
Without waiting for the vampire to say anything, everyone threw out two spheres similar to grenades!

The two spheres exploded at the same time, and a burst of garlic smell and a dazzling light instantly bloomed!



The strong light burned the vampire's hair in an instant, causing its skin to curl up, and the garlic made it fall to its knees!

Seeing this, a player stepped on his head and said,"The shining stone is indeed useful. I don't know who discovered it."

"Let's go, White Wolf, our goal this time is to sneak into the royal city and see if we can find the treasure house."

The leading man said as he took out a few throwing knives from his backpack and put them on his waist,"These are just some lower-level vampires, only equivalent to the second or third level, don't be careless."

Although they are only the second or third level, because of the advantages of vampires themselves, they can exert power far beyond their own class.

Also because of their weaknesses, they can be restrained by players of far lower levels than themselves.

A group of players sneaked into the interior of the city wall along the ladder on the city wall. The city wall here is hollow and there is an aisle inside.

Several people took action only after observing this.

They sneaked all the way through the aisles in the city wall. The walls were covered with twisted thorns and wet moss.

Everyone walked in it. There was a lot of stagnant water on the ground. Only their footsteps echoed in the empty city wall. They encountered several undead along the way, but they were just unconscious zombies. Everyone dealt with them in a few seconds.

After that, everyone came Arrived at a secret room.

The leading man pushed open the door of the secret room and entered only after making sure there were no monsters.

There were also some wine utensils and some rotten wooden tables, and there were many skeletons on the ground.

These skeletons were wearing armor, which looked very retro.

Several players took off the armor, which could be sold in the player market later.

After that, everyone briefly explored the secret room and found nothing special.

At this moment, a player suddenly came to a room in the secret room.

There were many iron bars in front of this room, and it looked like a prison.

There was a corpse with its hands and feet handcuffed by chains, and it was nailed to the wall.

A player stepped forward with a shining stone torch and lowered his head,"It's a vampire, it seems to be dead"

"Why do they lock up vampires?"

"I've committed a crime."

"Here is a letter."

A player picked up the letter on the table and opened it to read,"The king has ordered the execution of the rebel Count Nicholas, my beloved uncle Jeter. The Count has done nothing wrong."

"Your niece Maisha, begs you to let this poor earl go. As long as you can let the earl go, I will accept your eldest son's proposal and marry him."

After closing the letter, a pale-skinned player suddenly smiled,"I can smell a hint of the minotaur, Ross"

"You must have heard similar stories, such as Nanatalia marrying the prince to save the nobles."

"As a result, she was already pregnant with a noble's child. This child not only used the blood of a foreign race to usurp the throne, but also told everyone about it."

"Poor prince, his love is just a beam of green light"

"Okay, Bourne, stop dwelling on these meaningless things."

"Captain, don't you think this is interesting?"

"I'm not interested in"

"Oh, you are such a boring person. I really want to know what the ending behind this letter is."

"For example, the man in the envelope did not let the Count go, but deceived his niece and said that he let the Count go?"

"Oh, this is interesting!"

"The niece married her uncle's eldest son to save the earl, but the uncle didn't let the earl go, but locked him up here!"

The captain shook his head helplessly as he watched everyone get more and more excited.

At this moment, the corpse imprisoned by chains on the wall suddenly moved!

The captain reacted and immediately raised his sword to stab the corpse!

But just as his cross mithril sword was about to touch the corpse, the corpse looked up and said something.


Hearing this, the captain stopped the sword in his hand.

"Is there a plot?"

The corpse exhaled a mouthful of dust with difficulty,"You... who are you?"

Everyone came closer at once,"We are humans."

The corpse's eyes were yellow and dry, like two dried longans,"Human, how long has it been since the Battle of the Two Saints?""

The Battle of the Two Saints?

Ah, that incident.

The battle where Brax Rex was sealed.

"About thousands of years?"

The corpse was stunned for a moment,"Thousands of years... Then, Maisha must be dead, right?"

"Is it too late?"

"Can you tell me why you are here?"

Hearing the words of the corpse, the captain in front said:"To stop Brax Rex's revenge."

The corpse's dry yellow eyes looked straight at everyone,"Really... The king is back, no wonder I can wake up."

"My name is Nicholas Mond, I was once a nobleman of this country, I was imprisoned here by the king because of my mistake……"

"If you want to deal with His Majesty Brax Rex, can you take me with you? I can lend you a hand."

A player nodded after listening,"It seems like he is a key NPC, shall we take him away?"

Another player frowned at Nicholas,"What can you do in this state? How many levels are you in to deal with Brax Rex?"

Nicholas raised his head,"I am not talented. I was once a sixth-level peak legend. Although I am no match for the king, I know many secrets about the king."

The white-skinned player thought for a while,"If it is a vampire, as long as he sucks blood, he should be able to restore his strength."

"Maybe he is really useful, why don't we give him some blood?"

The captain suddenly reached out and grabbed the white-skinned player,"Wait, NPCs don't just tell the truth, they may be lying to us."

"Don't be so naive. If he turns against us and kills us after regaining his strength, we can't do anything about it.���

"It will expose us, so why not just kill him?"

Nicholas closed his eyes slowly after hearing this,"If you want to kill me, I have no objection, after all, I should have died thousands of years ago."

"But there's something I want you to know"

"In the royal city, there is a huge portrait of a greedy red wolf. Behind that portrait, there is a big secret.……"

"It was because I touched that portrait that I ended up like this."

"I hope you can find the secret behind that painting and tell me, please"

"I want to know what secret the king wants to hide even if it means putting me to death."


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