The wind blew, and waves of air came.

Under a small golden tree, a knight carrying a golden halberd was strolling.

His armor was extremely thick and heavy, far beyond the reach of ordinary people. The gorgeous golden tree pattern showed its sacredness and splendor.

The huge weapon was four or five meters long, and just shaking it could make people feel its terrible weight.

After defeating the goblins, the confident player walked down the hillside directly to meet this little monster.

"Brothers, I'll go first!"

The player jumped onto the plain, picked up a huge sword, and slowly walked towards the direction of the Tree Knight.

"Hmm, what's strange?"

The player blinked and suddenly found that the Tree Knight was gone.

He was clearly there just now, how come he was gone in the blink of an eye?

Is there a bug?


At this moment, a golden halberd suddenly pierced the player from behind, and his health bar was instantly reduced to zero!

The player didn't even react to how he died.


What happened?

The players above were also confused.

They saw the player walk down, and then the Tree Knight suddenly accelerated, rushed to his back and stabbed him to death.

"Oh shit, there’s Lao Liu!"

"What a sinister little monster, it can even backstab!"

"A small monster is so rampant?"

"I, the second-level war school, invite you to fight!"

A player holding two swords jumped from the sky and came to the plain again!

The big tree knight in front of him disappeared again, and his first reaction was to turn around, but there was no one behind him!


A golden halberd suddenly rushed out from behind, directly piercing through the player's body with his armor!



As the player fell, there were already two bodies on the ground.

"Aren’t these two people too bad?"

""Fuck, I'm going!"

A mage player jumped down and finally raised his staff to release a fireball.

But just as his fireball was brewing, the tree knight suddenly rushed in front of him and pierced his chest with a sprint!


The third corpse

"This is also a noob, everyone, get up, I'm going!"

A player from the Lightning School, with lightning wrapped around his feet, landed on the ground in an instant!

A lightning ball condensed in his palm, and the Tree Knight suddenly rushed over on horseback, holding up the golden halberd!

With the previous experience, this player directly interrupted his own spellcasting, and then used the Lightning School's skills to move madly!

But the Tree Knight's attack was reluctant to fall, and the player could only keep moving!

Until he landed in a certain position, the Tree Knight's golden halberd suddenly fell!

"This is a delayed sword technique!"



The fourth corpse.

As the fourth corpse appeared, the player gradually realized that there seemed to be something wrong with this monster!

"Calabash Brothers, save Grandpa, come one by one, come together!"

Some players took the lead, and a group of players came together!

But at this moment, the big tree knight suddenly guarded their landing point and swung a halberd in the air!

Puff puff puff!!

Three players who had not yet landed were directly cut in half, and three more bodies were added!

"You can even fight in a cutscene, do you have any humanity?"

Other players landed and distanced themselves from each other, ready to see how the Tree Knight would attack.

But the Tree Knight raised his golden halberd, and a golden tree's phantom flashed!

At the foot of the golden tree in the distance, seven or eight golden Tree Knight phantoms suddenly appeared!

"And he even brought someone to call for help!"

"You told me this is a small monster?!"

A group of players were stabbed to death by a bunch of tree knights who came out!

At this time, there were more than 30 corpses on the ground.

"We still have to use hot weapons, brothers, take out your guns!"

A group of players directly set up their guns at a high point, pulling the trigger one by one, ready to kill the tree knight with a long-range attack!

Countless gunshots were heard, and the bullets hit the golden armor of the tree knight without causing any damage!

All the bullets bounced off, not even leaving a trace on the golden armor.

"No, what kind of defense is this? It’s just immunity to physical attacks, right?"


"Immune to physical attacks, I feel like this is an immune player!"

""Is the immune player still okay?"

Just as everyone was in disbelief, the weapon in the hands of the Big Tree Knight suddenly changed shape and turned into a huge golden bow!

The Big Tree Knight suddenly pulled the bowstring, and countless golden arrows gathered on it and shot out instantly!


The huge arrows directly penetrated the rock and shot all the players behind the rock to death. The players had no time to dodge, and they would die if they were touched!

"This one even has long-range skills!!"

"Isn't this a knight? How can he use a bow and arrow? This monster has no martial ethics!"

Ye Qiu looked at the situation below and was not surprised at all. All this was within his expectations.

In fact, this was just the beginning.

If the player wants to bypass him and go to the royal city, the big tree knight will always appear in a corner and backstab you!

Moreover, he walks almost without footsteps, and his speed is ridiculous!

In terms of damage, he can directly connect the Sun and Moon Essence Armor and kill the player in one second. As for the defense, it is even more amazing.

Soon the players posted this matter on the forum, and more and more players came to the fifth floor after knowing this.

Among them are many top players from all walks of life, as well as players from some large guilds.

Hundreds of thousands of players besieged the big tree knight together, but the big tree knight directly called hundreds of phantoms and killed them in the crowd!

The one hundred golden phantoms killed in the crowd, and the players ran away with their heads in their hands, moving madly, but they would always be hit at some point!

"This little monster can also predict?!"

"Shit, this is the sixth time. I don’t want to play anymore. I’m so upset!"

"I just don’t believe it!"

"I had a fight with him today!"

"Today, one of me and the Tree Knight must die!"

A group of players fought from morning till night, using all means, ghost army, magic bombing, and even cannons!

In the end, only the piles of corpses piled up by the players could explain the situation below.

Ye Qiu sat on the edge of the cliff and watched, just watching, without going down once during the whole process.

Jiang Chen also sat on the edge of the cliff,"I know why you stopped me, if you look at it this way, there is indeed more than one way."

Ye Qiu slapped his forehead,"Hey, they probably have given all the soul life given by Rex in the main line here."

"Why bother?"

What's the use of killing him? He still has a second form.

If he permanently enters the Dragon Suit Tree Knight form, it will be difficult for them to bypass him!


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