The Wolf Lord of Deception!

A name inlaid with gold edges, this is a boss unit!

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiu's whole person was instantly bad!

You know, the boss of this game is simply not something that can be designed by humans!

The difference between the boss of the Sealed Land and the boss of other games is like a race with a monkey!

The difference is a whole 108,000 miles!

In other games, no matter how strong your boss is, as long as our equipment is the strongest at this stage, we can generally beat it after understanding the boss's attack mechanism.

Even those hardcore games can be easily solved after being proficient in dodging and blocking.

But the Sealed Land is different.

The boss in the Sealed Land, any one of them can directly make the player stuck to death!

You said you are familiar with the boss's attack moves?


The boss is actually also familiar with your attack methods!

You think you have mastered all the boss's routines, but you don't know that the boss will often suddenly give you a new move at the last minute!

Moreover, the boss of this game has no health bar!

Players have a good saying.

As long as you dare to show your blood bar, I will kill you even if you are a god!

So what if there is no blood bar?


Ye Qiu cursed secretly. Fang Ze in his previous life did not say that the three lock beasts were bosses!

He always thought that the lock beasts were just elite monsters!

How did Fang Ze and his friends in the previous life defeat the three lock beasts?

Without giving Ye Qiu a chance to think more, Fang Ze shouted:"Lao Du, Xigua, go up, and the others will separate their positions!"

Everyone dispersed their formations instantly after hearing the words. Zhang Qingyan rolled directly to a corner."Golden border, this is really the first time I have seen it."

Fang Ze's face was solemn,"Golden border, it should be the boss without a doubt."

In the sealed land, the only information that players can see on monsters is one thing!

That is the name!

The names of normal monsters are all in white fonts, just like the players.

But in addition to this, there are three very special names!

The first is the elite unit with purple fonts!

The second is the boss unit with golden borders and golden fonts!

The third is the disaster unit with bloody borders and red fonts!

Ye Qiu knew all these, but Fang Ze and the others did not.

Similarly, they did not know how terrible the boss of this game was!

The deceiving wolf lord, its whole body was burning with black flames, and the flames covered its entire body, making it difficult to see its figure!

Only a pair of blood-red eyes shone in the flames!

The next second, the deceiving wolf lord moved instantly!

Its huge body was like a chariot and rushed towards everyone in an instant!

Du Yuan tightened his wrist and instantly raised the shield to the top,"Here it comes, Watermelon!"

Hearing this, Watermelon directly abandoned his weapon and instead held the shield with both hands,"Come on, beast!"

Watermelon shouted and directly activated the active taunt skill!

The next second, the wolf lord suddenly jumped and jumped directly over Watermelon!

Then he opened his bloody mouth and bit Zhang Qingyan!

""Old Zhang!"

Du Yuan shouted, and then rushed back suddenly!

But it was still a step too late!

Zhang Qingyan was caught off guard and was bitten into two pieces by the wolf master!


Seeing this scene, Fang Ze directly raised his steel sword and attacked from the right!

But at this moment, the wolf master suddenly let out a sharp long howl!

"You, it's hard to tell whether you are real or fake!"

A strange voice flashed by, and the next second, the body of the deceitful wolf lord instantly turned into countless black flames and scattered!

And when these flames fell to the ground, each flame turned into a wolf lord of the same size!

The wolves rushed out instantly, and each one had a physical body!

Watermelon was instantly pressed to the ground by a giant wolf, and his head was directly stomped on and exploded!

Du Yuan was besieged by three giant wolves. He swung his sword and stabbed a giant wolf's eye, but the giant wolf did not disappear!

"There are entities, these are all real!"

Fang Ze was also confused. Didn't the introduction say that these were all illusions?

Why is this happening?

Before he could think about it, Du Yuan couldn't hold on and fell down first!

A fly was also bitten off his legs by a giant wolf and was torn into pieces by a pack of wolves!

Fang Ze was attacked from behind by a giant wolf and died instantly!

In just a moment, Fang Ze's team was wiped out!

No, it wasn't a complete annihilation!

At least Ye Qiu was still alive!

Seeing everyone die one after another, Ye Qiu was not surprised at all. After all, what the boss of this game looks like!

He knew it too well!

The boss who killed him in his previous life was even able to take on the pseudo-sacred artifact!

"It can't be all true, otherwise this boss is unsolvable, there must be some way to break this illusion!"

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth and then directly abandoned his weapon, and took out the violet gold long sword from his backpack!

After a few days of fighting, including private training, Ye Qiu can barely use this weapon!

As the wolves rushed towards him, Ye Qiu said nothing and immediately used both hands to hold the sword and slashed at a giant wolf!


With a roar from Ye Qiu, the oncoming giant wolf was instantly cut into two pieces by his sword!

The long sword with intermediate sharp runes has a very good cutting effect!

But after the giant wolf died, it instantly dispersed into a ball of black mist. Obviously, it was just a clone!

Ye Qiu swung the violet gold long sword desperately, but all the clones were killed with a few slashes!

But the one-handed sword made of violet gold was too heavy. After a few swings, Ye Qiu's wrist began to ache gradually!

As its attack frequency slowed down, the wolves rushed up in an instant and directly submerged it under their bodies!

Ye Qiu only felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and the next second, he was teleported to the plain outside the tower.

And here came the reminder of the deduction of soul life.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu sat on the ground in exhaustion,"The strength and physical strength are still not enough. The density of violet is too high. The threshold to use violet gold weapons is too high, unless you can join the battlefield school.……"

Putting away the violet gold one-handed sword, Ye Qiu took a breath and stood up again.

Fang Ze and others also saw Ye Qiu at this time,"Shixuan has come out, this is the first time we have been wiped out?"

Xigua's face was pale,"Ten years, ten years have been lost!"

Du Yuan patted Xigua's shoulder,"What are you afraid of, aren't we here to accompany you this time?"

Zhang Qingyan had other ideas,"This boss's AI is very problematic, it actually knows to attack the back row first?"

Ye Qiu smiled indifferently when he heard this, what's so strange about this?

Isn't it a necessary skill for every boss in the Sealed Land to kill the back row first when starting a group?

"So what should we do next? The location of the Wolf Lord has been found. Should we continue?" Fly asked. Fang

Ze thought for a moment,"Not today. Everyone is tired after a day's work. Let's go offline and rest early."

Ye Qiu was a little surprised,"Why do we have to go offline and rest?"

"Have you forgotten?"

"It's still daytime outside, and it's only morning. If you take a nap outside, you won't know how many days have passed in the game."


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