Ye Qiu took a deep breath,"As promised, can I tell you now, Zhulong, why did you choose me?"

Zhulong's voice continued to come,"Choose you, no, I didn't choose you, I just let you be reborn, that's all."

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment,"Then who chose me?"

Zhulong suddenly laughed with a snort,"Hehe, when the time is right, you will naturally know, no need for me to say more here"

"You just need to understand that your mission is to save humanity, maybe."


Why say maybe?

Ye Qiu's brows gradually frowned,"Since you can give me a new life, you can also travel through time, right?"

"Since you have this ability, you should be able to tamper with the future at will, right?"

Zhu Long said:"In theory, this is true, but first you have to know one thing, there is more than one timeline."

"The future is even more complex and diverse. Trying to change the future through the past is just like splitting a branch in the long river of time."

"A new timeline evolved from this branch, but this timeline is no longer the original one."

"From this, you should understand one thing."

"No one can go back in time, not even the soul. It is impossible to send a soul back to the past."

"The world you are in now is just a branch of a parallel world at a past time node"

"In the timeline you were originally in, the Earth in that timeline no longer exists. It has been destroyed by the ancient gods."

Ye Qiu fell into silence."No one can go against the long river of time. No one can……"

"What about you?"

Zhu Long suddenly sneered and said,"I am time itself, one of the laws. Since I am eternal and immortal, I can naturally"

"But that's enough for today, someone's here to see you."

"By the way, I have a small gift for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a pocket watch suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qiu.

"What is this?"

Zhu Long did not elaborate,"I believe you will need it someday, because I have seen that day."

After saying that, Ye Qiu woke up from his dream.

The candle on the bedside table had gone out, but the wax had not decreased at all.

Ye Qiu had prepared for this moment for a long time, even at the cost of enclosing a piece of land and building a house.

But this time, Ye Qiu did not get the information he wanted.

"Damn, my memory is starting to blur... What did Zhulong just say?"

Ye Qiu covered his forehead, he suddenly forgot what happened in his dream.

And just when he was confused, he suddenly saw the pocket watch in his hand.


Type: ???

Quality: ???

Introduction: ???


Ye Qiu:"???"

What's the difference between writing this information and not writing it?

Seeing this pocket watch, Ye Qiu suddenly remembered something, and then quickly opened the notepad to write down everything he remembered.

Meeting Zhulong was like a dream, yes, literally.

Everything that happened in the dream might be forgotten when you wake up and think about something else.

Ye Qiu didn't have the habit of recording his dreams, because he didn't believe in dream interpretation.

But now...……

"Who chose me? Did I ask this question? Tsk, I can't remember it at all."

At this moment, a message suddenly popped up in front of Ye Qiu.

Jiang Chen:"It's important!"

Seeing this, Ye Qiu quickly replied:"Where are you now?"

Jiang Chen:"At your doorstep!"

Ye Qiu:"……"

Ye Qiu pushed open the wooden door and opened the territory to Jiang Chen, and then he saw Jiang Chen walked in with a frown on his face.

"You... forget it."

Ye Qiu blinked,"What's wrong, don't you have something important to say?"

Jiang Chen found a place to sit down,"Yes, there is something important, but it's a long story, so I'll make it short."

"There is a race called goblins on the fourth floor. They were weak at first, but now they are suddenly strong. We need to fight them. Well, that's it."

Goblins... ah?


Why do we need to fight goblins?

Can't we just bypass the fourth floor?

Ye Qiu suddenly realized something,"Did you do something?""


The fourth floor.

A player who was opening a map suddenly felt the ground shaking, and the next second, a message suddenly popped up in front of him!

【The earth seems to be shaking】

"I special?"


There was a loud noise, and the ground in front of him suddenly cracked, and a huge green arm suddenly broke out of the ground!

Then, another huge head came out!

This head was extremely huge, like a giant's head, but it had a long nose and ears, and green skin!

It was exactly the same as a goblin!

But it was thousands of times larger than an ordinary goblin!


The giant goblin crawled out directly from the ground. Its body was more than 50 meters tall, and its body was covered with strange tentacles!

The player was directly scared silly, and then heard a rough voice coming from the sky!

"I am the greatest warrior of the goblins, I am Sir Gerts Roger!!"


Another loud noise was heard, and an old woman covered with tentacles suddenly crawled out of the crack.

The tentacles behind her supported her body, completely replacing her feet, just like Doctor Octopus in a certain movie.

This old woman covered with tentacles was Granland,"Roger, use this power to destroy and take back the ground!"

"We have been tolerant and evasive time and again, but humans have been chasing us relentlessly and are determined to take away our last home!"

"Now, we understand that temporary tolerance and escape are useless, we must speak with our fists!"

"We will rise from the ground, we will take back the surface, and we will make humanity taste our pain!!"

"Children who once devoured the bone marrow of Titans, the great King in Yellow has given you the power of Titans. Use your feet to flatten the homes of mankind!"



More and more goblins as big as Titans crawled out. These goblins had all devoured the bone marrow of Titans!

After receiving the power of the King in Yellow, the Titan bone marrow they had eaten was transformed into their power!

At this moment, a player witnessed the entire process of the appearance of these goblin giants!

He recorded this scene and posted it on the forum!

"Oh no, the goblins are rising!"

"Holy shit, why is this goblin so big?!"

"Did you drink too much Sanlu milk powder?"

"Could this goblin have grown up by eating giants?!"

"Attack of the Goblins?"

"I'm Chao, brother, are you still alive?"

"I was just stepped on to death. I'll send you the map location. They should be heading towards the nearest village!"


I had something to do today, so I only updated two chapters. Sorry|・ω・`)

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