I don't know if it's the players' illusion, but they can always feel a deep resentment in the Great Tree Knight.

It's like he suppressed some nameless anger, and now he's using the players to vent his anger.

And if we talk about the story of the Great Tree Knight, we have to start with the golden tree behind.

The Great Tree Knight exists to protect the golden tree. He is the knight who protects the golden tree, the shield and the barrier of the golden tree.

The reason why he appears here is to guard the player's birth point and kill all the faded ones here!

The Great Tree Knight has been blessed by the golden tree, and can wield weapons that ordinary people can't wield, and wear this armor that ordinary people can't wear.

And there are actually far more Great Tree Knights.

They became extremely brave and invincible because of the blessing of the golden tree, but in a war, all the Great Tree Knights fell.

And that war was called the Ancient Dragon War.

In order to destroy the golden tree, the ancient dragons used all their strength to challenge the supreme will represented by the golden tree!

Challenge the golden law of this world!

In the battle with the ancient dragon, the tree knights were defeated. The ancient dragon baptized them with blood, stepped over their corpses, and approached the golden tree!

It was also at that moment that the remaining tree knights realized that they could not protect the golden tree with their current strength. The only way to deal with the dragon is to become a dragon!

So, the tree knights began to accept the power of dragon bite, put on new armor, and picked up new weapons!

The dragon-clad tree knights were born!

But in the battle with the ancient dragon, the tree knights were still killed, but the ancient dragon clan was also defeated.

The strongest tree knight cut off the head of the dragon king and forged a terrible weapon with the power of the dragon king!

The Dusk of the Dragon King!

No doubt.

The tree knight in front of him is the strongest tree knight in the story.

Ye Qiu thought of this and shook his head. It was too difficult to defeat the tree knight at this stage.

And his armor players can't wear at all unless they accept the blessing of the golden tree.

Now that Ye Qiu has the Death Eater Sword, he doesn't have to stick to the super sword of the Dragon King's Dusk.

Commonly known as Chaowu.

There are many bosses on this level, and the map is also very large, which is a scale that cannot be compared with the previous levels combined.

First of all, the place where the player is born is on a huge grassland, and the royal city is built on the cliff at the end of the grassland.

This is where the guardian is located, and you need to fight a boss to get started.

But it is very easy to fight.

Compared with the big tree knight.

Then this place is connected.

And this continent is connected to several places.

One of them is the sky city that is falling apart, where the ancient dragons live.

I won’t go into detail about the rest, anyway, none of them can be defeated.

Under normal circumstances, you have to push to the next level first, and then come back to defeat these bosses after you can beat them.

And as long as you defeat the soul of the first king of the royal city, you can go to the next level.

So other bosses including the big tree knight don’t need to be fought.

But before challenging the first king, Ye Qiu has another place he has to go.

That is the foot of the golden tree.

Ye Qiu led Jiang Chen to bypass the big tree knight, set off from a remote path, and then directly opened the shadow escape to cross the city wall.

Passing through the royal city, skipping all the monsters and bosses along the way, they came directly to the foot of the golden tree.

Jiang Chen was shocked and speechless when he saw this scene,"What is this?"

He raised his head, and the sky in front of him was directly covered by the leaves of the golden tree. This tree was like a world tree, incredibly large!

Roughly speaking, it should be several thousand meters long!

""What are we doing here?"

Ye Qiu looked up at the golden tree,"Burn it, of course not now."

As he said that, Ye Qiu came directly to a tree hole under the golden tree.

He saw an old man in a white robe with golden tree patterns on his robe leaning against the tree.

"Who are you?"

Ye Qiu slowly lowered his head after seeing the old man,"We are the Faded Ones, we are here for the Word of Creation."

The old man narrowed his dry eyes, and then laughed foolishly,"Hehe, hahaha, Faded Ones, you are so ignorant."

"The Golden Tree is rejecting everything. No one can become the king here, and no one can obtain the true words of creation."

"The Supreme Will has long been distorted, and the Golden Law has long been corrupted!"

"Faded One, the era of ancient dragons has ended long ago, but the Green Dragon has never accepted humans!"

"The age of mankind will never come, never, never……"

Jiang Chen frowned,"Green Dragon, he is not talking about the land outside our tower, right?"

Ye Qiu shook his head,"This is a fragment of the Green Dragon Continent, but it is sealed here."

Speaking of which, it seems that information about the Dragon King Ozo can be collected on this level of the Sky City.

But it has to be done as soon as possible. If the golden tree is not burned, the Sky City will collapse completely in a short time.

Ye Qiu patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder, signaling him not to worry about the old man, and let's go directly into the tree hole.

In this tree hole, is hidden the inheritance of the School of Creation, as well as a mantra of origin!

Just as Ye Qiu was about to enter the tree hole, the old man turned around and said,"You extremely ignorant Faders, you are extremely ignorant!……"

"How foolish!"

Jiang Chen wanted to look back, but Ye Qiu grabbed him and walked inside. He couldn't look back here. If he looked at this guy for a second longer, he would become the boss.

As he walked into the tree hole, stone bricks began to appear in front of him, and the walls around him were no longer just tree roots.

Instead, they were stone slabs with golden tree patterns engraved on them.

As the two of them moved forward, the golden tree murals around them began to change.

It was like a story was being told.

Jiang Chen looked at these murals and found an incredible scene.

"No, Ye Qiu, look at this!"

Ye Qiu turned around after hearing this and saw a bird's-eye view map on the mural.

No matter how you look at this map, it is very similar to the circle of the Sealed Tower outside the tower!

But the difference is that the location of the Sealed Tower is not marked on the map.

At the original location of the Sealed Tower, there is a tree with a unique shape.

Ye Qiu knew this, that tree is the World Tree.

The Sealed Tower was built on it, and the Golden Tree was a small branch broken off from the World Tree.

This map is very large and complete.

There are even sea areas, and various islands overseas.

Including Sky City, Lava Land, Snow Mountain, Dragon Tomb, Scarlet Corruption Land, Great Desert, Death Eye Sea, etc....

It can be said that this is a complete map of the Green Dragon Continent!

Ye Qiu took a photo with caution, which will definitely be useful in the future


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