The Green Dragon Continent is called Green Dragon because the name was originally translated from the ancient dragon language.

This continent was once ruled by the dragon clan. At that time, the dragon clan was very strong and could be called the innate holy land.

Dragons are born strong. They look down on the mountains and breathe the earth. Most of them are entrenched in the sky city of Fam Yazra.

The god of the dragon clan gave them the power to control storms and lightning, and they can dominate the sky at will.

Until this place became the vortex of the star war, everything changed.

A war called the War of Rebellion started here.

All the ancient gods descended here and fought the final decisive battle with the humans who wanted to seal them.

The ancient dragon clan and their gods were also sealed in this battle, and together with this piece of continental territory, they were stuffed into the world tree. It is unknown how long it has been in the long seal.

The dragon clan no longer has a holy land, and there is only one dragon king left in the sky city.

That is the dragon king Platon Shanks.

His power gradually reached the top of the Holy Land until a comet descended and brought a huge golden tree to this world!

That was the branch of the World Tree, absorbing the power of this land and all things!

The World Tree was suppressing the birth of the strong in the Holy Land, and also suppressing the birth of the gods. He was strengthening himself and treating all the worlds as nutrients.

But He did not absorb endlessly. He would turn the absorbed power into laws and blessings and bestow them on all things.

To achieve absolute equality for the world.

To some extent, this was also what the original guardian wanted to see.

Let this world no longer have gods and holy lands, and distribute this most original power to all things in the world.

As mentioned at the beginning, God gave the origin to all things in an unequal way, and the World Tree gave equality to all things.

But for unknown reasons, the World Tree began to gradually fall into corruption and no longer maintained the order called law.

It no longer fed back to all things, but madly devoured all energy!

He began to reject all life and exclude all life.

The will of the World Tree is also called the Supreme Will. No one knows how He was born, or no one knows how the World Tree was born.

The corruption of the Supreme Will also created the Faded Ones.

This existence does not conform to the Golden Law.

The so-called Golden Law is the rule of this world.

After death, seven of his origins will return to the Hall of Echoes, and another ten percent will be devoured by his plunderers.

The last twenty percent belongs to the World Tree and is distributed to all things in the world.

The Faded Ones are such an existence that escapes the law. Their souls will not enter the Hall of Echoes, and they will be reborn after death.

The origin of the soul will not dissipate, but will continue to devour and grow!

The corruption of the Supreme Will not only brought such disasters, but also affected the entire world.

Take the Sky City as an example. As the World Tree continues to absorb the power here.

The Sky City, which has the most power in this world, began to collapse gradually!

The World Tree absorbed the energy here, and the energy of the Sky City is no longer enough to support those boulders and continents.

And because there is no feedback, the collapse of the Sky City will not stop!

Until the end, the Sky City will no longer exist, and this continent will also collapse!

The Dragon King asked their gods for help, but what he got was deathly silence.

In order to stop the collapse, the disheartened Dragon King had to use all the power of the ancient dragon to attack the golden tree!

But the war failed, and the Dragon King died in the war, but the war was not meaningless. At least they delayed the collapse of this world.

This is probably the whole story described on the mural.

As a person who has been through it, Ye Qiu naturally knows some of the inside stories.

But it is useless to know, this is not the level they can intervene, so they can only listen to it.

The World Tree is a legendary tenth-order life, a true eternal level.

The reason why He gave up feeding back and stepped into corruption is because He saw the truth of this world.

Logically speaking, the tenth order cannot be the end of this world.

But someone strangled this upper limit and set the tenth order as the end, but he himself has power above the tenth order.

It was because the World Tree saw this layer of truth that he gradually realized that all resistance was useless.

Everything was already destined, so it fell into corruption and sleep.

Haha... above the tenth order, what realm is that?

Even the various creation-level gods only stop at the tenth level. How could there be an eleventh level in this world?

Ye Qiu didn't dare to think about it, nor did he want to think about it.

He would rather believe that the tenth level is the end.

The two walked along the way, but suddenly saw a player!

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiu's pupils shrank immediately. How could there be a player here? How did he get here?

I know the route here clearly, just like I am at home, and I can get here with the ability of shadow escape!

How did this person get here?!

Lord God?

And this ID...

Ye Qiu seems to have heard of it somewhere, but he can't remember it……

"Who are you?"

Ye Qiu looked at Chen Ye in front of him with some doubts, and saw that Chen Ye was leaning against a stone door.

With the appearance of Ye Qiu, Chen Ye suddenly showed a mysterious smile,"It's you, huh huh"

"Ye Qiu, don't let me down."

After saying that, Chen Ye waved his hand and tapped the mechanism on the wall, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

He came here for no other purpose, just to see who would get the hidden school he left here.

Chen Ye's initial guess was that the person who came was more likely to be Ye Qiu.

Sure enough, it was just as he expected.

And this move made Ye Qiu confused.

There was a mechanism on the wall, and he didn't even know it!

And this guy also knew his real name, could he be a reborn person too?

No, that's not right!

Ye Qiu remembered, he remembered who the Lord God was!

It was the scene after the end of another game, and a player named Lord God was called by the host to speak on the stage!

And that person said something at that time that made Ye Qiu remember it all at once!

"I think that the game Sealed Land is still a little lacking in realism, for example, permanent death"

"But then it can't be called a game."

"After all, the game still has many limitations. If the game can be brought to reality, I feel that this is the complete form of this game."

His prophecy came true!

But, more than that!

Ye Qiu met him when he was just reborn this time!

That was in the coffee shop!

Yes, it was that face! It was exactly the same as the guy who appeared on the stage in the previous life. Coupled with the ID of the Lord God, Ye Qiu was more convinced of this guess!

Then, who is this person?


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