"With Ye Qiu, a reborn person, and that person being stupid and rich, this group of people has grown too fast."

"It's time to target them."

However, how should we target them?

Try to kill them a few times?

That's unnecessary. It's just treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

At most, it can restrain the player named Xigua.

What about strengthening monsters?

No, strengthening monsters will not only target them, but all players.

We must think of something that can only target them.……

"For example, the entire territory must be circled, otherwise others can circle the middle of the land as their own territory."

"This way, you'll have a place to spend the copper coins in your hands, right?"

"Haha, I let you drill my copper hole, I only circle one edge of the land"

"Of course, this is not enough"

"After that, I will lower the copper coin income of monsters to increase the value of copper coins again and reduce currency inflation."

"However, this will only affect the situation in the short term"

"If we want to establish a long-term and stable monetary system, we need to control the source of the currency.……"

"For example, fix the number of monsters that refresh every day"

"In this way, players will find that the monsters are getting fewer and fewer as they are killed. From the initial overwhelming monsters, they can only be refreshed at dawn every day."

"In this way, even if they can kill all the monsters in one day, the monetary income they can produce will be within a controllable range."

"Of course, these don't have much impact on teams that are not very efficient at spawning monsters."

"At most, the profit from killing monsters was 30 copper coins, but it has become 15 copper coins."

"But a team like Fangze is different."

"If their daily income per person is more than 100, then they can only get more than 50 this time."

"Even if they improve their efficiency, it will be difficult to grab more monsters because the number of monsters is decreasing and the number of players is increasing."

"These changes will be kept until the next version update."

"It's scheduled for five days later"

"That is fifty days in the game, but the setting to limit the number of monsters can be added now."

"Although these people can't reach this limit at present, it's better to be prepared."

"After all, what if?"

"If they really develop some tricks during this period and kill monsters crazily, the currency system will explode."

"So just in case, this setting should be added first"

"Only 1,000 high-level monsters on the first floor are refreshed every day, and the output is 3,000 copper coins."

"10,000 intermediate monsters, producing 20,000 copper coins"

"100,000 low-level monsters, producing 100,000 copper coins"

"In this way, the total income of all players on the first floor in a single day will not exceed 110,300 copper coins."

"Of course, the copper coins earned by players from trading and selling materials are not included."

"After the revenue is halved, the daily revenue will be controlled within 56,500 copper coins."

Sounds like a lot, right?

So, what if the number of online players is one million, or ten million?

In this way, the revenue of the first layer is not even enough for each player to get a copper coin every day.

But after all, it is only the first layer.

What about the monster revenue of the second, third and fourth layers?

Of course, Chen Ye will also control it.

But he will not let the copper coins on the players' hands be too tight, but will grasp a suitable value according to the number of players.

As long as the copper coins of the players are not close to saturation, it will be fine.

Besides, who said that this game only has copper coins?

100 copper coins equals 1 silver coin.

100 silver coins equals 1 gold coin.

Decimal system?

It doesn't exist.

1 gold coin is equal to 10,000 copper coins. Let me ask you, is your money full?

Then the player will say, why don't I just not exchange it?

I can melt 100 copper coins and exchange them for items that are far more valuable than a silver coin.


Our subsequent NPCs will only accept silver coins and gold coins.

And we will also need silver coins and gold coins for subsequent title promotions.

How do you choose?

Besides, isn't it heavy to carry 100 or 1,000 copper coins on you?

How many copper coins can you carry at a time if you are strong?

I believe that for the sake of convenience, some players will definitely choose silver coins and gold coins.

This Just like when you go out in real life, do you choose to take a hundred coins or a 100-yuan note?

Some people will definitely choose paper money.

Because it is convenient.

Of course, I choose to pay with my mobile phone.

As for players making counterfeit money themselves?

That does not exist.

First of all, there is no gold or silver ore in the game.

Secondly, NPCs can tell which ones are counterfeit.

You said you used copper ore to make your own coins, sorry, NPCs will not accept them.

In this way, the currency system is much more balanced.

Chen Ye was in a good mood, so he simply turned into the Eye of God to observe the situation of Ye Qiu and others.


