An hour later, everyone piled up all the weapons and equipment they could collect in the hall.

Brother Xigua and Du Yuan each put on a set of steel armor, plus a steel shield and a steel sword.

"These weapons are too good, all of them are blue and green quality!"

Brother Watermelon looked at the wooden shield used before,"Crack, the weapons we used before don't even have any information, which means that the system doesn't recognize that we are using weapons!"

Fang Ze changed into leather armor, took a steel sword and a steel spear and carried them on his back.

Fly and Zhang Qingyan also changed into light leather armor.

Among them, Fly picked two steel daggers as weapons, and Zhang Qingyan took the only steel bow.

"There are no more steel weapons. All that's left are iron and copper. Let's sell them all."


Everyone agreed.

Just as they were about to take their equipment, Ye Qiu suddenly stopped them,"Wait, there are more weapons here."

Fang Ze looked at Ye Qiu,"Do you have any other discoveries ?"��"

Ye Qiu nodded,"There is a forging room over there. I think we can look carefully, maybe there are other things there?"

Fang Ze:"Yeah, let's explore it first."

After everyone made up their minds, they went to the forging room together.

But there is nothing else here, Ye Qiu had already searched it.

Sure enough, everyone found nothing after searching around.

Brother Watermelon was sweating profusely because the equipment was too heavy,"Damn, this equipment is too heavy, right?"

A row of sweat beads also gathered on Du Yuan's forehead,"It is indeed a lot of weight, but is there really anything nearby?"

"We have been searching for such a long time, but we can't find even a single hair."

Du Yuan said as he casually knocked on the dwarf statue beside him.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu smiled but said nothing. The purpose of bringing everyone here was very simple, which was to awaken the Molten Forger.

That was the dwarf statue.

But he couldn't directly point out that there was something wrong with the statue. After all, he couldn't explain the previous problem.

So he made up his mind to let everyone find out for themselves.

Instead of reminding him.


At this moment, the dwarf statue suddenly broke into pieces!

Du Yuan was stunned for a moment when he saw this,"No way, I just knocked it casually, is this statue so brittle?"


The cracks on the statue continued to expand, and then peeled off like pottery fragments!

Soon, a bearded face appeared in front of everyone!

It was a bald dwarf with an extremely thick beard on his chin. He was only about 1.2 meters tall and looked very old.

"Hmm... the petrification spell has been lifted. Who woke me up?"

The dwarf suddenly spoke, and the five people were speechless.

Ye Qiu, who had expected this, smiled and walked up to him."You are Master Hobbit, right?"

Hobbit was stunned for a moment."I haven't introduced myself yet, human boy, how do you know me?"

Ye Qiu smiled and said,"I've seen the statue on the zero floor of the Sealed Tower. That stone statue looks exactly like you."

"Molten Forger Hobbit, that should be you, right?"

Hobbit blew his beard,"Not bad, human boy, you have some knowledge."

Seeing that Hobbit was in a good mood, Ye Qiu thought for a long time, and finally asked a question that he had always been curious about in his previous life.

"Since the disasters are so terrible, why not just kill them directly, but seal them in the tower?"

Facing the sudden question, Hobbit's eyes suddenly fixed,"You actually know these things, who told you?"

Ye Qiu:"I just heard it by accident."

Hobbit glanced at everyone,"Do you think we don't want to, if the disasters can be killed, why would we seal them here?"

"If the disasters could not be killed, we would not call them disasters, human boy."

Ye Qiu nodded,"I have another question, if we want to unlock the seal of the Sealed Tower, will you stop us?"

Hobbit crossed his arms,"It seems that you know a lot, human boy."

"I am too lazy to stop you. If you want to solve it, just do it. What happened in this world has nothing to do with me."

I see.

Ye Qiu finally solved the doubts of two lives.

But Fang Ze and the others all looked at him strangely. Why is this guy so wrong?

He seemed to have known the development of things for a long time and was not surprised by these things.

And what did he mean by seal and stop?

"Ahem."Ye Qiu coughed twice."I don't have any hobbies. I just like to study the background stories of games. I saw these on the statues, and I don't know what they mean."

Forget it.

It doesn't matter.

It's just the background story of the game anyway.

Fang Ze pondered for a moment,"Molten Forger Hobbit, I have seen this statue, and I thought it was just a background board."

Fang Ze said and came to Hobbit,"You should be the owner of this place, then the equipment outside should be made by you, right?"

It was written in the introduction information of those equipment that those equipment were all made by Hobbit.

Hobbit nodded,"Yes, you want me to help you make weapons?"

Fang Ze:"Can I?"

Hobbit smiled,"You have to charge money, and you have to provide the materials yourself. Who told you to take my collection without my permission."

Fang Ze:"Okay, then why don't you leave here with us, the monsters here……"

Before Fang Ze could finish, Hobbit interrupted him and said,"Forget it, I won't leave here. There is no place for me in the outside world. This is my home.""

"If I wanted to go out, I would have gone out long ago. Why would you shout at me?"

"If you want to get equipment from me, bring the materials and money to me. If you don't have anything to do, don't come here casually."

"Those collections are just for you, so just go away if you have nothing to do."

Seeing that Hobbit was so irritable, Fang Ze didn't say much,"Okay, I'll trouble you from now on."

Seeing Fang Ze and others were about to leave, Ye Qiu looked at Hobbit.

Something was wrong, Hobbit could do more than just help players make equipment.

He also mastered the advancement paths of three schools, why didn't he say it this time?

Is it because of insufficient favorability?

Ye Qiu asked directly in confusion,"As a legendary blacksmith, you must have some kind of extraordinary power, right?"

Hobbit glanced at Ye Qiu impatiently,"So what, do you want to learn?"

"To tell you the truth, I am not only proficient in the battlefield school, but also in the divine craftsman school and the geomantic school."

Ye Qiu smiled,"You must want to learn."

Hobbit also smiled,"I want to learn, but I don't want to teach, haha"


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