In the past few days, the number of teams entering the sealed tower has become unusually large.

From the initial hundreds of people, to the later thousand people, even life-related players have begun to enter the tower!

Some of them don't even care about the monsters, they just keep wandering around and scaring them away, which is very confusing.

As for why this happened?

This matter starts with a post that Fang Ze posted before.

After Fang Ze and Ye Qiu cracked the puzzle of the first layer, they began to enter the tower day and night.

They confirmed many previous guesses.

For example, where is the snake?

On the ground, the snake is made up of lines on the ground veins.

It can only be seen when the sun rises during the day, and at night, the snake will disappear on the ground veins.

This is the chaos and lurking in the ground veins in the puzzle, which they did guess.

There is no need to say more about the wolf. After all, as long as the mind is open, the wolf is the easiest to find.

And the owl, which represents the trick, was also revealed by Ye Qiu. Now all three puzzles have been solved.

So here comes the question.

The puzzle has been solved, how to remove the barrier of the core area?

After searching for several days day and night without an answer, Ye Qiu finally suggested to ask the dwarf.

So they found Hobbit again and told him about the puzzle they had solved.

The dwarf was quite shocked, as if he had not guessed that they would solve the puzzle so quickly.

No, how did they solve the puzzle?

The owl in the sky was easy to say, but how did they see the snake and the wolf?

The dwarf was puzzled, and he thought no one could solve this puzzle.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that these people did not solve his puzzle.

At least the last step was not completely solved.

Thinking of this, the dwarf immediately laughed at everyone with sharp words.

He said that they thought they had solved the puzzle, but in fact they didn't even find the first key in the puzzle.

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

What do you mean the first key was not found?

Is there another key in this puzzle?

Or is the key hidden in a certain terrain or ore in the puzzle?

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu's first reaction was to turn the first floor upside down.

But Fang Ze shook his head and put an end to his idea.

The first floor is so huge that they may not be able to explore it even if they explore it for a year!

But if they were to solve the puzzle, no one had any ideas.

In desperation, Fang Ze came up with an idea.

That is to post a message and ask for help!

He posted the dwarf's puzzle and his own ideas for decryption, and wrote this sentence at the end...

According to the dwarf.

There is a huge treasure hidden under this puzzle, waiting for the first decryptor to find it!

Seeing this, all the players were not calm.


There is actually another layer of treasure hidden in the first floor!

Find it, must find it!

Treasures are only left to lucky people, and that lucky person!

It must be me!

This is the common illusion of players.

Sometimes, they always feel that the lucky person must be themselves.

But who can say for sure about this kind of thing?

After all, it's still the same sentence, what if?

Just these three words can directly pry countless hard-hearted people.

It can be seen how powerful it is.

It's like buying lottery tickets.

Many people are thinking that they can't win, but every time this happens, you will hear such a voice in your ears. What if you win?

The lottery is not expensive, just two yuan a ticket, and it won't be a big loss if you don't win.

What if you win?


Driven by this idea, the players outside the tower put down their tools and work and rushed into the tower and started a carpet search!

They all wanted to lift up the ground to take a closer look!

But in fact.

In fact, there is no treasure at all.

The treasure must be fake, it was all made up by Fang Ze to encourage all players to find the key together!

Look at the efficiency of all players looking together!

Isn't this hundreds of times faster than the speed of their slow exploration?

Fang Ze thought so, but Ye Qiu was so anxious!

Because there is really a treasure under this puzzle!

But Fang Ze doesn't know, and he can't say it!


I can only get those three things before other players!

Ye Qiu thought so, and saw that they were exploring a mine in depth at this time.

After the equipment upgrade in the arsenal, their equipment level has directly ushered in a qualitative leap!

Now, even facing high-level monsters, they can easily deal with them.

And killing intermediate monsters is more like cutting melons and vegetables.

They have been concentrating on exploring the mines these days, and now this is the fourth mine they have explored.

There is a huge mine under the mine in the game, which is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people digging at the same time!

And the deepest mine has more than 20 layers!

It can be said to be quite deep.

It is worth mentioning that the mine in the game will be refreshed every late night.

Players will be directly teleported outside the mine, and all the excavated stones and minerals will be regenerated.

But the location of the ore is not fixed.

Therefore, Fang Ze and others must be fast if they want to attack the mine, otherwise they will be teleported out!

But the good news is that the monsters in the mine will not refresh.

At present, several mines have been controlled by players and have become public mining areas.

As for the mine draft...

To be honest, there is no mine draft.

If you want Hobbit to help you create a mine draft, you must first give him ore, and then give money!

Therefore, many players who want to dig pits are stuck at this level.

But soon a player stood up.

He directly asked Hobbit to melt the iron sword that Fang Ze and his friends found in the armory and made two iron pickaxes!

This operation stunned everyone.

So they had���Following suit, they melted down the metal weapons and armor they had bought at a high price.

Some players chose to sell the iron pickaxes cast by Hobbit, and took this opportunity to make a small profit of copper coins.

But not all players can afford the sky-high iron pickaxes.

As a result, two different forces among miners began to rise strongly!

The first group of people directly waved their hands and melted down copper coins to cast copper drafts!

You know, the price of an iron pickaxe is one to two thousand copper coins.

But if they melted these copper coins, they could get more than 150 kilograms of copper ingots!

How many copper drafts can this make?

Therefore, the gameplay of melting copper coins to cast weapons and tools has developed into the current mainstream gameplay in an instant.

Another group of people continued to mine after mastering the mining draft, and sold the ore at a low price for physical trading.

Both of them have a lot of audiences and have almost become the mainstream gameplay in the current version.

Chen Ye was speechless when he saw this. It has to be said that the players' brain circuits are always so strange.

You know, when he first created the mine, he considered the mining draft.

It's very simple, the players don't have to build it themselves!

There are almost always some corpses of dwarf miners at the deepest level of each mine, and there are manuscripts on their corpses!

As a result, none of these people looked carefully!

It really applies to the saying that as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than problems!

Is this a player?

Chen Ye was helpless because these people did not follow his script at all

"However, as the saying goes, the higher the virtue, the higher the evil. Since you are all rich enough to melt copper coins to make equipment,……"

"Then it would be reasonable for me to reduce the number of copper coins dropped by monsters, right?"

"Not much, just cut it in half"


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