Ye Qiu took the weapon from the stone statue, and as soon as he took it, he fell forward!


The purple-gold sword hit the ground heavily, directly shattering the stone bricks under Ye Qiu's feet!

"Wow, the 25-jin one-handed sword is indeed worthy of its reputation."

"It's time for me to exercise, otherwise it will be difficult to use this weapon well."

Ye Qiu directly put the violet gold longsword into his backpack. He could still bear the weight of 25 kilograms.

But if you want him to fight with a 25-kilogram sword, you really think too highly of him.

Ye Qiu also knew that unless he could maximize his strength and physique through physical training in the game, he could not expect this sword to play a big role.

Yes, players can exercise and improve their physique in the game.

But there is an upper limit to this improvement.

Unless the player joins the battlefield school and takes the magic potion that unlocks the limit of the physical body,

"I can't count on the Purple Gold Sword right now, so I'll go to the armory and search for a steel sword, and get some leather armor."

Ye Qiu thought as he left the forging room and entered the hall, where he saw a dazzling array of weapons.

All of these weapons were hung on the wall, and there were at least thirty of them.

There were more than thirty white and green ones, but only four or five blue ones.

Ye Qiu only picked a blue steel sword, and didn't touch the rest.

It's not that he didn't want to take all the weapons away, but because they were too heavy.

With his current physique, he wouldn't be able to walk if he took a few more swords.

When it came to choosing armor, Ye Qiu also chose the lighter leather armor.

Those steel armors were too heavy, even wearing them was terribly heavy.

Ye Qiu didn't touch the remaining iron hammers and felts, and the answer was the same. They were too heavy.

"The armory only has these four rooms, the armor storage rooms on both sides, the weapons display room in the center area"

"As for the last forging room, there are not many things that can be taken."

Ye Qiu said, and took off the coarse cloth on his body, and changed into a well-made leather armor.

You know, the defensive performance and comfort of this leather armor are much stronger than those made by players.

It does not affect the activity, and it is very light and beautiful.

The key is that these things are all blue quality!

What does this mean?

In the game, the quality of a weapon does not lie in its damage and level.

It lies in whether it is better and more perfect among this type of weapons.

Just like the same steel sword, blue quality and green quality both represent that this sword has far exceeded the level of ordinary steel swords.

Maybe it is tougher, maybe it is sharper, or it is a comprehensive crushing!

Just when Ye Qiu wanted to pick a few pieces to carry with him as a backup.

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came from a distance!

Ye Qiu was shocked,"Other players have also discovered the armory, so fast?"

"That shouldn't be the case. Which team can kill the two-headed dog in this time period?"

"Could it be the team of the God of Law?"

"Judging from the footsteps, there are about five people, which is not impossible."

Ye Qiu did not choose to leave, but found a corner to hide.

He wanted to see who was coming.

Soon, a team of five people appeared in front of Ye Qiu.

The two leaders were holding torches and wood escape, and they were alert and vigilant.

One of them was called I Love Watermelon, and the other was called Huang Long.

Ye Qiu was relieved when he saw their IDs,"It's them."

Seeing this.

Ye Qiu walked out directly from the shadows.

Soon, a sharp gaze locked on him!

"Who's there!"

Ye Qiu raised his hands quickly,"Don't be nervous, I'm a player."

Hearing the word"player", the five people reluctantly let down their guard.

Fang Ze in the middle of the team walked directly towards Ye Qiu,"Are you the newcomer of this session?"

Ye Qiu nodded,"Yes, I've heard of you for a long time, Holy Light boss."

Fang Ze ignored his flattery, but frowned subconsciously and said,"How did you find this place?"

Ye Qiu smiled,"I fought all the way here."

Fang Ze's first reaction after hearing this was disbelief. How could a newbie come here with bare hands?

Even if you are a hunter with rich combat experience, it wouldn't work, right?

But the fact is that Ye Qiu came here with bare hands.

Fang Ze and the other four looked at each other, and then directly took out a map.

"We found this map in the East Mine Area, which specifically marked this location"

"It took us two whole days to find this place."

Ye Qiu scratched his head when he heard this. This was indeed difficult to explain, and there was no way to explain it.

So he chose to muddle through.

"I don't know either, I just wandered around and ended up here."

Fang Ze looked behind him,"Then how did you get around that two-headed dog?"

Ye Qiu also looked behind him,"I came in from the back path, there are no monsters there, if you don't believe me I can take you to see."

Fang Ze shook his head,"No, I'm not interrogating you, I'm just curious."

"After all, luck is also a part of strength. I wonder if you are interested in joining our guild?"

Fang Ze didn't intend to ask further, because it would be meaningless. Could he just kill Ye Qiu directly?

If killing people could get equipment, Fang Ze wouldn't mind.

But unfortunately.

Killing people doesn't have any rewards, it will only make you an enemy.

In that case, it would be better to bring the newcomer in front of you to join.

After all, this newcomer can get here on the first day of going online. It is definitely impossible to say that he doesn't have some skills.

Faced with the olive branch thrown by Fang Ze, Ye Qiu naturally had no need to refuse.

Or rather, Ye Qiu had this idea in mind.

"Then we have to rely on the Holy Light Boss."

Both of them are smart people, so they hit it off immediately.

Ye Qiu knew Fang Ze's character in his previous life. If the person who came was not Fang Ze, Ye Qiu would have killed him long ago.

In his previous life, whether in the game or in reality, Fang Ze was the leader of the front-line strategy team.

His team was almost full of top masters, and Ye Qiu was taken care of by Fang Ze's team in his previous life.

He still remembered this kindness.

After the game came, Fang Ze was an indispensable figure in the Sealed Tower strategy team.

It can be said that without him, it would be impossible.

"By the way, Boss Shengguang, can you lend me your map?

Fang Ze did not refuse Ye Qiu and handed the map over directly."Sure, as long as you have seen the map, the first level map in your system will be directly lit up." Ye Qiu naturally knew this.

There is a map on each level of the Sealed Tower. As long as the player has seen the map, the map on the system interface will also be unlocked.

After taking the map, Ye Qiu looked around carefully.

After seeing that all the maps on the system were lit up, he returned the map to Fang Ze.

"Thank you, sir. This is an armory. The weapons here are enough to arm more than 30 people."

"I took one of the sets, and I don't plan to touch the rest. I still want to share them with other players."

"You guys came just in time, let's transport these things out together, we should be able to sell them for a lot of copper coins."

Fang Ze looked at the weapons on the walls around him,"There are actually steel weapons here?"

The other four people were also shocked when they saw this,"Copper swords, iron swords, steel swords, all metal weapons?!"

"Is this a steel bow and arrow?"

"Oh shit, a full set of steel armor?"

"so much!"

"Brothers, now we have upgraded our weapons, right?"

"It's more than just a upgrade!"

"We keep a few sets of armor and weapons, and if we sell the rest, we can almost monopolize all the copper coins on the market!"

"It’s not too much to sell this iron sword to him for 1,000 copper coins, right?"

"It's rich, it's rich, it's completely rich now!"

Fang Ze was also very excited, and he didn't forget Ye Qiu,"Let's transport this batch of weapons and equipment together, and then the profit will be square, what do you think?"

Ye Qiu nodded,"I have no objection"

"That's it."


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