On the fourth floor, in a small village.

Ye Qiu was stunned as he looked at the huge figures in the distance,"Turtle, what the hell is this?"

A human in the village looked up into the distance but did not react.

Ye Qiu was puzzled,"Why don't you run?"

The human turned his head,"Why should we run, what is running?"

This guy... no, it's the people here, they all have problems!

It's like they don't sense the danger, or, it's like they know they will die but don't feel fear.

If it was just one person, it would be fine, but all the humans here are like this.

It's like they are born with some kind of defect.

At this moment, a player wearing a monocle suddenly fell from the sky,"Don't persuade them, it's useless to say anything to them."

"It's as if some kind of thought stamp has been implanted in their consciousness. They have no desires, no fears, and live like machines."

"There may even be some kind of genetic defect, and even their way of thinking is strange."

"I have done several experiments and found that they are indifferent to stealing, insulting, and even attacking."

"I spread the concept of being king to them, but they seemed to be selectively deaf, not wanting to understand, nor willing to understand"

"Everything they do every day is fixed, and they repeat the same thing almost every day, more punctual than a machine."

"This is nothing strange in other games. Isn't it normal for NPCs to travel along a fixed route?"

"But put here, the originally normal things seem very abnormal"

"Combining this layer of story, I think there is a possibility"

"That is, the Titans have changed the genes of humans, or their thoughts, and solidified them into machines, so that they can serve themselves more conveniently."

Ye Qiu turned his head and looked at the person who came, and saw that the person who came was none other than the president of the Suibian Guild, Shengguang.

In other words, Fang Ze

""Long time no see, President." Ye Qiu said.

Seeing Fang Ze stepping down from the sky just now, he should have completed the job transfer of the atmospheric school.

In other words, he has mastered the first transfer of six magic schools at the same time.

"It's been a long time since we last met. I haven't seen you on the front line recently. What are you busy with? Fang Ze turned around and asked.

Ye Qiu glanced behind Fang Ze and found that they were all unfamiliar faces.

Lao Du, Ying, Xigua, and Lao Zhang, the four elders were not there.

"Busy with some unimportant things, what about Fly and the others?"

Fang Ze shrugged when he heard it,"Aren't we going to have a competition? At the request of the investor, we're going to have an arena on the negative first floor."

Ye Qiu looked at the huge figure approaching in the distance and slowly took out his weapon,"What about you, President, don't you have to go?"

Fang Ze smiled,"There's not much point in going. I'm more interested in the giant's bone marrow."

"Magic bone marrow, this is a necessary material for many magic professions to go to the second level."

Just then, two players suddenly came over,"This floor not only has magic bone marrow, but also the materials for my summoning school's second level!"

The people who came were Brother Nonsense and his new apprentice An Ran.

"The instructor of the Summoning School said that the Summoning School was derived from the Old School. Although the concepts are completely different, the materials required for the potion are very similar."

"The tribes that have gained the power of the Old Ones are also called the Legion of the Old Ones. They also carry the power of those evil gods."

"Therefore, as long as I take the materials from them, I can complete the second transformation of the Great Summoning School!!"

"Summoners will rise at this moment!"

Brother Nonsense raised his arms excitedly, while An Ran quietly scattered flowers on the side.

Ye Qiu:"……"

Fang Ze:"……"

Another strange combination.


At this moment, a giant rushed directly in front of them!

"Tremble, humans, and be ready to surrender to the great Sir Roger!!"

Seeing this, Ye Qiu drew his sword and rushed out. He moved very quickly, like a shadow, and chopped directly at Sir Roger's hamstrings!

To fight a giant, a foot shave is inevitable!

Fang Ze twisted his neck, then took a step directly into the sky. He walked lightly, and continued to step in the sky and came directly in front of Sir Roger!

Sir Roger swung a punch, but Fang Ze easily dodged it.

Then he turned around and released a bolt of lightning that hit Sir Roger's eyes!


"How dare you blind the eyes of the great Sir Roger? You deserve to die!"


There was another loud noise, and countless tentacles instantly emerged from Sir Roger's body and directly entangled Fang Ze!



At this moment, a figure descended from the sky and directly cut off the tentacles. The person who came was a player named 'Shenlong no Ken'.

Fang Ze rolled over and broke free from the tentacles,"Thank you."

Shenlong no Ken glanced at him and said,"Don't die at the hands of the monsters, you will be defeated by my sword in the arena."

"I don't want that moment to be meaningless"


There are monsters to kill!

Upon hearing the news, players rushed to the fourth floor and started to give these giants a pedicure!

Not only did they stop these giants, but they also killed them back to the goblin's lair!

After a period of analysis by the players, the giant's strength is only equivalent to about level three, but the mechanism is very strong. The size can be used to step on the player to death, but the larger the size, the more clumsy it is, and coupled with its own lack of strength, it was quickly broken by the player.

Blow up the legs with a dynamite pack, and the giant fell to the ground and had almost no power to fight back. The remaining small goblins are even weaker, only equivalent to about level two, but they will use tentacles to roll up weapons to attack.

But they can't withstand the player's hot weapon sweep, and a few rounds of bullets will not be able to withstand the many tentacles.

The strongest among these goblins is the goblin high priest Guland, whose strength is about level five.

Even if the body is broken, the tentacles on her body will condense together again.

But it is visible to the naked eye that its recovery is getting slower and slower.

This wave of dimensionality reduction from hot weapons has caused the newly rising goblin clan to shrink back underground again.

Players exclaimed, this is the normal difficulty of the game!

Look how friendly this boss is!

No, why doesn't this boss even have a border?

It's not a boss?

That's fine.

The players drove the goblins back underground and seized a large amount of loot, including giant bone marrow and the corpse of the goblin giant.

These are the materials needed for job transfer, and the overall strength of the players has been improved again.

But at the same time, some players are confused

"Didn’t they say that the goblins could defeat the Titans? Is this their level?"

"That was after three chapters."

"Are they useless?"

"Wasn’t there only one left, and it was snatched away?"

"A second of silence for the goblins"


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