why it has become a sacred object of the Holy School.

At this moment, outside the capital of corruption.

A vampire was kneeling on the ground, falling into an extremely terrible weakness,"This is garlic... Damn it!"


With a gunshot, the vampire's head was suddenly shot and exploded, and there was no regeneration!

Cheng Haixing came over with a pistol, looking at the gunpowder smoke coming out of the muzzle, he exhaled and blew it away

"Mithril bullets are indeed useful, especially when mithril powder is mixed into the bullet head, the effect is amazing"

"Those guys are quite good at tinkering."

Cheng Haixing put away his pistol. These mithril bullets were made by the craftsmen selected by the country.

Cheng Haixing also got the samples at the first opportunity.

This thing is quite heavy, not in the literal sense, but in the sense of heaviness behind it.

When producing mithril bullets, these craftsmen will inevitably inhale mithril powder.

Naturally, casualties are inevitable, so this bullet is heavy.

"Last time I went to Xu Fu, I didn't get anything out of him. That guy must know something about the masks in reality."

Cheng Haixing went to Xu Fu to ask about the masks in reality, but he was always vague.

But his words showed that he did know about it and it was related to him.

From the few words he revealed, Cheng Haixing could probably guess something.

It seemed that the real world was entering a countdown, and when the countdown was over, the masks they knew would disappear.

Because that itself was a kind of projection, just like the migration of swallows before a rainstorm, it was a sign.

It really made people confused.


On the other side, on the wall of the Corrupted King City, a group of top foreign players climbed up from a remote corner using grappling hooks.



A vampire saw them on the wall, but as soon as he showed his head, he was pierced by a cross sword!

A player with stubble and short blue hair drew his sword and put it back into the sheath.

"So fast, you guys have been practicing secretly again, right?"

"My dear friend, how can you think like this, isn't it because you are lazy?"

"No, I felt betrayed!"

"Stop arguing, you will lure the monsters here soon."

A man with a crew cut said, looking at his palm. There was a white mark on his palm.

The color looked like mercury, which had penetrated into his skin.

His lips were no longer bloody."It doesn't work even through the cloth? Is there no real antidote for the mithril poison?"

"Oh my, a bunch of little mice."

At this moment, a teasing voice suddenly came from the sky!

Everyone looked up suddenly, and saw a vampire flapping its wings and looking down at them.

The leading man was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He reached out from his waist and took out three mithril throwing knives and threw them at the vampire!

At the same time, he stepped out, stepped on the air, and flew up directly, swinging the cross sword in his hand to chop at the vampire!


The vampire's arm was instantly cut off by the mithril cross sword, and he frowned immediately,"The action is not slow, I didn't expect that there would be such a master among humans."

"Unfortunately, it's only level 2, still too weak"

"Well, the wound didn't heal?"

"Is it a Mithril weapon?"


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