Just as Lu Qing was browsing the information that suddenly appeared in his memory, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The person who came was none other than the player named Chengxian.

"Damn, I've been digging for two days but found nothing but bones. I don't know which grandson filled the hole in the morning."

Chengxian came to Lu Qing while complaining,"Guide, I want to ask you something. Do you know magic?""


Lu Qing glanced at Chengxian,"Why do you ask this question suddenly?"

Chengxian thought for a while, then suddenly took out a gray-white crystal ball,"Hmm... take a look at this."

Lu Qing took the crystal ball and glanced at it.

【[Blank Magic Core Contaminated with Death]

Type: Material.

Quality: Ordinary (White)

Description: A magic core that has long lost its color. The magic energy in it has long since disappeared with the passage of time. Only a thick aura of death is entangled with it.


Lu Qing retracted his gaze and asked,"How did you find this thing?"

Chengxian glanced behind him and saw that there was no one around. Then he turned around and said,"I took it out of the mouth of a skeleton."

"Can you help me identify it?"

Lu Qing sighed,"50 copper coins."

Chengxian took out 50 copper coins and slapped them on the table,"I've prepared it a long time ago, just tell me what this thing is."

Lu Qing returned the magic core to Chengxian,"A magic core with exhausted magic power."

Chengxian blinked,"Can't it be used as a staff?"

Lu Qing shook his head,"The magic power on it has been exhausted, and there is dead air on it. Wearing it on your body for a long time will cause illness."

Chengxian:"Fuck, then wouldn't it be a waste of time?!"

Lu Qing:"If you don't mind, you can give this thing to me, and I can return the copper coins used for identification to you."

Chengxian:"You said it, don't regret it!"

Lu Qing directly returned the copper coins to Chengxian, and Chengxian also handed the magic core with exhausted magic power to Lu Qing.

But Chengxian was curious,"What do you want to do with this magic core?"

Lu Qing said:"It may not be of any use here, but in my hometown, the magic cores that have been depleted of magic power can be re-injected with magic power."

This is really not something Lu Qing made up.

It was mentioned in the memory given to him by the God of Creation.

To be honest, Lu Qing didn't know whether it was feasible or not.

But he wanted to give it a try.

If this was a real world, players could become stronger, so there was no reason why he couldn't become stronger.

After experiencing the powerlessness in the face of the God of Creation, Lu Qing made up his mind!

He didn't want to just sit there and wait for death, he wanted to take the initiative himself!

Even if he was still vulnerable in front of the God of Creation in the end!

But at least he had tried!

Instead of waiting to die foolishly!

After all, Lu Qing didn't believe that God would keep his promise in front of ants.

"Magic... Magic, is there really magic in this world?" Cheng Xian asked hurriedly.

Lu Qing nodded,"Yes, there are dozens of schools in my hometown, and more than half of them are schools corresponding to magic."

"Among them are twelve orthodox schools, nine forbidden schools, and some schools that have nothing to do with combat."

"For example, the Alchemy School, the Divine Craftsman School, the Herbology School, and so on."

The twelve orthodox schools?

The nine forbidden schools?

Cheng Xian asked hurriedly as if he had grasped something important:"What are the twelve orthodox schools?"

Lu Qing answered based on the memory in his mind:"The twelve orthodox schools are war, archery, shadow, holy light, fire, water divination, atmosphere, geomancy, lightning, nature, and summoning."

Cheng Xian:"Then how can I change my job... Bah, how can I learn the skills of these schools?"

Lu Qing:"In my hometown, as long as you join the corresponding academy, or become a disciple, you can learn the knowledge of the corresponding school."

"But it is almost impossible here because there are no teachers who are proficient in these schools."

"However, all extraordinary paths come from disasters."

"Therefore, if you can master the potion formula of the corresponding school, then the corresponding potion materials should be found here."

The corresponding potion formula...

Chengxian:"Do you know the formula of the potion? Any potion will do."

Lu Qing shook his head,"Unfortunately, I am just an ordinary person, I just know a little more than ordinary people."

"But the Sealed Tower itself is very special. I have read about it in the books left by my ancestors."

"It is recorded above that the ancestors of mankind left all the most outstanding knowledge of mankind here."

"In order to uncover the dusty history, I have traveled all over the world, just to find the legendary sealed tower."

"I didn't expect to come here by accident, this is a pleasant surprise."

Chengxian nodded,"I understand, I will go into the tower now, if I find the potion formula, I will ask you for advice!"

Lu Qing smiled,"I wish you good luck."


Inside the Sealed Tower.

Next to a volcano near the center.

Ye Qiu arrived here in a mess."My body is still too weak now. I have to fight hard to deal with a weak primary monster."

"Fortunately, I didn't encounter any intermediate monsters on the way, otherwise this trip would have been in vain."

After adjusting his breathing, Ye Qiu looked directly at the huge stone temple embedded in the volcano in front of him.

"Sure enough, the location is the same as I remembered, but in my current state, it is a daydream to defeat the watchdog"

"We can only take the small path."

At the gate of the Molten Fire Armory, there is a two-headed vicious dog.

It is a high-level magic beast, and it is much stronger than ordinary high-level magic beasts.

It is a small elite monster.

Ye Qiu is naturally difficult to match it now.

Fortunately, there is more than one way to enter the armory. There are two other small paths.

On the south and north sides of the volcano, one can directly reach the armor storage room, and the other can reach the volcanic forge.

Ye Qiu has a clear goal. He is heading for the entrance on the north side.

According to the strategy of his previous life, he quickly found the entrance and entered the armory.

It was a long and dark tunnel. Ye Qiu remembered that there were no monsters here.

So he walked directly to the end of the tunnel boldly.

When the vision gradually brightened, he saw a huge forge!

There was also rolling lava flowing in the forge all the time!

Ye Qiu could feel a wave of heat coming at him just by coming in.

Not long after, countless beads of sweat condensed on his forehead.

"It's still as hot here as I remember."

Ye Qiu looked around,"The weapon made of violet gold should be here, let's look for it first."

Ye Qiu searched around, and the layout here was the same as in his previous life. Soon he found a dwarf statue.

In the hand of the dwarf statue was a one-handed sword that shone with a purple-gold luster and had strange patterns on it!

"found it!"

【Purple-gold longsword with intermediate runes]

Type: Weapon.

Quality: Epic (purple)

Description: This weapon is forged with violet gold, extremely tough, and has intermediate sharp runes. The sword is two feet six inches long and weighs twenty-five pounds. It was made by the legendary forging master Hobbit.


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