Inside the mine.

The resources distributed in this mine are mainly coal mines, and there are sixteen floors.

Fang Ze and others attacked for two days and one night before reaching the deepest part.


As Du Yuan rushed forward with a shield and stabbed a sword into the heart of a demonized giant bear, the monsters on the surface of the mine were cleared.

As for the monsters in the mine tunnel, they were not their business.

Throwing down his weapons and shield, Du Yuan sat down on the ground,"Huh, I'm so tired, but speaking of it, do you feel that these armors are lighter than before?"

Ye Qiu looked at Du Yuan,"Yes, but it's not that the armor is lighter, but our strength and system have improved in continuous battles."

"So you will feel that the armor is lighter"

"Damn, there is such a setting?"

"Then can't we exercise and improve our attributes in the game?"


"This is so awesome!"

Brother Watermelon didn't care about that, he just sighed to himself,"I'm so lucky, I haven't died in the past few days, and my soul lifespan has exceeded 100 years!"

"This armor is a bit heavy, but its defensive performance is really top-notch.

Fang Ze also dropped his weapon and sat on the ground panting."In fact, the best training is continuous actual combat."

"Let's take a break first, there is still some time before the mine refreshes."

Zhang Qingyan was not like them, holding heavy weapons and wearing heavy armor to swing vigorously, and competing with monsters in strength.

He was holding a bow and arrow, although it was also very tiring, but he was wearing leather armor, which was generally lighter.

So he was the most relaxed in the battle.

In addition to Zhang Qingyan, the fly who stabbed the monster's asshole with two knives was also easy. It

's just that it's easy to die. He dies at least once a day, but he still has a special liking for backstabbing.

Even if he dies many times, he never gets tired of it.

In his words, he just likes the feeling of walking on the edge of death and licking blood with swords!

When Ye Qiu heard this, he could only pray silently, hoping that you would think so after the game comes.

Seeing everyone resting, Ye Qiu slowly opened the map,"If the secret of the wolf is hidden in the mine, then our mine is actually the most likely one."

Fang Ze pushed his non-existent glasses when he heard this. Don't ask, it's a habit

"Because the location of this mine is the wolf head?"

Ye Qiu nodded,"Yes, the sixteen mines are arranged in a row, and each one is far away from each other."

"Only here at Wolf Head, the location of this mine is too close to the adjacent mines, and it is very prominent.

Fang Ze also looked at the map,"Well... this point is the tip of the nose, it is indeed particularly prominent."

"Let's look for clues nearby."

After resting, everyone began to conduct a carpet search at the bottom of the mine.

Unfortunately, they only found a few bodies. In addition, there were mining manuscripts on the bodies.

Fang Ze and others also found these mining manuscripts in other mines, but they took them out and sold them.

Of course, they also kept a few for themselves in case the miner profession suddenly became stronger.

If that's the case, they will just become miners.

This is the top players!

They always follow the version.

Before the version is updated, they will guess the next version and make corresponding preparations.

As for those who go against the version... forget it.

"Mine refresh time is coming soon"

"Grass, it's still the same as the previous mines, nothing"

"Well, let's go to the next mine tomorrow."

Fang Ze said this with his eyes closed.

At this moment, the mine suddenly shook violently!

The movement was not big, and it was almost impossible to detect from the outside, but Fang Ze and others inside felt like an earthquake!

The next second, they all turned into a beam of white light and were brushed out.

Fang Ze opened his eyes, waved to everyone and said,"Let's go, we won't look for it tonight, let's go out of the tower to eat."

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Ye Qiu suddenly called out to the people who were about to retreat.

"You, didn't you feel the vibration just now?"

Du Yuan was stunned for a moment,"I felt it, what's the matter, it should be the noise caused by the mine refresh, right?"

Ye Qiu looked at them with horror,"Are you sure, Lao Du?"

"Have you forgotten that when we were reported from other mines before, there was no movement in the mines?!"

At this moment, everyone was silent.

Fang Ze changed his attitude instantly,"You mean to say that the vibration just now was not caused by the mine refresh, but……"

"Something else?"


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