
Fang Ze just realized this,"It seems that we will have to live in the game for the next few days."

"Everyone, relax for two days. Don't go into the tower these two days. Everyone, go do something you like. Shixuan, Lao Zhang and I will go discuss the Wolf Lord's affairs."

"Let's go"


In the blink of an eye, three days have passed in the game, but in reality, only a few hours have passed.

Here, after discussing the Wolf Lord's fighting style, everyone did not choose to continue entering the tower.

Because the answer is simple.

After their analysis, they can't beat him at this stage.

Ye Qiu made a suggestion. If they can get the school's potion formula from the dwarf Hobbit, their overall strength will definitely increase directly.

But before that, they need to do one thing.

In order to prevent other players from discovering the existence of the Deceitful Wolf Lord, Fang Ze posted a post as Ye Qiu remembered.

Haunted coal mine!

This is the same as in the previous life.

After that, Fang Ze and Zhang Qingyan plunged into the first floor to brush up the Hobbit's favorability.

But they are not the only ones who do this. Other players have already brushed up the Hobbit's favorability.

It's a pity that the Hobbit's favorability is really difficult to brush. Until now, no player has gotten the secret of job transfer from him.

On the other side, Du Yuan and Xigua went to the lake to fish leisurely.

Entered a leisurely old age life in advance.

Fly was entangled by a group of new players who got a quota, and gradually lost himself in the shouts of the big boss.

Especially this time, there were many female players among the thousand people! This made Fly fall, and he took the girl directly into the tower to kill monsters.

Everyone was busy with their own things, only Ye Qiu found a secluded place to start exercising.

He stuffed a lot of stones in his backpack to make his own weight reach saturation, so as to double the effect of the exercise.

Then he took out the violet gold long sword to exercise the strength of his wrist.

It was unknown how long it had been like this. Ye Qiu practiced hard for several days alone and never took care of other things.

Some newbies saw the equipment on him and came to ask the big boss to help.

But Ye Qiu ignored them all.

Until an old man appeared, Ye Qiu stopped.

Seeing the old man, Ye Qiu suddenly felt happy,"Isn't this... Mr. Ice Emperor?"

The old man had long white hair and looked very burly.

He was not an NPC, but a player.

His ID is Hai, and he is the first person in the water school in Ye Qiu's past life! He is called the Ice Emperor by the players.

At this moment, Hai Laotou was rubbing against the border repeatedly. Ye Qiu didn't know what he was doing.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu put away his weapon and prepared to approach him to talk.


Old Man Hai turned around and said,"Hmm?"

Ye Qiu asked,"Are you the new player this time?"

Old Man Hai narrowed his eyes and said,"Well, young man, let me ask you something. Do you know how to play this game?"

Ye Qiu was a little surprised. There was actually someone who didn't know how to play this game?

And he was a top professional player in his previous life?

Ye Qiu was a little unsure, because among these top professional players, only Old Man Hai disappeared after the game came.

The other players guessed that he might have died.

"The gameplay of this game is very free, but the mainstream gameplay is still fighting, it depends on how you want to play this game."

Old Hai frowned,"Fight with whom?"

Ye Qiu glanced at the towering Sealed Tower,"Just go into that tower, if you don't mind, I can go with you."

If it was someone else, Ye Qiu would not care.

But the old man Hai in his previous life was the real ceiling of combat power among professional players!

Whether in the early or late stages, the old man Hai was quite domineering.

At that time, more than 20 people from the Necromancer Guild besieged the old man Hai, a mage, and directly achieved a shocking record of more than 20 for zero!

Later, the old man Hai discovered their hiding place and massacred all the necromancers in the guild on the spot!

It is said that the old man Hai had a grudge with a red-named player.

And that red-named player happened to be a necromancer!

Since then, the old man Hai has completely confronted this group of necromancers.

Ye Qiu thought that if he could have the help of the old man Hai this time, their progress in conquering the Sealed Tower would definitely be faster!

The old man Hai looked at the black tower,"There... I know, but young man, it's not good to be addicted to games. Young people should still focus on their studies."

"Play less games"


Three hours

"This game is so cool!"

Old Hai said it out loud without holding back. Seeing this, Ye Qiu couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Old Hai was still as tough as he remembered. Can you believe that he could kill a primary magic beast with his bare hands?

You tell me this is called a magician?

Although Ye Qiu could do this, it was because he had rich combat experience in his previous life and various skills to deal with magic beasts.

But Old Hai could kill a primary magic beast with his own skills.

"This kind of punch-to-flesh and hearty feeling is really enjoyable, as if it brings me back to my youth!"

Old Hai said with a red face, this kind of hearty and hearty feeling is really cool!

Seeing this, Ye Qiu took out the steel sword he had used before from his back.

"As the saying goes, a good cook cannot cook without rice. It is OK to deal with primary monsters with bare hands, but it is a bit difficult to deal with intermediate monsters."

"Consider this weapon a gift from me, how about making friends?"

Old Hai narrowed his eyes and did not take the weapon handed over by Ye Qiu,"No merit, no reward, young man, what's your purpose?"

Ye Qiu smiled,"Don't be so rigid, playing games, after all, isn't it just for fun and making friends?"

"This is not reality, how can there be no reward without merit?"

Hearing this, Old Man Hai suddenly laughed,"Interesting... Young man, I see that you are quite skilled, what kind of job do you do in reality?"

As he spoke, Old Man Hai slowly took the steel sword handed over by Ye Qiu.

"It is still unemployed at the moment, but this game will surely be popular all over the world in the future, and there are great business opportunities hidden in it"

"If you can make good use of your own advantages, it is easy to earn tens of thousands of yuan a month in the game."

Ye Qiu had shown off a few of his skills before. His rich combat experience and superb skills made Old Man Hai admire him.

"What future can there be in playing games? I see that you have some skills. Are you interested in working in our company?"

"What company?"

Ye Qiu didn't know whether Old Man Hai was joking or sincerely inviting him, but he would not join any company.

Old Man Hai smiled,"State-owned enterprise, are you interested in learning more?"

Ye Qiu shook his head,"No, I still prefer to be free."

Old Man Hai said it was a pity when he heard this, although he didn't think Ye Qiu would accept the olive branch he threw out.

"Well, young people have their own ideas after all."

Old Hai said and patted Ye Qiu on the shoulder, but at this moment!

A man in a black robe suddenly appeared in the sight of the two!

The man's face and body were hidden under the black robe, only an iron sword wrapped in black air was exposed!

This man's breath was weird, giving people a strong sense of foreboding!

The ID of the person in front of him was called Midnight Sonata!

Unlike before, Nocturne's ID has now turned blood red!

In the game, the player's ID will generally only turn red in one situation!

That is to kill other players!


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