Red Name Player Midnight Song!

The top of the infamy list in the previous life, the Scourge of the Undead!

Ye Qiu frowned deeply in an instant,"What a narrow road for enemies."

Old Man Hai seemed to have seen something,"Young man, that person seems to be ill-intentioned."

Upon hearing this, Ye Qiu immediately unloaded the burden on his body and drew out the violet gold longsword,"He is a red name player, that is, a murderous player."

"He is coming for us, I will deal with him, you go first."

Old Hai glanced at Ye Qiu,"Hehe, the Internet is not a lawless place, I want to see how strong he is."

If it is not impossible to find out the real identity of the players in this game...


Old Hai swung a sword flower with the steel sword, and finally took a step forward.

On the other side, the blade in Nocturne's hand turned,"You are not running away, that's good, it saves my energy"

"It seems that today, there will be two more souls killed by the sword!"

After that, Nocturne rushed out suddenly! He raised his sword and killed the old man!

The old man was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and instantly raised his sword to fight with him!


The two long swords met, and sparks flew out in an instant!

In a flash, the old man swung out several swords in succession, and directly beat Nocturne back!

In terms of skills, Nocturne was far inferior to the old man, and fell into a disadvantage in an instant!

The old man was more conservative at the beginning, but after feeling that the opponent's level was not high, he seized the opportunity to rush forward!


The old man stabbed Nocturne's shoulder with a sword!

Nocturne's face suddenly became ferocious,"Tsk, damn it!"

The old man's eyes were fierce, and he was about to raise his sword to behead Nocturne!

But at this moment, a ball of black air suddenly burst out from Nocturne's body!

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiu instantly shouted:"Dead air, old man, don't go up, retreat quickly!"

Old Man Hai was about to succeed, and he didn't want to give up with this sword!

But at this moment, Nocturne suddenly grabbed Old Man Hai's wrist with his pale palm,"Game over!"

The next second, Old Man Hai suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist!

His wrist began to gradually turn black and became cold!

Old Man Hai's hand movements paused, and Nocturne seized the opportunity and suddenly raised his sword to stab Old Man Hai!

Old Man Hai gritted his teeth and kicked Nocturne directly to push him away!


Nocturne took several steps back in an instant, but his sword blade directly scratched Old Man Hai's ankle!

"Death energy enters my body, I win!"

Old Man Hai only felt his ankle quickly lose consciousness, his whole body became unstable, and of course he fell to the ground!

This is!

Yin energy?

There is no mistake!

This feeling, this is Yin energy!

Old Man Hai's pupils widened. The feeling this Yin energy gave him was the same as the cloudy day of the Ghost Shadow Corps, and they were of the same origin!

Could it be that a series of events in reality are really related to this game?!

Old Man Hai's ankle gradually turned black, and his wound gradually festered!

Nocturne grinned, and directly raised his sword to give Old Man Hai the final blow!

But Ye Qiu stepped out and blocked him,"A question, why do you want to hunt down other players, is it just for fun?"

Nocturne twisted his neck,"Fun, maybe, although I don't want to, but I have no choice."

"Never mind. You won't understand even if I tell you."

"I can only say that we are in different positions, so naturally we cannot understand each other."

"If you can get the inheritance of the School of Necromancer one day, then needless to say, you will naturally understand what I did today."

Sure enough, killing players is the task of the School of Necromancer...

Ye Qiu had guessed in his previous life why the players of the Necromancer Guild enjoyed killing people.

It all started with Nocturne.

Maybe the first people were indeed on a mission, but the players who came later were different.

They no longer killed people for the sake of doing the mission. They killed people for the sake of killing!

Even in reality!

Those people in the previous life had already killed people with bloodshot eyes!

If it weren't for these people, it wouldn't have been so difficult for them to attack the Sealed Tower!

But think about it from another angle, maybe they are righteous.

Because they never think about attacking the Sealed Tower, they only focus on dealing with the players who enter the tower.

In reality, their actions did delay the time for the disaster to be unsealed.

And they themselves firmly believe that they are righteous.

They kill people, It is to save the world!

A group of crazy people with faith are the most terrifying.

It's a pity that such an extreme method of salvation is only a temporary solution.

If you want to save the world completely, there is only one way out!

That is to climb to the top of the tower and kill the Supreme God of Creation!

Only when the God of Creation dies, all disasters will die with it, and the world can be saved!

Otherwise, as long as the sealed tower still exists, those disasters will always break out of the tower one day!

Needless to say, they are not involved in these heavy topics now.

Nocturne can't understand the thoughts of a reborn person. To him, all this is just a game.

The two fought together in an instant, and the violet gold sword in Ye Qiu's hand burst out with divine power, beating Nocturne to retreat!

Nocturne's face began to become more and more ugly,"The weapon in this guy's hand is so damn heavy!"

When Ye Qiu's sword slashed down, Nocturne could not bear the weight and fell to the ground!

The next second, Ye Qiu exerted force again and cut off Nocturne's death weapon with a sword!


The death sword broke with a sound, and Nocturne was stunned on the spot!

"How is it possible?!"

Ye Qiu pointed his sword straight at Nocturne's throat,"Your moves are OK against other players, but they can't hurt me."

In his previous life, Ye Qiu and Nocturne had fought countless times, and each time Ye Qiu was defeated, beheaded, and turned into an undead!

But Nocturne in this life has not yet developed.

A first-level necromancer does not have the ability to control the dead.

What's more, he has not yet obtained the Death Scepter of the Undead Commander and the Cursed Coat of the Twisted Lich!

Now he is just a jumping clown to Ye Qiu who holds the purple weapon.

""If you still don't give up, I can kill you and make you quit the game.""


After saying that, Ye Qiu directly beheaded Nocturne with a sword.

Before he had Purple Weapon, he would definitely avoid Nocturne at this stage, but now it was different.

Turning his head to look at the old man who was kneeling on the ground, Ye Qiu directly reached out and pulled him up

"Dead Qi is not easy to deal with. If you find it troublesome, you can just make up for yourself."

Old Hai frowned as he looked at his blackened wrists and rotten ankles."Is there no way to deal with this Yin Qi?"

Ye Qiu thought for a moment."Yes, but it's a bit troublesome."

Moreover, there is no sacred potion at this stage. If you want to deal with dead Qi... you can only go to Chengxian to see. He is a famous alchemist with a good reputation.

He should have those plants.


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